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Overheating CPU on install


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This is pretty scary, but tonight I purchased the Orbx Great Britain North product and was attempting to install it into Xplane using the Central installer, and I actually got a blue screen!  So, upon getting the computer up and running again, I opened up my monitoring software and also Orbx Central and realized the temp on some of the cores were extremely high, we are talking 90C, and then the computer would freeze, and I would have to reset it.  This happened on four occasions.  Lol, most people would just quit and say it is destroying your computer, but I decided to give it a few tries.  I give up, and would like a refund due to not being able to install this software.  

About my cpu...It is about a month old, it is an I9 9900kf overclocked to 5ghz.  I have a Kracken cpu cooler with the largest radiator they make.  When I run xplane in vr at the highest settings, the cpu never goes above 72c.  This is just insane.  Has anybody else had this same problem?  I know the cpu is overclocked, but the cooler is very good, so it should not be an issue. 

This overheating and freezing happened on four occasions.  Lol, most people would just quit and say it is destroying your computer, but I decided to give it a few tries.  I give up, and would like to get a refund due to not being able to install this software.  Unless there is some way to install it without using the Orbx Central.

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You need to stabilize your overclock, something isn't working correctly for you, as my 9900k is clocked at 5.1Ghz across all 8 cores and tops out at around 86 maximum after a long burn in test and it never blue screens. I'm using the Corsair i150 I think it's called, it's a triple 120mm fan AIO cooler. I can get it to run at 5.2 pretty much ok but the temps are a bit to high for my liking, I want this CPU to last me a good 4 or 5 years as its an expensive part, hence me backing off the OC slightly to extend its life.


The reason why your CPU runs cool in Xplane itself is because its a GPU bound simulator for the most part, depends on the aircraft also. Mine rarely goes over 76 when in Xplane. P3D 4.5 is another matter and that pegs one core at 100% pretty much at all times.


It's getting hot during install of the photoscenery because Orbx use all your CPU power to decompress and convert the textures, that's how they save on download bandwidth. 


Like I started with, you need to stabilize your overclock by running proper burn tests to make sure it doesn't blue screen. You need to run something like Prime95 for 1 hour at least without any errors.


If you don't want to go through that then you'll need to lower your overclock back to default or a little above instead.


EDIT: One other point check your memory too with Memtest if you are running it out of spec, that can be a cause of blue screens too.

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5 hours ago, dougharless said:

About my cpu...It is about a month old, it is an I9 9900kf overclocked to 5ghz.  I have a Kracken cpu cooler with the largest radiator they make.  When I run xplane in vr at the highest settings, the cpu never goes above 72c. 


Sorry to say, but you test your OC "the wrong way". Running an application in VR puts as much stress on your GPU as possible, it is rather alarming that you then still have 72°C on the CPU in such a scenario. Either use CPU-heavy games for stress testing (Battlefield was the best game to test OC stability in my case for a very long time), or use Prime95 with the correct settings. It is rather unlikely that a proper stress test will not reproduce what you see when installing the addons...

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I apologize for the long delay in responding.  It was very early morning here in Yank Land, lol.  Had to get some sleep. 

Update........I cranked up my Kraken to the absolute highest settings and now the CPU and temp is stable.  It appears the installation is going smoothly.  I can't wait to see how it looks.  Thank you to everybody for your help and input.  Now temperature of the cores only going up to maximum 72c.   This cooler is pretty amazing when you get the software running properly.  It will be interesting to what the temps in xplane will be now that the cooler is cranked to max.  I just can't believe the temps got so high on the cpu.  Ok, so the Orbx software is now installed and now time to start up Xplane and see how it looks.  I have high hopes.''''' 

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