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OpenSceneryX flooding log.txt with failed to open error messages

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I bought JustSim's LFSB the other day and when flying in there yesterday for the first time, I had a popup in X-Plane telling me there was a problem loading the LFSB scenery package and that the scenery might not look correct. Funny enough, once I arrived in LFSB, I didn't see any issues with the scenery.


Anyway, checking log.txt as suggested by the error message, I found a whole bunch of what is seen below. Failed to open some Cardiff stuff mixed with LFSB messages. Doesn't seem to be any kind of error messages for LFSB though similar to the 'Failed to open' messages for Cardiff.


0:01:07.686 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/LFSB_Justsim_v1.0/Earth nav data/+40+000/+47+007.dsf:
0:01:07.686 E/SCN: Unable to load object file: Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj
Failed to open Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj: the file cannot be opened.
0:01:07.686 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/LFSB_Justsim_v1.0/Earth nav data/+40+000/+47+007.dsf:
0:01:07.686 E/SCN: Unable to load object file: Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj
Failed to open Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj: the file cannot be opened.
0:01:07.686 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/LFSB_Justsim_v1.0/Earth nav data/+40+000/+47+007.dsf:
0:01:07.686 E/SCN: Unable to load object file: Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj
Failed to open Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj: the file cannot be opened.
0:01:07.686 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/LFSB_Justsim_v1.0/Earth nav data/+40+000/+47+007.dsf:
0:01:07.686 E/SCN: Unable to load object file: Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj
Failed to open Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj: the file cannot be opened.
0:01:07.686 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/LFSB_Justsim_v1.0/Earth nav data/+40+000/+47+007.dsf:
0:01:07.686 E/SCN: Unable to load object file: Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj
Failed to open Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj: the file cannot be opened.
0:01:07.686 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/LFSB_Justsim_v1.0/Earth nav data/+40+000/+47+007.dsf:
0:01:07.686 E/SCN: Unable to load object file: Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj
Failed to open Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj: the file cannot be opened.


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a quick look at the default Orbx version of Custom Scenery\Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff reveals that there is no opensceneryx folder.

Perhaps you could delete your version and then run either install or Verify files.

Either that or reinstall the software that added that folder.

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Hey there Nick and thanks for your quick response.


I tried what you suggested. First I ran the 'Verify' option but still didn't have an opensceneryx folder. I then tried uninstalling/installing but still same thing...no opensceneryx folder.


AFAIK, opensceneryx isn't an Orbx thing but some kind of library often used by freeware airports?

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Happy to let you know I managed to fix the issue using the same method I used for Paderborn as described in the link in my previous message.


Simply opening library.txt for JustSim LFSB and replace all EXPORT_BACKUP opensceneryx with EXPORT opensceneryx and make sure LFSB is above Cardiff in scenery_packs.ini.


After this, I no longer get the popup error message for LFSB and all the failed to open messages for Cardiff in log.txt are gone.

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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to JustSim's LFSB flooding log.txt with failed to open error messages

Actually it also affects other airports such as Aerosoft's Paderborn as mentioned. So I wouldn't say it's a JustSim LFSB issue but rather a combination of your Cardiff scenery with some other sceneries making use of OpenSceneryX.

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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to OpenSceneryX flooding log.txt with failed to open error messages
27 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


Title amended again.

Can you explain why a call for OpenSceneryX\placeholder.obj is added to Orbx Cardiff by installing other airport products please?


Hey Nick,


I don't have that depth of knowledge about this issue and what's causing it. I'm nothing but a simple end user trying to enjoy the products I bought without issues :smile: And I'm very happy and grateful for the work-around provided by the developer of Aerosoft Paderborn which proved to solve not only the issue with Paderborn in combination with your Cardiff scenery but also the same kind of issue with JustSim's LFSB scenery.


To get an answer to your question, I suggest you ask your developer colleagues. Following the link in post #6 above, you can get in touch with the developer of Aerosoft Paderborn with the nickname FlyAgi. To get in touch with the JustSim developer of LFSB, his email address is rujustsim@gmail.com

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4 hours ago, Vostflyer said:

Just another thought - do you have SimHeaven's VFR landmarks enabled? That uses OpenSceneryX for most if not all of its landmark objects. Consequently, I have it disabled for all my TrueEarth scenery areas.


Nope, don't have that one installed but thanks for the tip though.

