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Cannot Sync with Simulator


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I have recently installed FSX-SE on a new PC and purchased the AU 2 pack.

On trying to install it using OC (4.1.1) I am getting a few failures, primarily it is saying that it cannot sync with the simulator.


During the initial start of OC it asked me to set up the library for Orbx and I created one, which failed at the synch step, so I tried a couple of others thinking it was a DIR naming issue. Apparently not. 

As a side note, I cannot delete these Lib entries now.


Anyway,  also please see attached the log file that I captured.  


2020-03-30T11:15:02.415Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Queue added job
2020-03-30T11:15:02.501Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Synchronizing fsxse (D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX)
2020-03-30T11:15:02.501Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Mutator loaded 0 configuration files
2020-03-30T11:15:02.501Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Mutation time: 00:00:00.0000124
2020-03-30T11:15:02.501Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Using  for scenery configuration.
2020-03-30T11:15:02.501Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [ERROR] Unable to rebuild scenery configuration.
2020-03-30T11:15:02.502Z [INFO] [Saturn] - System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'path')
2020-03-30T11:15:02.502Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at System.IO.StreamReader.ValidateArgsAndOpenPath(String path, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize)
2020-03-30T11:15:02.502Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at Saturn.Utilities.Configuration.ConfigurationFile.Parse()
2020-03-30T11:15:02.502Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at Saturn.Utilities.Configuration.ConfigurationFile.Parse(String path)
2020-03-30T11:15:02.502Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at Saturn.Utilities.Configuration.Scenery.AdvancedSceneryConfiguration..ctor(Simulator sim, List`1 libraries)
2020-03-30T11:15:02.502Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at Saturn.Jobs.SyncSimulator.SyncSimulatorJobRunner.SyncESP()
2020-03-30T11:15:02.507Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Job released 839539230
2020-03-30T11:15:02.507Z [INFO] [Saturn] - System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'path')
2020-03-30T11:15:02.508Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at Saturn.Jobs.SyncSimulator.SyncSimulatorJobRunner.SyncESP()
2020-03-30T11:15:02.508Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at Saturn.Jobs.SyncSimulator.SyncSimulatorJobRunner.Execute()
2020-03-30T11:15:02.508Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [ERROR] Synchronizing failed.
2020-03-30T11:15:02.509Z [ERROR] [Central::SimulatorService] - {"data":{"status":false},"id":839539230,"name":"SyncSimulatorResponseMessage","success":false}
2020-03-30T11:15:43.122Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Using simIsRunningCache
2020-03-30T11:15:43.122Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Sending sync request


Any assistance is appreciated.


Also, please note that I have installed, uninstalled FSX-SE and no cigar.  I am also installing both FSX-SE and the Orbx  on an alternate drive d: from the OS drive.





Orbx three.jpg

Orbx two.jpg

Orbx One.jpg


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Hi, welcome to the forums


First open Orbx Central and delete the three libraries you have created, as FSX does not support this function. Then close Orbx Central.

Then you will need to run FSX once all the way to the default flight. Then shut it down.

Then open Orbx Central and do the sync simulator process.


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Please review pages 28-32 of the below linked user guide, and also ensure you have the system requirements that are outlined.




14 minutes ago, Kiwilad said:

So what function does it not support?


The create a library function is for installing products outside the simulator using the .xml method, and FSX was never designed to and not capable of using this feature.

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