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P3Dv5 hangs at 5% with TE Netherlands

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My installation of P3D - no other addons yet but Orbx Global, US,EU,AU,NZ plus openLCs - works wonderful and - for the first time in my personal flightsim history (which started with FS3.0 somewhen in the '80s) - without stuttering.


As soon as I add TE Netherlands to the scenery library (installation via Orbx Central v4.1.6), the scenery loading of P3D hangs at 5% - for hours, never yet to have come beyond it.

Removing TE NL - via OC4 - makes it run again seamlessly.

Some people here post screenshots from TE sceneries with P3Dv5 - so it should work.

What's the trick?



Edited by Mike Sierra
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I've got two 1080's in SLI mode (I know, v5 doesn't yet support SLI), with 8GB each.

Strange enough, deactivating TE NL, but leaving TE GB (north, central and south) active, works.


I've already left P3D for a whole afternoon (> 6 hours!) and it didn't get beyond 5%...


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I had this problem with scenery loading stuck at 5% when I installed Germany North / South. It didn't take forever but about 2 mins until it went on. I came across advice to disable Acronis active protection. That did the job for me, P3D v5 loads with all the regions (no true earth) activated within 60 secs. On the Acronis website is recommended to use the tool  Autoruns, you can download it from the Microsoft website. Hope it helps

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Wowowowow !!!!!:blink:

I wonder whether that really is TE NL - never had it load so fast (abbout 3-4 minutes) and displayed SO smooth!

I've got 20-30 fps - the same as with standard scenery!

Micko - THANK YOU for your tip . I'm discovering a new universe of P3D - due to your help!


P.S.: I wonder, which functions of Acronis are now ommitted... ;)


P.P.S: although now, over Amsterdam, P3D itself creates "run out of graphic memory" - crashes. I hope THAT is only caused by the "version X.0-effect" ...

Edited by Mike Sierra
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No problem, glad it worked for you and I could help. I believe it's something wrong with Acronis, scanning on files or folders even though they are excluded. As far as I know, it's mal- and ransomware not being scanned anymore.

Have a good time, stay safe


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  • 9 months later...

Guys I'm literally going crazy with v5.1, haven't managed to get past 5% load after installing all my Orbx regions, tried every trick in the book so far. I'm looking at potentially doing a complete reinstall of P3Dv5.1 a THIRD time in a row....

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