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Muted colours?

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After getting more flights in TE GB South, it finally dawned on me why flying felt off.  What I was seeing on my screen was not what I saw in the screenshots.  My game looked like FlyAgi's screenshot here which is way different from what I was expecting:





My in-game graphics looks like there is overcast all over, like the sun isn't out or just behind a layer of cloud.  Is there something wrong with my system or perhaps my settings or were the screenshots given some post-processing love?

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Difficult to  suggest what to do in your case. I do know that most preview and product shots are taken using image enhancement addons like UWXP and X-Vision. The  initial screenshots for TEGB South were made by @Jarrad Marshall and it was indicated that these were taken using ReShade and SweetFX.

From the preview shots forum:


Here are three shots taken by Jarrad Marshall

Using ReShade 0.19.1 / SweetFX


I personally use X-Vision in conjunction with UWXP which gives me the options for controlling not only Overall brightness but colouring, sun size, visibility and fog/haze control.

All of those aspects are what appear to me to be not amplified or optimised in your shots.


I attach a couple of pics of what i see while using those 2 enhancement addons. 


The Sun:



The Ground:





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7 hours ago, SimFlyer15 said:

Thanks for that Jon, I guess I missed the ReShade part!

Yes it's easy to miss, but I would add that X-vision although payware, has a much lower fps impact than I personally have found when using Re-Shade. These little enhancement programmes can make quite a difference to the imagery.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I understand that marketing dictates that sales images present a product at it's best but with so many enhancement products being available I think that a product should be advertised "out of the box" i.e. default sim as is. Maybe the marketing images should show two versions i.e. one using just the default simming program and one using all the marketing enhancements.


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I can see the point of putting the best enhancement on the pictures, kinda like Instagram for Orbx.  However, the disclaimer that "these pictures have been edited" should be clearer or maybe they could lead with a default XP vs default Orbx pictures then some default Orbx vs Orbx + ReShade pictures.  Simply put, if I was impressed enough by the pictures to buy the product, it should be clear how those images were arrived at, what enhancement was used, what shading preset was used, etc.

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1 hour ago, Bassman said:

I understand that marketing dictates that sales images present a product at it's best but with so many enhancement products being available I think that a product should be advertised "out of the box" i.e. default sim as is. Maybe the marketing images should show two versions i.e. one using just the default simming program and one using all the marketing enhancements.


@Ed Correia For your review and comment please Ed.

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24 minutes ago, Ed Correia said:

I believe our screenshot artists state what weather / shaders etc. that they use.

Not all TE products have that statement Ed. TEGB North nor the US TE series.

Many times there is a reference in the Previews forum but not on the Orbx Direct product site.

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Don't get me wrong guys, these are awesome products!  If you could eliminate that period of confusion wherein the buyer buys the product and then does not see what he is expecting, you'll end up with happier customers, I think.  I don't mind the shaders in the promo pics at all, however, if you could tell me what shaders or presets were used, or what shaders/presets could give the closest results, I'd be even happier.  You sold me on the pics, now help me get it into my monitors! :D


ps. if you do take my suggestion, please provide xVision shaders/presets too.  For some reason my setup doesn't like ReShade.

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Even if they do state what enhancements have been made not everyone has the enhancements which is why two screenies should be shown , one default and one with enhancements. A product should be shown as it "comes out of the box" so to speak. It's like selling a car with steel wheels but advertising it with mags.

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