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Day textures showing up at night only in default areas

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Recently switched over to P3D v4 and so everything is a fresh install. Noticed this tonight when flying into Billings, MT. This is right at the edge of Central Rockies scenery and the default scenery. Its all over the default scenery areas but not orbx areas. I've already read multiple forums in trying to fix this. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Orbx making sure it was the problem, which it is. Also tried refreshing the terrain.cfg,  and synchronizing the sim.  Orbx libraries is installed. If there is anything else i can try that would be great!





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so far, the problems with open LC have been more night textures during the day.

So far, the working solution seems to be to reinstall the open LC product that is giving the problem.

Random squares can also be a problem with the terrain.cfg file.


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So a quick update... I uninstalled Orbx went into the sim and the issue was still there, repaired P3D and went back in and the issue completely cleared. It seems that Orbx is putting in something that the sim does not like which is causing the issues. If anyone has a suggestion to be able to reinstall ORBX without having this issue please let me know!!!

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Soooo... been messing with this all day, now I got the default scenery is working normally by me uninstalling Orbx libraries and re verifying NA Central Rockies, but now I'm getting texture glitches throughout the actual scenery. LOL if its not one thing its another :lol: 

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Well it seems to be an issue with Orbx Libraries. When installed it makes the orbx scenery work great but default glitch out but when uninstalled it makes Orbx scenery glitched out but default is back to normal.... I've done the verify thing, I synced it with sim and still nothing.

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Well fixed it.... not really sure what it was but reinstalled everything through FTX Central instead of Orbx Central and reopening FTX central got the start migration message which I ran and that completely fixed it. Its weird though as I did the migration in the Orbx Central before and I guess that did't do what it does in FTX central. But oh well, problem solved. :)

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