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Disable Florida HD

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Hope I did this right sometimes my 85 yr old mind doesn't understand. I purchased FL HD installed and found out my machine did not have enough "guts". Need to disable or uninstall without doing an XP uninstall. Can somebody give me the protocol have not been able to find on line answer.

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2 hours ago, daffy7895 said:

have not been able to find on line answer

Hello daffy7895, welcome to the forums.

To see any difference untick Florida HD in your scenery library or in Addons if you have installed into a seperate Orbx library :)

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Thank You both. I guess I am still confused I fly XP11 and have it installed in XP11 Folder along with several other Orbx items. Do I just move the FLHD out and reboot XP11 and see if that makes any difference? Appreciate your thoughts.

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4 hours ago, daffy7895 said:

. Can somebody give me the protocol have not been able to find on line answer.


Assuming you have installed your Florida HD scenery in the main XP11 folder you only have to open the scenery_packs.ini and edit the 4 Florida HD related lines as follows:


Change "SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Florida_Airports/" into "SCENERY_PACK_DISABLED Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Florida_Airports/"
Change "SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Florida_TE_Custom/" into "SCENERY_PACK_DISABLED Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Florida_TE_Custom/"
Change "SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_US_Florida_TE_Overlay/" into "SCENERY_PACK_DISABLED Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_US_Florida_TE_Overlay/"
and change "SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_US_Florida_TE_Orthos/" into "SCENERY_PACK_DISABLED Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_US_Florida_TE_Orthos/"


Your scenery_packs.ini you will find in the custom scenery folder in your main XP11 folder. If you change your mind and would like to use Florida again in the future you only have to delete the "_DISABLED" entries again. 


BTW If your system can't handle Florida HD why not trying Florida SD, which you can obtain for free once you have bought Florida HD?

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Thanks Wolfko Greetings from rainy South Florida. Appreciate the suggestion about trying the Standard Def was not  aware I had that option. I'll most likely have to upgrade my whole system but this gives me the help I needed.

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Hi Wolfko your suggestions were a great help. I uninstalled FL HD took your suggestion installed FL SD cut my boot or load time somewhat  FPS is pretty decent as well as sliders no doubt a newer processor as well as memory would make me a happy man. For the present I'm out of the woods. Thanks again.

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