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Central won't update Aus V2 to 2.1.1


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1 minute ago, Nick Cooper said:


the incompatible products are Australia v1, Holgermesh and the Tasmania demo.

The error message used to specify but it seems not to now.

Could you have any or remnants of any of them still installed?


I still have these installed in FSX but I haven't updated files in that sim because I rarely use it now. I thought with a P3D selection in central it would ignore FSX installations?

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7 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Yes, I would think that it should.

I have moved the topic to the Orbx Central forum.

I wonder if you could generate the error message again and then attach a copy of the Orbx Central log please?


Where is that log stored? It's not in the Orbx Central folder.

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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

Yes, I would think that it should.

I have moved the topic to the Orbx Central forum.

I wonder if you could generate the error message again and then attach a copy of the Orbx Central log please?


Logfile with error attached,


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On 3/16/2020 at 6:47 AM, Nick Cooper said:


are your products installed inside or outside the P3D v4 root folder? 



Well, both technically! I had previously moved all the AU files to another drive due to space and used a symbolic link. 

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