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True Earth GE South and North - missing features

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In P3D 4.5 have used recommended settings for both True Earth GE South and North sceneries, but am missing majory features.


1. In London area, only feature showing is The Eye/wheel, and Tower Bridge, also other bridges -- but no Abbey, Palace, St. Paul's, etc.


2. In TE GB North, neither Edinburgh nor any other castle, etc. are displayed, not Forth Bridge ...


Have checked settings, also Central configuration. Am I missing something, or ... ? (Lower end PC: Intel i5 6600 (turbo to 4 Ghz), GPU: Nvidia GTX 970.)





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1 hour ago, graaant21 said:

Am I missing something

Hello GM, welcome to the forums.

London is very demanding on your resources with the amount of autogen, but ensure that Scenery Complexity is set to Very Dense in Options - World to see it all.

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Thanks, Smudger, will try that. I might have mentioned that all the missing features had been showing before an update, and FPS was v. v. low ... but thought I'd try again, post-update, as everything else has been smoother. Otherwise it's great scenery, v. immersive, compelling ..

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Turns out that I had Scenery Complexity set to Extremely Dense in the attempt to get the scenery to appear, tried dialling it back to Very Dense -- still no luck, nothing except The Eye and bridges. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

Somehow seems a pity that St Paul's doesn't show in TE GB with P3DV4.5 when it did 22 years ago in FS98 ...  !

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Hi, Nick:

Thanks, altho' I have the latest Orbx Library installed and verified, and in Orbx Central don't see any separate TE GB library to download. The TE GB manual p.5 states that O Central will install/handle the library files as part of the TE GB install process -- from which I assume that there's not much for me to attend to. And if the library is 'verified', may I assume that it's activated?

Sorry, questions, questions ... but if there's anything I can do, please say.


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Hello Grant.

There is a separate TEGB Library, that has nothing to do with the Orbx Libraries.

It contains all of the POIs that you are not seeing.

Sometimes, it is installed into an external Orbx Central Library.

You should look for Orbx\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_!GBAll_Library.

It's 12 GB in size.

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Great, Nick, thanks.

I'll look for the TEGB library on my system, add manually to the P3D Scenery list, activate there.  I assume that the install went smoothly/automatically for most users, as there's nothing I've found that mentions that (on the site, under Prerequisite Products, only Orbx Libraries is mentioned).

I'll be upgrading my system with a SSD and nVidia 2600 sometime soon, and could even get to enjoy the POIs with a workable FPS ... !



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Orbx\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_!GBAll_Library couldn't be enabled/disabled in P3D, but TE GB Library has now popped up in Orbx Central (for whatever reason, it wasn't there before -- I triple-checked), so I reinstalled and verified the library and the POI are now up and running -- v. fine scenery, smoother than V.1 and well worth the effort.

Thanks again


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