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US Florida HD missing file?


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Hello all, I bought and installed TrueEarth US Florida HD, everything seemed fine until I flew near KTTS airport, a message saying that some terrain files are missing appeared.

To verify the issue I tried starting a flight from KTTS, It happened again.

"Error, could not locate image file for terrain

 Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_US_Florida_TE_Orthos/terrain/d6b0x8a10x17SM.ter

 Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_US_Florida_TE_Orthos/terrain/



Then simulation stops and X-plane closes.

Orbx central verified files and no error showed.


Had this happened to someone else?


I attached part of X-Plane log related to the error.









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The answer to your question is Yes, there are many, many posts with the same topic. 99% of them are resolved by the user freeing up disk space.

The message you are getting is indicative of a lack of disk space required to complete the required conversion from jpg images to dds format images. dds images are twice the size of jpg.

Do you have at least 240GB of free disk space prior to installing TE Florida HD? 200Gb of free space is required prior to install but you need to ad 10-15% of your Disk capacity in order for the disk to operate as intended, hence my quote of 240GB.



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Hello Jon,

Because I did not have enough space on the main drive, I installed in a different library on a second hard drive instead of X-plane's own library.

After install, I ended up with 162 GB free on the System/X-plane's drive and 338 GB free on the Orbx's Library drive.

When I click on verify, all seems fine. Before adding the second hard drive I would get errors converting files, not anymore.


Is It still a capacity issue? Does It not work using two drives as I did?






HD space.png

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Hi Eloy. Not fully understanding what you are telling me in your post. I apologise. Are you saying that you have reinstalled it on a different drive and now all is well, as you say you are not getting any error message? You then say all seems fine after verifying files.

You then ask if if it doesn't work when using 2 drives.

I am  confused. Is it all working now OK?

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Hello Jon.

I'm sorry if I confused you.

I just saying what my setup is with the error I reported. I still have the issue.

I was showing you that I have hard drive space available on both drives.


C: drive has Windows OS and X-plane. (162 GB free)

D: drive has Orbx files. (338 GB free)




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OK so now attach your Log file from the XP directory and we can send this to the Orbx central team to see if they can spot anything in the log. Please make it an attachment amd not a pic of the Log. Do this asap so the Central Team can look at it.

@Nick CooperNick. As you can see the customer has lots of free space on his D where i believe he is now installing TEGB North. He is still getting the missing dds message.

@Ben McClintock @Mitchell Williamson when the customer attaches his Log please investigate as to why he is not getting a satisfactory install. Many thanks.

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Hello Eloy,

please attach a copy of the central log file, which you can open in Orbx Central and save.

Ideally, the last thing you do before saving the log is to verify files, so that the log is up to date with the problem.

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12 hours ago, Eloy said:

Thank @Nick Cooper for letting me know.

Will the files be included in an update?

Do I fly around the state to see if other files are missing?



I think that @Nick Cooper was referring to the fact that the Central Team had missed your post, not that he was confirming a missing file.

@Mitchell Williamson @Ben McClintock please review this issue as it seems to have been missed. All the details are in the thread including the customers Central Log. You can see that he appears to have the required free disk space, has uninstalled and reinstalled, verified files but still has the "missing dds " error message.

Orbx Central states no errors after verifying.

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