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Currently own a bunch of Orbx products including YMML for P3D4.

I have noticed this morning that YMML is now showing under my P3D5 menu, however when I go to install it it is asking for full purchase.

Is it that normal? Already paid for as all other Orbx products that have been ported to P3D5 at no additional costs.

While I understand that sometimes additional work it is required and maybe a small nominal fee it may be charged, I find unacceptable to have to pay full amount for upgrading an already purchased app.

Just looking to understand the P3D5 upgrade policy...

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Currently own a bunch of Orbx products including YMML for P3D4.

I have noticed this morning that YMML is now showing under my P3D5 menu, however when I go to install it it is asking for full purchase.

Is it that normal? Already paid for as all other Orbx products that have been ported to P3D5 at no additional costs.

While I understand that sometimes additional work it is required and maybe a small nominal fee it may be charged, I find unacceptable to have to pay full amount for upgrading an already purchased app.

Just looking to understand the P3D5 upgrade policy...

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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

Orbx Central will always show the price of a product that is not installed, whether you own it or not.

No idea why.


I think it's to remind "other significant people" how much you're spending on your hobby! :ph34r::lol: ...

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