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I could , I suppose present the opposite argument that Orbx Cardiff is a simple product that,

apparently due to the actions of another developer's installer, has been made to create errors 

in X Plane 11. At which point that becomes the responsibility of the Orbx developer is not yet

entirely clear. 

You now appear to be suggesting that the culprit is neither Orbx Cardiff nor JustSim's LFSB but

Aerosoft Paderborn?

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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

You now appear to be suggesting that the culprit is neither Orbx Cardiff nor JustSim's LFSB but

Aerosoft Paderborn?


Nope, I'm not. What I said was how the developer of Aerosoft Paderborn learned me about the work-around method described in a post above. Which to my big joy worked also for the very similar issue with LFSB.


The way I see it, in one way or the other it seems like the Orbx Cardiff scenery causes these kind of issues when other products using OpenSceneryX are added to the mix. Still, I'm not fully sure about OpenSceneryX and how it's used by various products. I always thought that was a library used by freeware airports, not payware airports. When talking to the JustSim developer though, he told me it's often used also in payware products and how the developers of OpenSceneryX are allowed to do so.


Again, you should really talk to these two guys instead rather than having me trying to guess the answers. I'm sure you would be able to figure this all out if you talked to each other.

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I think that my point is that Orbx Cardiff does not use OpenSceneryX and as far as I am aware,

so far, no one who does not use OpenSceneryX has experienced the problems that you have.

In fact, I have not yet seen this problem reported before.

On that basis, I do not see that adding another product that then apparently creates previously

absent error messages is somehow the fault of Orbx Cardiff.

Evidently, we will need to ask the developer of Orbx Cardiff for X Plane 11, @Greg Jones for the

definitive answer.

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Again, I'm just a customer and not a developer.


What I did see though when having this issue was how log.txt in X-Plane contained lots of lines with Cardiff and OpenSceneryX on the same line (see above).


After using the workaround presented by the Aerosoft Paderborn developer, the problem went away and log.txt no longer shows any error messages.


Not sure what exactly that means but that's what happened.

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During the development of many of the ports that we've done so far, this error has appeared at one time or another. There's a couple of reasons why it might occur. 


The most obvious is that there's a reference to opensceneryx in the airport file. A very small part of the porting process occasionally adds these entries which we remove manually. It's possible that one of the refs has been left behind by mistake. In that case, you'd see errors in the log.txt file but no other ill effect in-game. No missing objects and no pop up error message.


The other possibility is that the error is caused by a different product but being incorrectly reported as a problem with EGFF. This sounds crazy but I've seen this happen many times where XP reports an error with one product then continues to report the same error as other products/packages load in.


Either way, this should not impact the representation, features or enjoyment of the airport in anyway.


FYI I've just confirmed that there is NO reference to opensceneryx in the EGFF source.







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Thanks Greg for your input and info shared.


Being just a customer in the middle of a couple of developers, I'm slightly confused to be honest. You're telling me nothing is wrong with Cardiff while the other devs seem to be saying nothing is wrong with their products. And yet without using the workaround mentioned above, the products don't work nicely together causing error messages popping up in X-Plane that need to be confirmed as well as error messages in the X-Plane log file.


Oh well, at least I'm happy I have the workaround which made things work without any of these issues and I hope it will stay this way so I can carry on enjoying my products rather than troubleshooting them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Once again, I have this very same issue. This time with JustSim's LMML scenery. Disabling Cardiff gets rid of the error messages. I can also get rid of the issue by using the workaround method mentioned earlier. Feels a bit odd though having to modify payware products as a paying customer to make the products work together. Surely that must be for the developers of the products to address?


So, could you please get in touch with one of the developers as suggested here and work out with them what is really happening here and why. I think getting in touch with the developer of Aerosoft Paderborn would be the best bet. For your convenience, here's a direct link to his personal profile over in the Aerosoft forums where you can drop him a PM.


This is from log.txt if having Orbx Cardiff enabled at the same time as JustSim LMML. And without using the workaround suggested by the Paderborn developer replacing any EXPORT_LIBRARY opensceneryx/... in library.txt for the affected airport such as Paderborn or in this case JustSim LMML with EXPORT opensceneryx/...


Thanks in advance.


