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LOWI static aircraft


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Orbx LOWI loaded fine, brilliant addon, no problems. After a time I decided I wanted more AI aircraft (traffic global) rather than the statics. I removed LOWI using central, then re-loaded having un-ticked the "static" aircraft box. Lowi all fine, no static aircraft, great.

Upon realising that there are very few traffic movements and the the airport looks bare without statics, I decided to reverse my decision. I removed using central, ticked the box to include static aircraft, re loaded back into Xplane. The static aircraft have no re-appeared. I have tried several times now, the "static" aircraft is ticked, verified files--no statics appear in Xplane when running.


If I open up the apt file for LOWI (Earth nav data) using overlay editor, all of the static aircraft are present, but I dont see them when running the sim


Any help would be greatly appreciated. I would like my static aircraft back, I wish I hadn't screwed it all up!!



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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to LOWI static aircraft

In the LOWI folder is a xml document called "control panel". Move it to your desktop and replace it with the attached one. I have Static enabled in my version and this xml file may be helpful. If not then I need to pursue it with the devs as it is not really in my knowledge base as to how Orbx central control panels work.



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Hello Jon,

Thank-you very much for taking the time to offer a potential solution to my issue (its not really an issue, its just an annoyance and frustration etc)

Sadly, your file substitution made no difference.


One thing to note. I have a full backup of Xplane on an external drive. This copy was taken a month ago when I had LOWI static aircraft/airport staff/coaches etc activated. If I run the copy of Xplane from my external drive, all works great, everything is displayed.

I have tried manually removing all LOWI folders in my main drive from custom scenery that I think relate to LOWI (A LOWI Innsbruck, A LOWI LOJT, B LOWI overlay, C lOWI drapped orthos, D LOWI Orthos etc)

I have then replaced all of these folders with the ones from my working backup drive.


I still get the same result-no static aircraft etc at LOWI, even though all of those files/folders came from a backup that worked.


Its almost as if there is another script somewhere on my main drive external to the LOWI folders that says "ignore statics" at LOWI.


I have also substituted the "custom scenery" scenery_pack file from the "working" backup drive to the main drive to see if there has been a screw up on the scenery order,-still nothing.


Its really annoying. I wish I hadn't removed the static aircraft now from LOWI. I thought it would be so simple to tick/untick a box.


Thanks again





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Hello Sentry,

Thanks for your reply. The "draw parked aircraft" box does indeed seed the tarmac with "Laminar" static aircraft, but its not the ones supplied with LOWI. The LOWI Orbx scenery includes aircraft, ground staff, marshaller's, passenger coaches etc. Its not a massive issue, just frustrating because I cant figure out why the Orbx statics are not showing. I have re-downloaded several times and installed through Orbx central with the default setting (include static aircraft)


Thanks again


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11 hours ago, Ash624 said:

Hello Sentry,

Thanks for your reply. The "draw parked aircraft" box does indeed seed the tarmac with "Laminar" static aircraft, but its not the ones supplied with LOWI. The LOWI Orbx scenery includes aircraft, ground staff, marshaller's, passenger coaches etc. Its not a massive issue, just frustrating because I cant figure out why the Orbx statics are not showing. I have re-downloaded several times and installed through Orbx central with the default setting (include static aircraft)


Thanks again


@Jarrad Marshall  @Nick Cooper   Hi Jarrad/Nick. Can you assist as the Static/No static option is not working in the Control Panel.

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Jon, Sentry,


Just an update for completion.

Thanks very much again to both of you for taking the time to offer me solutions to solving my "missing LOWI Orbx statics". In the end I decided to remove the entire x plane 11 folder off my internal drive, and then reload from a backup external drive that I knew was working fine. A bit extreme to replace a few static aircraft I know!!!

This I have now done, all is well.

Since that time I think I have found the issue. For some reason, its looks like LOWI demo area had moved higher up the pecking order in the scenery_packs file, I think this was overwriting the statics. I didn't move it, so not sure how it happened. All I did was remove Orbx LOWI using central, then reload with static aircraft ticked (default). I then verified the files


On the now backup drive (originally my main one) I removed LOWI demo area and the statics reappeared. A simple fix.


No need for any further interventions, If only we could solve Covid 19 as easily!


Its great to have a community of people like yourselves willing to help the numb-ties like me.


Thanks again




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