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Above average FPS Impact due Dynamic Light at Orbx (some) Airports only in VR or High Resolution Screens

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Dear Orbx Team.


Since P3D V5 HF1 and also within HF2 I have seen a extraordinary high FPS impact when using Dyn.Ligts at some Orbx Airport scenery.


here is also another thread at LM regarding this with some testresults from other users (@ATCO named)


Another thread at AVSIM regarding this:




Some important NOTEs:

- I am not talking about a couple of FPS, but about more than 50% FPS loss. It is clear to me that DynLights have a FPS impact. But here it is way above average at comparable airports with comparable situations

- Very  noticable within VR and being WITHIN the Dynamic Light range like on a apron for example. Without VR less issues seen in my case BUT

- 4K has heavier impact as smaller resolutions. The higher the resolution the heavier the impact is. Therefour within VR it  is very noticable. On my normal 4k screen also, but less. Decreasing the P3D window when using 4k does raise the fps. So it seems a combo of high resolutions, big screen/more pixels and being within the Dyn-Light rane/bundle (I mean " lightpole").

- Only at Orbx Airports (At KSFO or other major airports I have no issues and compared to these Orbx airports much better FPS. Others had this issues too, but they updated their airports and after that the issues where gone

- Reinstalling airports, Objectflow, Libararies does not have any influence

- EA on or off either no influence

- Occured since P3DV5. In V4 I had no problems at all


Airports where the issue seems to have an extreme FPS impact are:

- LEBB (Heavy)

- ESSA (Heavy)

- LOWI (Medium)

- KSAN (Heavy)

- YBCG (Goldcoast) (heavy)

Probably others too, wich I did not have tested so far.


My TestCase:


start a flight  at night time at Orbx airport like one mentioned above. LEBB is a good example with heavy impact. But others are als very noticable.

Start VR (in my case HP Reverb via WMR Steam VR stereo mode. EA on or off does not have any influence.

Moving your viewpoint/plane away from the apron/light bundle does increase FPS significantly.

Moing back torwards the apron/light bundle does decrease the fps mostly more than 50% (35 FPS within VR Stereo normally vs. 10 to 12 fps within VR and within the dynlight range)

Other users did also posted some findings regarding this ca 6 weeks ago at LM but it seems to be addon scenery related. 

As I stated before, at a heavy airport like KSFO I have by similar settings mostly double the fps compared to LEBB or other Orbx airports like listed above.


Since P3DV5 changed something within the dyn.lighting effects there must be a cause related to this. 


My specs you find below.

I would like to see a solution, as other VR users with WMR VR and using high resoultion HMD because your airports are unusable with dyn.lights and vr. Would be nice to sue them again.


Thanks a lot

Marcus (EDDF)


System specs


Edition Windows 10 Home
Version 2004
Installed on 20200501
OS Build 19041.329
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2202.130.0

Latest Nvidia Drivers

i9 10900K @ 5.1 Ghz | HT ON | 1.32V | AffinityMask=88061
Mainboard ASUS ROG Maximus XII Formula Z490
32 GB RAM 3600 Mhz Corsair Vengeance | 4x8GB
RTX Titan 24GB
32" Samsung UHD Monitor using 4k
Custom Water Cooling | 2x 360MM | 1x 240MM Radiator
HP Reverb v2 VR HMD | Steam VR

Main Addons

ASP3D | 7479 Open Beta
ChasePlane | Via Orbx
FSReborn Prof.
SODE | Latest Version
MultiCrewExperience | Latest Version
Airbus A330 | Latest Version
PMDG 747/748 | Latest Version
QW787 | Latest Version
Navigraph Charts
Orbx Base
Orbx LC
Orbx TE NL
Orbx Regions
Orbx HD Buildings
Orbx HD Trees V1 & V2
REALTURB | All Continents
+200 Addon Aiports | via .xml method added



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Any Feedback on this please? It took a long time on extensive testing and installations, reinstallations etc. I would really appreciate if you would comment on this and search for a solution /with me).


Thanks a lot.


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I have not encountered any bigger issues with the DL at ESSA & LEBB. 

We have optimized it as far as we could, if we would find out further way to decrease the fps-impact that would of course be implemented.

I might add though that I dont have any VR unit so can't comment on how that affects the performance.


As I'm not the developer of the other sceneries I'll not comment on those.





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Hi Marcus,


As for Orbx KSAN you can try the free modification of IniBuilds made for Dynamic Light of many pay airports including some Orbx airports such as KSAN.

As for Orbx KSAN with this modification, remember to disable Dynamic light in KSAN configure with Central.

To me with this modification the fps have increased and to KSAN and the illuminated surface has also increased of parking lots.

This is the link and the modification for Orbx KSAN is located in the North America - USA - third page section.

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Well. that is what I am a little irritated about. Why is it possible, that another dev could bring sone DynLights wich are perfectly working and NOT having such a impact?

This is strange. And why is it at Orbx Products and not at the others, after they also updated the lights?


There must be something wrong, 


And it is NOT ONLY in VR, also at high screen resolutions with bigger monitors like 28 or 32 inch.


Guys, there is also another "technical" simmer who has done some excessive tests and found this impacting issue as well. Did you from Orbx contact him to ask? 


This is a little bit of a pitty as I am loving your products. But without DYN Lights, and at some airports I could not turn them of by your cfg. via Orbx Central, it is odd.


I would really appreciate it if the Orbx devs could do some further investigations as I am not the only one seeing this (follwo the link to P3D Thread wich I posted also).


Maybe LM can help out too as they did something change at their end.


What can I do to help you? Though I don´t have any direct contacts to LM as you may have.



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Hey Guys!

Any feedback on this? There must be something wrong with the Dynlights. See my results and I hope you will investigate some time into it. Now I have to hold of buying further Orbx airports because I still have serious FPS impact with them And as you can see at the different forums, I am not allone with this.

I would really appreciate it if you would take some time and test it yourself. Probably also with other fx files from other devs to see the difference.



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