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Installing TrueEarth Great Britain South for X-Plane 11 on Linux

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A similar problem to that already reported in other threads, but those suggestions do not solve it.

I'm attempting to install 'TrueEarth Great Britain South for X-Plane 11' onto a Linux system.  It's details are:

  • Linux Mint 18.1 Cinnamon 64-bit
  • Memory: 15.4GB
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz x 4

X-Plane 11 is installed on the secondary drive, total capacity 1.2TB, currently (including the failed installation) 996.9GB free.

Orbx Central terminated with the message: "11883 file(s) failed to convert".

Running 'Verify Files' terminated with the message: "11880 file(s) failed to convert".

I did manage to install 'EGKA Shoreham (Brighton) Airport' successfully.

I've unnstalled are reinstalled several times with different variations on settings, but I seems to be getting nowhere.


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2 hours ago, Richard Griffiths said:

A similar problem to that already reported in other threads, but those suggestions do not solve it.

I'm attempting to install 'TrueEarth Great Britain South for X-Plane 11' onto a Linux system.  It's details are:

  • Linux Mint 18.1 Cinnamon 64-bit
  • Memory: 15.4GB
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz x 4

X-Plane 11 is installed on the secondary drive, total capacity 1.2TB, currently (including the failed installation) 996.9GB free.

Orbx Central terminated with the message: "11883 file(s) failed to convert".

Running 'Verify Files' terminated with the message: "11880 file(s) failed to convert".

I did manage to install 'EGKA Shoreham (Brighton) Airport' successfully.

I've unnstalled are reinstalled several times with different variations on settings, but I seems to be getting nowhere.


Can you confirm as to which drive the actual download is going onto. I assume your Primary drive as you mention that XP is on your secondary drive. In Windows there is a Temp folder to which by default downloads go into unless the Temp folder is relocated by the user. Can you put the Linux equivalent of the folder onto your secondary drive which has ample free space?

I know nothing at all about Linux but we can deal with that later via someone who does. I initially need to establish the amount of free space you have on the drive that is holding the download files.

 I also would like you to attach your Orbx Central Log file available via Orbx Central/settings/help

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Using Central\Settings\Downloader I created locations on the Secondary drive for 'Temporary Location' and 'Backups'.  Interestingly after an installation 'Backups' is showing 29.5GB while 'Temporary Location' is 0B.  I had a look there while the install was progressing and whilst octemps/chunks had been created, it was empty.  There is 997.1GB currently available on that drive.

A folder /tmp/Orbx containing a file 'job-cache.json' was created on the primary drive, currently 154.7GB free.

Orbx Central Log file attached.


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3 hours ago, Richard Griffiths said:

Using Central\Settings\Downloader I created locations on the Secondary drive for 'Temporary Location' and 'Backups'.  Interestingly after an installation 'Backups' is showing 29.5GB while 'Temporary Location' is 0B.  I had a look there while the install was progressing and whilst octemps/chunks had been created, it was empty.  There is 997.1GB currently available on that drive.

A folder /tmp/Orbx containing a file 'job-cache.json' was created on the primary drive, currently 154.7GB free.

Orbx Central Log file attached.

central.log.tar.gz 603.01 kB · 0 downloads

@Nick CooperPlease forward this to Orbx Central support forum. My knowledge of Linux is zero so hopefully the Central folks can assist.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Richard,


Here's the error from your log:


2020-06-12T13:31:52.260Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [ERROR] Failed to convert Custom Scenery\Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos\textures\acd0xf950x17.JPG
2020-06-12T13:31:52.260Z [INFO] [Saturn] - TeximpNet.TeximpException: Error loading unmanaged library from path: /tmp/.mount_orbx-cshguj8/saturn-linux/libnvtt.so
2020-06-12T13:31:52.260Z [INFO] [Saturn] - /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.27' not found
(required by /tmp/.mount_orbx-cshguj8/saturn-linux/libnvtt.so)
2020-06-12T13:31:52.260Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at TeximpNet.Unmanaged.UnmanagedLibrary.UnmanagedLinuxLibraryImplementation.NativeLoadLibrary(String path)
2020-06-12T13:31:52.260Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at TeximpNet.Unmanaged.UnmanagedLibrary.UnmanagedLibraryImplementation.LoadLibrary(String path)
2020-06-12T13:31:52.260Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at TeximpNet.Unmanaged.UnmanagedLibrary.LoadLibrary(String libPath)
2020-06-12T13:31:52.260Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at TeximpNet.Unmanaged.UnmanagedLibrary.LoadIfNotLoaded()
2020-06-12T13:31:52.260Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at TeximpNet.Unmanaged.NvTextureToolsLibrary.CreateCompressor()
2020-06-12T13:31:52.260Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at TeximpNet.Compression.Compressor..ctor()
2020-06-12T13:31:52.260Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at Saturn.Jobs.Install.MainSubStages.ConvertSubStage.ConvertJpegToDDSUnix(String relativePath)
2020-06-12T13:31:52.260Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at Saturn.Jobs.Install.MainSubStages.ConvertSubStage.<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<ConvertFile>b__0()


It looks like the libc6-dev dependency has not been installed. Here are the relevant instructions from the Central download page:

# Install library required for TrueEarth texture conversion
sudo apt install libc6-dev
# Download the AppImage
wget https://web.goog.cdn.orbxdirect.com/software/central/4.1.14-17b6cdce/Orbx-central-4.1.14.AppImage
# Make it executable
chmod +x Orbx-central-4.1.14.AppImage
# Start Central!


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Did all that on first attempt at installation, but did it again to make sure.  Got a message that my library was already up to date. Had another go at installing, with the same result: "11883 file(s) failed to convert."


Here is the first instance of an error from the log file:

2020-07-19T13:56:37.439Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Converting Custom Scenery\Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos\textures\aa90xffd0x17.JPG
2020-07-19T13:56:37.474Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [ERROR] Failed to convert Custom Scenery\Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos\textures\a970xfcd0x17.JPG
2020-07-19T13:56:37.490Z [INFO] [Saturn] - TeximpNet.TeximpException: Error loading unmanaged library from path: /tmp/.mount_orbx-ccS0U1h/saturn-linux/libnvtt.so
2020-07-19T13:56:37.490Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at TeximpNet.Unmanaged.UnmanagedLibrary.UnmanagedLinuxLibraryImplementation.NativeLoadLibrary(String path)
2020-07-19T13:56:37.490Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at TeximpNet.Unmanaged.UnmanagedLibrary.UnmanagedLibraryImplementation.LoadLibrary(String path)
2020-07-19T13:56:37.490Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at TeximpNet.Unmanaged.UnmanagedLibrary.LoadLibrary(String libPath)
2020-07-19T13:56:37.490Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at TeximpNet.Unmanaged.UnmanagedLibrary.LoadLibrary()
2020-07-19T13:56:37.490Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at TeximpNet.Unmanaged.UnmanagedLibrary.LoadIfNotLoaded()
2020-07-19T13:56:37.491Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at TeximpNet.Unmanaged.NvTextureToolsLibrary.CreateCompressor()
2020-07-19T13:56:37.491Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at TeximpNet.Compression.Compressor..ctor()
2020-07-19T13:56:37.491Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at Saturn.Jobs.Install.MainSubStages.ConvertSubStage.ConvertJpegToDDSUnix(String relativePath)
2020-07-19T13:56:37.491Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at Saturn.Jobs.Install.MainSubStages.ConvertSubStage.ConvertJpegToDDS(String relativePath)
2020-07-19T13:56:37.491Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at Saturn.Jobs.Install.MainSubStages.ConvertSubStage.<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<ConvertFile>b__0()


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