0:01:14.735 E/SCN: Unable to load object file: Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj
Failed to open Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj: the file cannot be opened.
0:01:14.735 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/LMML_JustSim_1_v1.1/Earth nav data/+30+010/+35+014.dsf:
0:01:14.735 E/SCN: Unable to load object file: Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj
Failed to open Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj: the file cannot be opened.
0:01:14.735 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/LMML_JustSim_1_v1.1/Earth nav data/+30+010/+35+014.dsf:
0:01:14.735 E/SCN: Unable to load object file: Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj
Failed to open Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj: the file cannot be opened.
0:01:14.735 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/LMML_JustSim_1_v1.1/Earth nav data/+30+010/+35+014.dsf:
0:01:14.735 E/SCN: Unable to load object file: Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj
Failed to open Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj: the file cannot be opened.
0:01:14.735 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/LMML_JustSim_1_v1.1/Earth nav data/+30+010/+35+014.dsf:
0:01:14.735 E/SCN: Unable to load object file: Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj

0:01:14.735 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0:01:14.735 E/SYS: | There was a problem loading the scenery package:
0:01:14.735 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/LMML_JustSim_1_v1.1/
0:01:14.735 E/SYS: | The scenery may not look correct.
0:01:14.735 E/SYS: | Please see the Log.txt file for detailed error information.
0:01:14.735 E/SYS: | (io_dsf.cpp:816)
0:01:14.735 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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 I note that Greg did respond and confirmed that EGFF contains no reference to Opensceneryx. I will of course ask @Greg Jones to add additional comments. Fro what i gather, and correct me if I am wrong, the anomaly is just an on screen error message and no functional problems, is that right?

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That is correct. This causes an error message popping up on the screen whenever you're getting close to an affected airport. Or if you start a new flight at that airport. Then you get the error message first thing when X-Plane finished loading the situation.


That however doesn't mean it's OK. Of course it would have been even worse if this issue caused also other issues. But, I don't pay for airport scenery to end up with any kind of error messages. That is something associated with freeware airports where you constantly seem to be missing some required library etc. That's why I only use payware airports.


Even when Greg confirmed there are no references to OpenSceneryX in Cardiff, clearly something is wrong somewhere when you get this error message as described earlier. And Orbx Cardiff plays the leading role since I've seen this with multiple other airports from different developers. And as soon as Cardiff is excluded from the mix, the issue goes away. For all those other airports.


So please ask Greg, not to comment on this again saying nothing is wrong with Cardiff which leads nowhere. Instead, ask him to drop a PM to the developer of Aerosoft Paderborn using the direct link provided by me in my last post and ask him what could cause this.


I want the culprit to be found and fixed. Once it has been found, I want the developer responsible to either address the issue or give me my money back.


Simple as that and perfectly normal.

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, WebMaximus said:

Any news on this?


There is nothing further on this. 


Just to be absolutely certain I've checked once again - there are no references to opensceneryx in the original WED file nor the current DSF file and I do not get any of the errors you're seeing on my set up nor any of our test PCs.


Having said that, I've noticed that there is a library.txt in the EGFF folder that doesn't need to be there. It's possible that this is causing the conflict you're seeing. Try deleting this file: \X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery\Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff\library.txt and see what happens.


The file is not used by the airport and is a byproduct of the part of the porting process we used early on.



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When you say you haven't been able to reproduce the issue I describe here, have you tested your product with one of the products I've mentioned such as JustSim's LFSB or Paderborn by Aerosoft?


Also, have you contacted the developer of Paderborn yet by following the link in an earlier post? I'm sure he would be able to help you understand what might be causing this issue with a number of airports. Where the airport always present in the mix is your Cardiff.


Meanwhile, I'll try getting rid of library.txt as you suggest to see if that will address the issue.

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Well Greg...in your last post, you told me there's nothing further on this. Good thing you didn't stop there but also told me about the library.txt file that comes with your Cardiff airport scenery.


I just did some testing and after getting rid of that file...which proved to contain 7178 references to OpenSceneryX...even when you've been saying since start there are no references to OpenSceneryX in your product...all other airports are now loading just fine without a single error message. And without having to manually edit their library.txt files to make them work with your Cardiff airport installed.


Very happy that we can finally mark this one as solved. And I guess it might be a good thing to get rid of this library.txt file in your next Cardiff scenery update for all those people with the same issue who haven't found this thread or bothered to ask for help.

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