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At the moment my system is an i5 6600K with a 1060 with 6gig of ram, on the gpu that is. My thinking is, if I bought a 2080ti first, seeing as that is probably the next most expensive thing to buy for my new system. Could I use that in my old system for now until I bought my new system like the motherboard and a New CPU. Would there be any problems as such. Thanks Derek.

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Hi Derek...assuming the 2080Ti  will fit in your PC case, then yes, you should be able to use it in your current system until you upgrade the rest of your components. Some considerations that would apply to either your current system and/or your new one: 

1) As mentioned above, ensure the card will fit in your current PC case...they are a bit on the thicker side.

2) Ensure your current PSU (power supply) is enough to power the card and the rest of your system. You should be able to find the minimum recommended PSU wattage on the website of the video card brand. Also ensure your PSU has the correct power cable connections. Most likely if yours does not, the video card should come with an adapter. 


There might be some other considerations, mine are not all inclusive, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head. 

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Hi Sniper. Thanks for that.  Of course I forgot about that size of the new card, they are rather big so until I can check it out tomorrow that might be a problem. I never even thought of that, and the power supply as well. I think mines either 750 W or possibly just a 650 W one. That I will also have to check . Thank you so much. Derek.

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1 hour ago, Dadtom65 said:

Hi Sniper. Thanks for that.  Of course I forgot about that size of the new card, they are rather big so until I can check it out tomorrow that might be a problem. I never even thought of that, and the power supply as well. I think mines either 750 W or possibly just a 650 W one. That I will also have to check . Thank you so much. Derek.

You are most welcome Derek. If your current PSU is 750w than that should be strong enough. If 650w, then not sure. In either case, better to confirm on the video card website as I mentioned earlier. Feel free to ask any other questions that may come up :) 

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Hi. Just found out that my power supply is a 750W one and I believe is a modular type but maybe a bit old. Well we have been where we are now for maybe 9 years so the power supply must be 7-8 years old. So perhaps time for a new one. Dam. :lol:. Plus just realised that I have a huge case that my son gave me, so space is no problem. Of course she who must be obeyed said why do you want a case that size for. Women don’t you just love them. Trouble is the money side is building up as I also need a new computer desk as mine is just a stripped down cupboard with bits of wood screwed on. Plus with the lockdown you can not get delivered or anything. Think getting my new computer is going to be a long slow process. Let’s hope I live long enough. :lol: Derek.

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try looking for suppliers using DPD, they are definately delivering, Overclockers are good and very helpful....It does mount up, one upgrade leads to another and so on...best of luck with it....when I get anything my 23 yr old daughters says to my wife :'would you prefer he spent it down the pub every night?' all seems good then..:D

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Myself have been looking at the Scan site for parts as I have used them before and they are very good. Trouble is that the two main parts are expensive, the GPU and the CPU. Well we will get there in the end but might take some time. B). Derek.

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Hi Derek. I would submit that even though your PSU is 7-8 years old, that does not mean you need a new one. The fact that it is modular is a good thing, and 750w is a good power level, so if you have not had any problems with it, then I would not replace it. Maybe later down the road, after the CPU and GPU upgrades are done (and maybe your desk too ;) ) then maybe check out new PSU's. But, you have now done your diligence and checked out the power output and cable situation on your PSU, and it looks like it will work :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...


You've probably already got this info from other threads by now...

It seems that P3D performance does not scale much with graphics card grunt. One YouTuber with a 1080 plain replaced it with a 2080 Ti and showed both working.

The 2080 Ti got 2 fps more, on the same system, and he concluded that it wasn't a cost effective upgrade.

- It seems that the 2080 Super is the sweet-spot for max graphics performance (atm), but 2070 Super is also great.


Since the 2080 Ti is so expensive - why not get a 2080 Super and have more money for other parts of your system that will make a difference?

And a 2080 Ti burns all that electricity all the time, even when just surfing and emailing. Have you seen how much power that beast draws! I know that every 3 months I have to pay my power bill


The extra memory is not really a performance thing, it just lets you load more textures and detail in just a few small areas where 8 Gb might run out.

The only area I can't do with 8 Gb is London City on 4K, 4096 textures and sliders maxed.

However, even here, the old remedy since the beginning of flight simming applies - turn your sliders down (and then I can run it)



PS X-Plane will benefit - it scales much more with increased graphics grunt.

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Hi ozboater. Thanks for the reply. That is the card that I was thinking off the 2080 Super, or to save more money the 2070. Pity they didn’t do a 2070ti though I think that will come in time. I did a search on Gpu benchmarks and those cards all came one after the other with the Titan at the top. I wish. :lol:.. I have always self built my comps but this time I wanted some thing with more grunt as I usually have a mid range comp. One question don’t know if you would know and I have asked on the Orbx website but no answers. You can see my comp specs below apart from the mistake I made in regards to the memory. If I bought a 2080 Super, could I for now use it in my old comp until I could afford the other bits. Plus I do have the room for it. Thanks Derek.

