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Orbx and P3d 4.5 crash

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I have opened a thread on P3d and it was suggested to open one here as well.

I have installed Prepar3D_v4_Academic_4.5.13.32097 into my lockeed directory and I am having problems now with scenery for Europe. When I startup p3d it starts fine and will load default American scenery but it crashes when I choose a European location (Orbx) like Gloucestershire Airport or Hamburg.


If I start with the default Eglin American airport or change to another American airport say Deweze it works ok but when I change to an airport say Jammu in India p3D crashes and I don't have any scenery for India in Orbx.

I just have Orbx
Global Base Pack
Global Trees
OpenLC Europe
EU England
EU Scotland
EU Wales
EU Germany
NA Northern California
NA Southern California

I have renamed the c:\USers\Tony\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D V4\Shaders_old and c:\ProgramData\Lockeed Martin\Prepar3D v4\SceneryIndexes_x64_old. These get recreated successfully restart of P3d.

Is there a debug mode for P3D I can set to find out where the crash is occurring?

Anyone had a similar issue?


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OK well we don't have any FS9 models.


We do have FSX in different folders though.


I don't really know how to debug this any further. I opened a question on p3d site and they said contact Orbx.




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24 minutes ago, BPCY22 said:

I opened a question on p3d site and they said contact Orbx.




to move away from guesswork, you can rule out AI by setting the levels to zero.

If the problem goes away, you have your answer.


If the problem is still there, you can rule Orbx out by unticking every Orbx product in your scenery

library and/or add-ons list and restarting P3D.

If the problem goes away, please let us know and we can move on from there.


If the problem is still there, then you should first use a completely default P3D scenery library.

You can do this by renaming C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\scenery.cfg to scenery.cfg.off

Start P3D with a default  aircraft, the Maule is a good and stable one and see if the problem remains.

If it does, the problem is with P3D.


If it does not, add back any other scenery, one by one and do not use anything other than a default aircraft.


Finally, if the fault does not reappear, use the aircraft that you were using the last time that it did appear.


That should reveal the culprit, at least it has a greater chance of doing so than the wild guesses that we are attempting now.


I see that this course of action is recommended to you at the P3D forum as well, although there is no need to uninstall, just disable.


You might find this article on the history of the Microsoft flight simulator interesting



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Hi Nick,

I changed scenery.cfg to scenery.cfg.old and restarted p3d.


All started OK and I loaded the default Raptor 22 that came up.


The only Add-ONs are 

1) FsDreamTeaam Addon Manager


3) Aerosft A320-A31 Professional

4) Orbx ObjectFlow 2


All started OK so far with this.


How do I add on individual Orbx products to this as they are not in the list?  i.e. Orbx Global Base pack etc





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Nick,


Apologies, I haven't been able to get on with this due to my son working from home with COVID-19 etc and using the Computer.


Right back to it....


I have tried running the Orbx Central  and restarted p3d.  


P3d gets stuck at 39% saying


"Generating Scenery file indexes..." 


I left it a couple of hours but still stuck. Going to have to use Task Manager to End the Task.


I am extremely frustrated with this as I cannot run any of the Orbx products I bought recently.

My son says just install p3d back to default and leave only..... but then I am not getting my monies worth for all the Scenery I have paid for from Orbx.


Is there a contact at Orbx that I can deal with at Orbx before I ask for my money back?




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the most likely explanation for P3D to appear to hang for that long is an error message

that was waiting out of sight to be acknowledged.

Assuming that you did follow my advice, can you now attach a copy of your scenery.cfg 

file and your add-ons.cfg file which you will find in the same folder.


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I tried:


"f the problem is still there, then you should first use a completely default P3D scenery library.

You can do this by renaming C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\scenery.cfg to scenery.cfg.off

Start P3D with a default  aircraft, the Maule is a good and stable one and see if the problem remains.

If it does, the problem is with P3D."


I did this and it works with P3d Scenery and libraries but as soon as I select an Orbx scenery in Europe or UK then it crashes whilst loading scenery around 47%


This is frustrating. I want to see if there is a log or something I can look at to see why it crashes only when selecting Orbx scenery.....





