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EGTR Elevation problems after installing TE GBS V2


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EGTR is a mess since installing V2 of TE GBS.

The elevation is not corrected by Vector since there's no entry in AEC.

I did verify files as per this thread.


1. GBS V2 active - FTX EU inactive - EGTR files in TE folder are disabled



2. GBS V2 active - FTX EU active -  EGTR files in TE folder are disabled



3. GBS V2 inactive - FTX EU active -  EGTR files in TE folder are disabled - All is well now.




Ben van den Boomen.



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I am seeing this too in exactly the same configurations.

It seems as if there is something else in TEGB South, not Labelled as EGTR, that is affecting the airport.

I see that the EGTR files in TEGB are disabled by the EGTR payware addon installer but that the elevation is still broken.

I will add it to the list of anomalies for investigation.



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The elevation seems to be controlled by ADE_FTX_GBS_EGTR_CVX.bgl.  Restoring that fixes up the elevation problems for me.  (I've attached the file)


However there's a problem that still exists, when approaching from the west, from more than a mile or two out, there's a default FSX/P3D runway sitting on the photoreal runway, which disappears as you get closer.  This is probably the old scenery separation chestnut appearing where at a certain distance closely separated layers aren't separated by the graphics engine in the sim.  Probably a fairly easy fix for Russ, I'll pass it on.




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4 hours ago, John Dow said:

The elevation seems to be controlled by ADE_FTX_GBS_EGTR_CVX.bgl.  Restoring that fixes up the elevation problems for me.

This seems an even better solution because enabling every EGTR file gives double buildings west of the airfields scenery coverage area.

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Just wanted to touch base and provide my feedback.


I used Nick's solution to solve the elevation problem, but with FTX_EU_ENG inactive. I wanted to let folks know this works too.


So, I have GBS V2 active - FTX_EU_ENG inactive - EGTR files in TE folder are enabled, with the exception of 3DM_buildings_-1-0_51-0_EGTR.bgl, which is disabled.







The main difference is that I have FTX_EU_ENG inactive.

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I have a theory, based entirely on observation and I do not know if it is a valid one.

It appears to me that in some, if not all cases, an exclude file has to have files to

exclude, or it does not necessarily work as intended.

Your finding would tend to support that theory but really, it is not much more than a guess.

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