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Potential PNW VA?


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Okay, I might get "virtually" shot and/or flamed for this, but let me throw it out anyways:

Was killing time yesterday during the lunch hour and started wondering if I am the only one thinking it might quite fun to create a PNW regional VA to put a bit of spice in our virtual flying.

There are tons of possibilities that could be explored, like: regional flights, cargo, sightseeing, charters, fishing destinations, volunteer search adn rescue, etc.

Seeing we are numerous users out there flying in FTX PNW, maybes some of you might enjoy this.

I am starting to plan out something on paper for myself anyways, so I figured a few others might like to join in.

Let me know via PM, or in this thread, if you are interested.

Or... just tell me I am nuts.

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I've never joined a VA, but if it was geared towards bush and regional flying (which I guess it would have to be... duh), I would consider it. Great idea!

It would be of course. Lots of potential for regional flights with the J41, the Kodiak, etc... Even short hops for tubeliners like A300/A320.

Small cargo flights for Super Cubs, 185, etc..

Fly tourists to those secret fishing spots, etc...

What is fun is that the coverage area contains both larger hubs like KSEA, KPDX, CYVR but also some nice regional airports like Astoria, Olympia, etc.

Potential is endless. 

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I agree, let me know how to help, I'm very interested.

Regional flights from Victoria/Vancouver to Portland with the JS41 or similar plane would be great.

I also love the idea of flying people into lakes (maybe onto the frozen lakes with ski capable planes like the Aerosoft Beaver).


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well, there's two of us, so I guess I can officially say we have started!!  ;D ;D

Lots of steps to do, but it will be fun.

And of course, this will more than likely be a VA with not that many rules and regulations.

It would be good to nail down a fleet, establish hubs, and flights.

Not that keen on a full flight following auto PIREP system. But some structure will be needed.

I might put together a quick website/forum (very basic) to start from (and to avoid using this forum for it).

Lots of things to cover I guess.

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Definitely be interested in this too - I've always wanted to expand into more goal-oriented activities and the potential social aspect would be fun too. I'll check out the blog and keep an eye on this one.

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Thanks for the feedback and for visiting the development blog.

I think I am starting to have a pretty interesting concept in mind, that pilots would enjoy and would be hassle-free.

More updated on the blog later today.

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Also consider  that Emma field will be coming down the road.  It had a very popular following in FS9 as more of a "flying club" where one could meet others, etc., rather than a VA (maybe too structured?).  Maybe something along those lines.  Just throwing it out there...    ;)


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Hey sounds like you have some good ideas...count me in. I'm assuming that as the ORBX NA areas expand we could move into those areas too...(ie: Pacific Fjords & maybe FSAddon's Tongass Fjords). I like the BFU concept....real simple.

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Hey sounds like you have some good ideas...count me in. I'm assuming that as the ORBX NA areas expand we could move into those areas too...(ie: Pacific Fjords & maybe FSAddon's Tongass Fjords).

That's a given.

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Heck Ed, you are not fired! You are promoted!!

Seriously, I have to head out of town early in the morning until late Sunday night, so I will be quiet until them.

Good idea about the forum. I was waiting until next week (I have good connections to have a secure server for web hosting - for free).

If you are looking for topics to discuss, a little brain storming for a logo would be splendid. I have no talent for that.

Early next week, I will get on designing a web site. Google Sites more than likely, since it's all my limited web skills can handle, unless someone wants to give a hand. The concept would be quite simple.

If all goes well next week, we could have first batch of weekly jobs up by the week after that.

And I am on the "if you build it, they will come" side of things. My little finger tells me lots of users might enjoy making some virtual $$ while enjoying the PNW. But warning, it might get addictive!

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I was curious about how it all works.

Do you all login to FSX multiplayer and then connect some sort of software that keeps track of where you all are and what you've flown? I guess you can all see each others aircraft if your in the same mulitplayer session so if there were loads of you it would look quite realistic.

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Guest Northwest Pilot

Just wondering if you would consider adding SeaPort air routes to your VA. I'm a big fan of the Pilatus PC12 and SeaPort air uses this aircraft for their regional flights. Based out of Portland, Or. they have scheduled service to Boeing Field in Seattle, Astoria, Or, and Newport Or. which is all within the PNW coverage area. Have a look here.


The flights are fairly short and I think would work well with what you are planning. They also have charter destinations to Victoria & Vancouver B.C., San Juan Islands & Friday Harbor Wa., and Eugene Or.

Also I've created a SeaPort texture for the Flight 1 PC12

Posted Image

Just a thought, either way I would be interested. Sounds like a blast.

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That's a really nice paint! In FS9, the F1 PC-12 was my main plane. God knows I logged hours in it!

For the charter/scheduled flights, the types of flights you have described would be the bread and butter of operations.

Although I am not sure on when this part of the VA will be active.

For now, my plan is to launch asap a BFU style of cargo ops (feel free to use the PC12). I will be working on it a lot in the next few days. If all goes well, I would really like to have a "job board" up by either April 5th or April 12th.

Also, and this is new, I received personal and private messages from TWO (not just one) groups working on similar projects for the PNW, and I also recall reading that FSAddon is considering something similar after the launch of Emma X.

So lots of things going on. It just goes to validate my point of starting with a BFU style job board. More to come for sure.

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I know you didn't ask, but is this something you could use? Just a sketch...

Posted Image

OMG! This is brilliant!!

Just drop the "daily". I think I had put that in the first blog title for whatever reason.

Wow nice, I like that too.

+1 on the PC-12...one of my favorites.

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Thanks.  :)

Just drop the "daily". I think I had put that in the first blog title for whatever reason.

Posted Image

I'll try to fix up the swirlie logo thing later, and maybe make vectors out of the text too. Any ideas and constructive criticism are welcome! Kinda new to making logos..

It's not a problem to change the color either, I suppose it depends on what you want to do with the color schemes for the aircraft.

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This is definitely something I may get into as well. Been a very long time since I was in a VA.

Regarding the logo: I would extend the Express to the end of the k. Maybe keep the smaller type but increase the spacing between the letters.

Like this:

Posted Image

Looking forward to this.

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1. For folks trying to log on the proboard forum that Ed created, check your spam folder for the email with the activation code. It happened to me.

2. Wildbird, this is really splendid work (I am repeating myself). Can you email me the file with the logo (if you wish) at brkprivateATgmail.com? will put it into good use.

3. Okay, I will try to move must of the discussion to the proboard forum, so not to do everything here on the FTX forum.

4. But I will simply say that I started working on the week 1 jobs last night and our members are in for a treat.

Thanks for everyone that is showing interest. Me thinks we'll have some fun with this!

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2. Wildbird, this is really splendid work (I am repeating myself). Can you email me the file with the logo (if you wish) at brkprivateATgmail.com? will put it into good use.

I'm glad you like it.  :) You can use a .psd file, right?
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