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TE-GB-Central still showing default in parts.


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Hi, I Have all three parts of TE-GB, and as I have been looking at various parts of the U.K (mainly south), which seemed fine and very nice. However I went to EGNH (Blackpool area), and when I zoomed out, part of Blackpool was TE, but the rest of the scenery was Default X-plane scenery (See screenshot 1), I then went to EGGP and zoomed out and again part TE and part default (Screenshot 2).

I had disabled any Ortho4xp for the U.K and have no other U.K addon scenery. I have also verified the files, and got a tick mark to say they are good. I have attached the screenshots and also my scenery pack file, although the order seems fine to me. If you require any more info please let me know as I will be monitoring the post for a fix. Many Thanks. 



TE GB Central 1.png

TE GB Central 2.png


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It would appear that you are one or possibly a coupe of missing image files. Check in the Orthos/textures folders for any images with jpg rather than dds.

Also advise the number of files in the Orthos folders for the 3 TEGB regions , by choosing Properties for each of the folders.

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9 hours ago, colesy2 said:

Jon, Looked in the Orthos/textures folders, and quite a few "PNG" images as well as the dds ones, but nothing stood out with a Jpg extension. The total files in all 3 Orthos is saying 84,956 in 22 folders. Hope this helps.

Can you give me the totals individually for each region please. I need to know what orthos count you have for TEGB South, North and Central

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NORTH: Custom - 1,277 files & 36 folders. Overlay - 2,349 files & 75 folders + 3 files & 2 folders in another Overlay folder. Orthos - 38,009 files & 5 folders.

CENTRAL: Custom - 1,290 files & 48 folders. Overlay - 3,663 files & 120 folders. Orthos - 19,197 files & 5 folders.

SOUTH: Custom - 1,726 files & 47 folders. Overlay - 2,877 files & 103 folders. Orthos - 27,747 files & 6 folders.


Hope this makes sense. Thanks.

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Another option I just thought of. Remove to a safe place 3-4 dds images from your orthos folder for the region where EGNH is, Central I believe. Then run Verify Files. In theory it should download at least the files you removed. This will then test whether the Verify Files is working OK or not.

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1 hour ago, colesy2 said:

Hi Jon, Removed 3 dds files from Central Orthos as suggested, ran verify files and it put them back, so that seems fine. XP log attached.


Log.txt 114.96 kB · 0 downloads


Did it fix the problem then, or are you telling me it just replaced the removed 3 dds files? Are you still missing a texture file around Blackpool?

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After updating to central v4.0.23 then updating TEGB central and north 2 days ago I have the same/similar problem.

I also have full set of TEGB which was working fine. After the update it took 4mins to load EGNX previously 1min 40 secs, the files appear to be default xp + stuttering picture and sound.

I have disabled all addons, verified all files, disabled everything in the ini file except the central files and global airports checked the xp11 install was ok, still did not work correctly so took the bull by the horns uninstalled all three TEGB areas (via central) re installed TEGB central. It now runs properly but still has areas of default scenery. Currently downloading/installing north and south have spent 2 days on this so far, not too amused.


Help please.




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@Mitchell Williamson @Ben McClintock Gents. I am getting several reports of missing default scenery tiles appearing in TEGB. There is a trend regarding that verifying files is not picking up either missing or non converted files and that reinstalls are arealso not removing the anomaly. The last post indicates in detail the extent to which the OP went to rectify the problem without success. He indicates the change in version of Orbx Central was the potential starting point of the anomalies appearing. Together the OP's and myself have tried numerous methods to get a positive result, but now need your intervention please.


@Nick Cooper Hi Nick. Please be good enough to move this topic to Orbx Central as the OP's and myself have run out of ideas. Orbx Central is obviously not finding or converting all files that are missing or not converted.

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2 hours ago, Mitchell Williamson said:



Please run 'Verify Files' on TrueEarth GB Central and then attach your Central log file. This will let us see where things may be going wrong.




Hi Mitchell,


Files as requested.


As the upload is more than allowed I have split in 2.


Second file to follow.



Orbx central log-1 file.txt

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14 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


don't worry about the file size, some have been as large as 7 or 8 MB.

