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Hello everybody ! :)


Today i made a fresh install of ORBX FTX GLOBAL, EU england, and my airports and specialy EGHA.


In the library the airport are on the top and global below them. 


I read the manual for the installation of EGHA, i maked like it's indicate for install it. But i still obtain the same result, the parking and the bulding below the airfield.:banghead:


So, how can id do for have the same elevation ? :unsure:  


Have a good day ! :D



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Hello Pierre-Yves,


I also had a elevation problem at EGHA but is now solved.

Please put in the searchbox:  "EGHA big pit under apron". There is a topic from march 14 2019 with a solution

or look for:    "Elevation isssues at EGHA".


Best regards,



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Hello Bert ! 


First, i must to say : thx you ! :lol:


In order to solve my elevation problem with this scene, I looked for the file "ADE_FTX_ENG_EGHA_CVX.bgl" and I simply deleted it.


And here is the result below with the screenshot which shows that the buildings have returned to the right level!


ps : the file can be found in the " Orbx\p3dv4\EU England\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_ENG_05_SCENERY\scenery" 


Bye and again thx ! ^_^


ps : Anyone know why this problem or how this problem arrive ?<_<


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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

....because .bgl.off will never be switched back on by FTX Central,

unlike .off that is.

I imagine that with the advent of Orbx Central this anomaly will be gone.


Good evening everyone!:D


I take note of your comments. I simply deleted the file in question but I saved it in case I need it one day. 8)


Today I have two questions, here they are:


          1 - How do I put it in "off" mode?

          2- What does it change between delete and "off" mode?


Thank you all again, and I wish you a great weekend.^_^



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To add ".off"to the end of a file, you  simply rename the file and add ."off" at the end of the file name.   The advantage of just adding ."off" at the end of the file name is that you have disabled the file but it is still there in its entirety and can be enabled later by simply renaming it and removing the ".off" from the end of the file name.



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