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XP11 with Vulkan


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I love those water textures and reflections!


This was my first experience with Vulkan. I saw some bugs, so I would not recommend upgrading your main XP11 installation (only creating a second copy to test). 


But I love the water quality and the frame rate upgrade (see the last pic, 70 fps at TE Washington is not bad....) 


The better FPS completely transforms the flight experience. 


















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22 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Looking good.




Thank you very much, Iain! :) 


21 hours ago, olderndirt said:

Looks promising.


Doesn't it? :) 


17 hours ago, schtroumf said:

the reflections on the water are superb8)


They really are!!! :) 


16 hours ago, phil white said:

Vulkan really does make a big difference. I have double or higher frame rate and can max out some sliders thats not possible in Open GL.


Totally agreed here :) 


12 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Looks fantastic Dario, but as usual my add-ons are more important than the sim itself.


Thank you very much, Jack! :) For me, the same. We need to wait until it is stable. 


10 hours ago, adambar said:

Beautiful shots Dario! :)


Thank you very much, Adam! :) 


9 hours ago, Steve Colbert said:

Great shots, Dario!


What plane/repaint is N4320J???


Looks nice!!




Thank you very much, Steve! :) It's the VFlyteAir Cherokee 140 Original. 


3 hours ago, Eberhard Haberkorn said:

Great looking shots! 


Thank you very much, Eberhard! :) 

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