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I have an Error:



Faulting application name: Prepar3D.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5d8abf93
Faulting module name: g2d.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x5d8abf01
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00000000001188e3
Faulting process ID: 0x3a04
Faulting application start time: 0x01d6051505762525
Faulting application path: D:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Prepar3D.exe
Faulting module path: D:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\g2d.dll
Report ID: c5c00291-673b-4ba5-9bc3-97e22f7097ae
Faulting package full name: 
Faulting package-relative application ID: 

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4 minutes ago, BPCY22 said:

D:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\g2d.dll  does exist I have just checked


Are you comfortable with searching the web for this "g2d.dll" error?  There are many references from Google search for solutions, which seem, in many cases, to be individualized to each user.

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Hi Stewart,


I just now have been doing that and came across https://prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=125114#p163789


where this person nikejp63 has same issues as me

"Which airport?"

I just randomly load flights with the default Bonanza after I installed Orbx Global Base. The 5 times I've reinstalled P3D v4 and Orbx Base, it has crashed at different airports. I just loaded Orbx Base again after testing another reinstall of P3D v4 and it CTD when loading the default scenario. Then I started the program again and tried loading a scenario with default KIPL and it loaded fine. Moved to default PANC, it loaded fine. Moved to an default airport in Maine, CTD with the g2d.dll error.

Yesterday, I reloaded P3D v4 again with no addons, tried starting a flight at different airports and I can't get it to CTD. Deleted FTX Central, downloaded the Orbx files manually. Orbx has been no help. I cleaned my Windows registry, did a Windows system file check and received no errors.

I need help and not the standard "did you try our troubleshooting procedures?". I am really getting frustrated and don't know what to try to fix it besides buying Windows 10 and starting over. Somebody here at LM or at Orbx has to know what is causing these g2d.dll errors.


I have been doing the same as this person and I have Windows 10 already.


I was thinking there must be someway of debugging it to find out where the error is occurring.




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To me, and I could be wrong, this error has nothing to do with Orbx from the looks of it.  The error would appear to be how P3D is interacting with Orbx stuff in some bizarre way.  Since most, if not all, folks who own Orbx products almost never encounter this error, it's a tough nut to crack.  There seem to be solutions, but they evidently require a careful troubleshooting procedure.  Best of luck.

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The problem is I am no expert. I am just an end user. I was hoping to be able to contact an Engineer from either P3d or Orbx to walk me through steps for debugging.

Not to try "trial and error" on my own. I don't know what I am doing.


I have one frustrated son who cannot fly with p3d and the Orbx scenery. He doesn't know how to fix and nor do I.

I can try X-Plane 11 but then we have paid for Orbx for p3d.


Who do I call, What Contact Centre for help?

Can I talk to a Technician?


Or do I ask Orbx for my money back as none of their products work with P3D on this PC and then wait until Microsoft's new Flight sim comes out properly.


My PC is a standard Windows 10, i7 CPU 32G Mem, 2TB of Hard Disk Space & 240G SSD so that should not be an issue.


What I can't understand is why P3D or Orbx is not providing a log file. It just hangs or crashes.


Many Thanks and sorry to rant on


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Hello Tony,

as Stewart is explaining, there is no one solution for this error which a "technician" can simply identify.

This is why, if you were to read on into your internet search, you will find numerous identical complaints

and almost none with a satisfactory conclusion, as I have been doing while searching on your behalf.

You will see that users have been convinced, as you are, that it is Orbx scenery but then read on and find

that there are others who are equally convinced that it is their PMDG aircraft, a rogue texture, a rogue effect

and in fact almost anything, usually like your self, because it was the last thing that they did, so it must be

the cause.

Would that it was that simple but if it was, there would instead be a series of fixes in these topics for you

to apply, instead of the variety of suggestions that usually seem not to work.

Here is a typical topic in the P3D forum and apparently affecting even a default installation of P3D v4.


It does contain some suggestions that you might like to try.

P3D and for that matter, FSX do not create their own error reports. 

Solutions to these apparently random and everlasting problems might then have been found.