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7 hours ago, ozboater said:

It seems that P3D performance does not scale much with graphics card grunt. One YouTuber with a 1080 plain replaced it with a 2080 Ti and showed both working.

The 2080 Ti got 2 fps more, on the same system, and he concluded that it wasn't a cost effective upgrade.


Well, and what CPU did this guy use? I mean, if he is already in an absolute CPU limit due to his settings or hardware, changing a 1080 for a 2080Ti will provide you nothing, not really a surprise. Furthermore, even if the FPS are almost the same, with the 2080Ti you can invest the "not used performance" in things that improve the image quality, like better antialiasing, higher resolution and other settings, that primarly go on the GPU. Furthermore, you get a 3GB bigger VRAM, which we all know it is not bad to have for P3Dv5.


Verdict: in contrast to the CPU, excessive performance from a GPU can be used. Always. Whether or not this is "cost effective" is written in another book...

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15 hours ago, Dadtom65 said:

Hi ozboater. Thanks for the reply. That is the card that I was thinking off the 2080 Super, or to save more money the 2070. Pity they didn’t do a 2070ti though I think that will come in time. I did a search on Gpu benchmarks and those cards all came one after the other with the Titan at the top. I wish. :lol:.. I have always self built my comps but this time I wanted some thing with more grunt as I usually have a mid range comp. One question don’t know if you would know and I have asked on the Orbx website but no answers. You can see my comp specs below apart from the mistake I made in regards to the memory. If I bought a 2080 Super, could I for now use it in my old comp until I could afford the other bits. Plus I do have the room for it. Thanks Derek.

Derek, I checked on the Gigabyte site. Nice MB.

Absolutely you can run a 2080 Ti on your board, and with the full PCie x16 speed. And anything lower too.

Also, you can run up to a 7700K on that board,  and this is not a bad cpu, with more grunt than your 6600K (thinking used 7700K as interim)


AnkH brings up some good points, too, so there is a lot of grist for your mill. The challenge with updating an older machine is not putting so much money into it that it would be better to have built a new machine with latest tech and performance and ability to use future advantageous tech (and here I've got stuff like PCIe 4.0 in the back of my mind).


@AnkH You know heaps more about Intel cpus than me. How do you reckon a 7700K would go here? As an interim.

Or should Derek hold on for a few months with this 6600K and then rebuild with new?


OK Derek, thoughts.

1. A used 7700K plus a new 2080 Super will cost less than a 2080 Ti by itself, and may give you better overall performance.

2. And AnkH is right, a 2080 Ti will give you more, especially later when you do rebuild. 11 GB of VRAM will let you have more of the goodness built in to the scenery. For me, higher sliders and seeing all the built-in autogen is certainly satisfying (I would love 16 GB VRAM, myself)


You have to decide how to spend your money, and if you've got the disposable for a Ti, why not. It WILL work. Just know that there are better cards on the way. nVidia has an arrangement with TSMC for 5 nm gpus, so the next gen of Gx cards will be better and use less power. If it is just an interim Gx card, a 2070 Super will do just fine in P3Dv5. If you think definitely of MFS 2020, you'll get more with a 2080 Ti (especially if they recode from DX 11 to DX 12 for release, but even that could come later after release [lot of speculation here], and by then, new Gx cards will be here, or at least iminent.


I've built all my computers for 40 years (electronic Lego) like you. One thing I've learned is that the longer you wait, the better stuff gets. Sometimes by holding on you get a better long term outcome. And PCIe 4.0 will offer 2x the speed for both GX and NvMe M.2 SSDs. But only if the cpu, and MB and M.2 is 4.0 compatible. Intel is working on this stuff, AMD currently has cpu and MB. SSDs on the way, and G. too.


Finally - a heads up so you don't get caught. There is a flood of counterfeit Intel cpus right now, even on Amazon and AliXpress. I've seen an '8700K' with no insides, and even guys in England have been caught. Use extreme caution if buying from OS, and if it is 'too good to be true' it may just be not true.

PS I'm a geek, so always up for tech questions. I refer what I don't know.

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FWIW, and nothing to do with P3D.

I've just downloaded the latest X-Plane to give it another run and this time with the Vulkan option. Heaps better.

Older X-Plane only used 1 of my cpu threads.

New X-Plane, with Vulkan is using 12  of my 24 threads. 4 main threads are doing most of the work, but 8 others are used, and occasionally spiking right up, similar to what I see in P3D (But there I get all 24 working ). No extras yet, just stock install.

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