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TEGB North Island of Grimsay missing

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I'm thoroughly enjoying exploring Scotland and have made it to the islands of the Outer Hebrides one of which is, sadly, missing.

I attach a screenshot of the area between Benbecula and North Uist. This is just to the East of the airport EGPL.

Some fragments of landclass scenery appear where the Island of Grimsay should be. Also missing are the causeways which link the islands.



All the best,



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Hi Christopher,

Actually you got me thinking so I tried activating FTX Scotland to see if that would, at least, make Grimsay appear but no luck.

An early victim of rising sea levels perhaps :-(

Mind you I'm delighted to find the Monach Isles to the West are nicely done, complete with their lighthouse.

Many years ago a friend and I spent a fortnight kayaking around the Hebrides and spent a night on the Monachs. In those days some of the fishermen from Grimsay spent their weeks in the old schoolhouse on the Monachs and we spent a very pleasant evening in their company.


All the best,



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