It is the content that matters.


Hi Nick,


Had to split the requested file as it is 12.1MB (from the location John specified) maximum allowed is 7.95MB


Further investigation:


When the only files loaded are TEGB central lots of ag etc. is missing (EGNX area) I then added TEGB south overlay only to the xp ini file and lots of ag reappeared! although it was unflyable.

Anyway south and north are working ok again so will investigate over the boarder until a fix is found.



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28 minutes ago, colesy2 said:

Hi, Just as a heads up, I have no problem with TE scenery around EGNX, all looks fine, mine is still around north west of TE Central (Blackpool, Liverpool, Manchester Area) where it is showing default scenery.


I have problems there as well. Apart from the stuttering sound and poor performance I had full scenery at EGNX it wasn't until I disabled TEGB south and north that I lost ag etc.

As TEGB central is a stand alone program clearly there is something seriously wrong. It appears to me that some central files have been placed in TEGB south, but maybe there is another explanation. Time will tell.



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1 hour ago, mickatmian said:


I have problems there as well. Apart from the stuttering sound and poor performance I had full scenery at EGNX it wasn't until I disabled TEGB south and north that I lost ag etc.

As TEGB central is a stand alone program clearly there is something seriously wrong. It appears to me that some central files have been placed in TEGB south, but maybe there is another explanation. Time will tell.



Yes, Hoping the devs can get back to us soon with a fix.

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Hi @colesy2,


It appears that you have another mesh at a higher priority than the TrueEarth Great Britain series.


Because of the 1-degree tile limitation in X-Plane, only one scenery pack can define a mesh for a given 1x1 degree tile.


In this instance, "Custom Scenery/EGCC Manchester Mesh" is probably overriding the tile that is included in TrueEarth GB.



I would suggest opening your scenery_packs.ini file, finding the line that points to EGCC Manchester Mesh, and changing it to:

SCENERY_PACK_DISABLED Custom Scenery/EGCC Manchester Mesh/


Please let us know if this resolves your issue.

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Hi Ben, Yes, you were right it was the Manchester mesh causing the problem, all looks fine now. Will know what to look for if I get the same problem when using more TE products.

Many thanks for your help. (Hope you can help Mickatmain with his similar problem).



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59 minutes ago, colesy2 said:

Hi Ben, Yes, you were right it was the Manchester mesh causing the problem, all looks fine now. Will know what to look for if I get the same problem when using more TE products.

Many thanks for your help. (Hope you can help Mickatmain with his similar problem).




Pleased you are sorted John as it is your thread.




Over the weekend I decided to uninstall xp11, orbx central, TEGB, and all airports and start from scratch with a clean system.


Very disapointed having to do this bearing in mind my sim had no problems until I installed central 4.0.23 and updated TEGB files.


Joined fastlane and installed central 4.0.25


After a clean install of all files (orbx files into a library outside of xp11) all scenery restored, but It still would not run correctly at Manchester Barton or East Midlands, just a stuttery mess. Ran veryfy all files, no improvement.

I then turned windows defender off, veryfied all files again, and now, with the exception that those two airports take twice as long to load as previously, the sim is running fine again.


I have never had to turn defender off previously to load orbx products so maybe a Windows 10 update has change things.


Thanks to Jon and Nick for trying to help.


A comment from the Devs would not go amiss.



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13 hours ago, mickatmian said:

After a clean install of all files (orbx files into a library outside of xp11) all scenery restored, but It still would not run correctly at Manchester Barton or East Midlands, just a stuttery mess. Ran veryfy all files, no improvement.

I then turned windows defender off, veryfied all files again, and now, with the exception that those two airports take twice as long to load as previously, the sim is running fine again.


I have never had to turn defender off previously to load orbx products so maybe a Windows 10 update has change things.


Thanks to Jon and Nick for trying to help.


A comment from the Devs would not go amiss.


Generally Orbx Central will work fine with Windows Defender. There can be cases where defender will be scanning a file Central is writing to and that will prevent Orbx Central from being able to actually write the file correctly. This behavior is quite random and depends on each unique Windows install and computer configuration.

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