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EGCB Barton V 2.0.0 - no transparent road option!


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2 hours ago, John Dow said:

I've got the option in my Orbx Central for EGCB.  Don't know why you wouldn't have it.  Maybe do a Verify Files?



Thanks, I will try verifying files later, but, just to confirm, you have updated to V 2.0.0?




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45 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


I have updated to version 2 and there is indeed no control panel.

I think I remember reading that the need for one has gone because

it takes its settings from the surrounding scenery now?


Thanks for the reply Nick. I have TrueEarth Great Britain Central set on transparent roads, but this seems to have no effect on EGCB Barton.


Does your EGCB Barton take the settings from the surrounding scenery?


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If I was asked to guess, it would be that the control panel is missing form the Orbx Central Library installation files.

It is certainly missing from mine.

There are two roads folders, as expected but no control panel xml file.

Perhaps John can let us have a copy of his?

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Thanks John,

that seems to be the TEGB Central control panel.


I have done a bit more research and it seems that Orbx Central does not install the

control panel at all, either into X Plane 11 or an Orbx Central Library.


FTX Central however does install one into the X Plane 11 folder of course and once added,

it works in both FTX and Orbx Central.




I will attempt to bring this to the attention of the Orbx Central developers and see if it can be fixed.




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OK, I’ve put the control_panel.xml in the EGBC folder (not the Overlay folder) in Custom Scenery and the ‘configure’ choice has appeared in Orbx Central and I now have the choice to choose transparent roads. Trouble is, it makes no difference and I cannot get rid of the default roads. I have tried choosing default then transparent and back again and started and quit X-Plane several times, but the default roads do not disappear.


Any thoughts?

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I think the no roads option always leaves the motorways, doesn't it?

If not, try deleting the roads folders and verify files.

See if that does it.

There is a persistent problem of the roads folders being the same,

presumably because they are except for the actual content of the files.

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