I note that an uninstall and reinstall of the P3D client only, which is a simple and quick process, replaces all the

dll files in the P3D folder, so you might like to start there. It does not affect anything else.

When asked if you wish to unregister P3D, you must answer No.

If that makes no difference, you might try deleting prepar3d.cfg.

When you restart P3D, a new and default file will be created.





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Hi Nick,


This seems like a lot of work for experts not newbies.

I am not even sure of the steps to uninstall reinstall P3D Client.


What I find strange is that with just the default clean p3d installation p3d runs fine.( i.e removing the scenery.cfg you suggested and restarting p3d)

It is only when running Orbx Central and then running and selecting an Orbx Location or Airfield that it crashes. This seems to imply that it is an Orbx issue or p3d calling an Orbx object that is the issue.


Noter: I don't have PDMG or AI or Any other Scenery for p3d yet.


Not having the Tools or Knowledge to dig further into it leaves me in a dilemma. 








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Hi Nick,


I just ran the Installer for p3d as Administrator etc.


and yes I am familiar with the File Explorer.


I am just unfamiliar with the steps for uninstallation and what to check etc








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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Nick,


I tried the steps in Elaine threads but to no avail.

Every time I selected an airport that is in Orbx (ie Europe, UK, Germany, France etc) it crashes. P3d does not crash if I select the default P3d airports.


This has to be an issue with Orbx communicating with P3d 4.5.


I am now frustrated with this. My son has walked away from Flight Simming until I can fix and I don't know how.


All I want to do no is uninstall P3d v4.5 and Orbx and either run on P3d 4.4 and install Orbx products on this (do you have any instructions for this?)


Completely remove p3d and Orbx products- ask for money back (if I can) and run X-Plane 11 instead.


It is a shame as I have bought a lot of Scenery from Orbx for P3d but I cannot get it running




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Hello Tony,

if this was an intrinsic problem with the Orbx scenery, then every user of P3D would have the same problem.

I wonder if you have anti virus software at work here?

Do you still have this problem?



P3d gets stuck at 39% saying "Generating Scenery file indexes..." 


At the beginning you wrote 




When I startup p3d it starts fine and will load default American scenery but it crashes when I choose a European location (Orbx) like Gloucestershire Airport or Hamburg.

If I start with the default Eglin American airport or change to another American airport say Deweze it works ok but when I change to an airport say Jammu in India p3D crashes and I don't have any scenery for India in Orbx.



which is also indicative of a pre-existing problem. In particular, the second sentence seems to rule out Orbx as the sole cause.

Can you outline your system specs please?

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Hi Nick,


We have had so many problems that I don't know if it is P3d or Orbx?


I followed Elaine's threads and removed the files suggested. P3d started fine but as soon as I selected a European Airport it crashed. I don't really know if those European (or Indian) airport I chose were done be P3d or Orbx. However, I do know that I chose Airports that I though were in P3d (ie America) and these worked. On changing to European (i.e Paris) it crashed upon loading scenery.


The Thread from Elaine said running FTX Central would automatically create the required files but there is no FTX Central, just Orbx Central and when I ran this it did not create popup saying reinstall sceneries etc.  So I could not do that part.


Now, I am extremely frustrated wit this. I just want to uninstall the lot. 

To be honest, if I hadn't already paid for a lot of scenery from Orbx for P3d I would have scrapped it ages ago and moved solely to X-Plane 11.


This has been going on so long with no end in sight.


I have posted back on  P3d forum: How do I uninstall P3d  so I would like to know from this forum how to uninstall Orbx products.  


I will give 1 more try with installing P3d v4.4 and trying with Orbx products again.







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Hi Nick,


Also in answer to your question I do have McAfee Total Protection running by default but I don't know how to check if this is affecting the loading of P3d v4.5 and Orbx products.




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Hi Nick,


I disabled all McAfee Anti-virus and Total Protection but the problem still occurs. It works OK with default P3d airports but crashes on selecting Orbx airport.


Do you have any steps to uninstall Orbx sceneries?


I have decided to go back to P3d 4.4 and reinstall Orbx sceneries again ONE at a time.




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