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Good day,

it's been a while that I try to solve this problem by searching on the internet but I can not find an answer on the other forums.

I installed some ORBX products: Base Pack, HD Building, Trees HD, VECTOR & openLC Europe.

The problem is that no matter where I fly, there are black squares scattered on the map or something that is not logical: houses on a lake, a large lake on the slope of a mountain.
Problems that break the beauty of ORBX software that is beautiful products!

Anyone know how to find a solution to my problem? thank you in advance.

(Sorry for my english, it's not my native language)


Windows 10 Pro

ASUS ROG Maximus XI Hero

Intel I9-9900K 3.6GHZ, OC 5.0GHZ


NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 8GB

Samsung SSD 860:  250GB




Capture d’écran (7)_LI.jpg

Capture d’écran (8)_LI.jpg

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2 hours ago, XxSlyserxX said:

ORBX products: Base Pack, HD Building, Trees HD, VECTOR & openLC Europe.

Hello and welcome to the forums.

You have not said whether you have installed the Orbx Libraries from the Orbx Global page, they are required.

If you have installed them, try a Verify Files on the Orbx Libs.

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What have you done before this happen?


For example:

Change to Orbx Central

Installed 3rd party scenery

Your using weather or texture programs as Rex, Active Sky etc

A program to configure the scenery list

Updated P3D


Please advise.


Something similar happened to me when I installed the hotfix 2. I was only able to fix it by a full reinstall of P3D. Some people have been able to fix it buy running the verify tool of each program


I have recently told that if you have one of those 3rd pty programs running an open Central is might cause problems.


Some 3rd party sceneries also causes compatibility issues


But you program seems to be a mess of textures. Do you have your insertion points set up correctly too?


I'm not an expert but will try to help you





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Hello ! Thank you for responding, 


Unfortunately this produces it from the beginning.


I installed the different ORBX, then my dieffent scenery of airport, Aircraft and GSX 2.


But i do not thing aircraft and GSX 2 interfere with ORBX textures. May be the airport scenery (typically the first phot that is located on Nice with the Tax2Gate scenery)


On the other hand this product at different places in Europe and often very far form an airport. So that's why i exclude the problem in connection with a scenery.


It's already been 2 times that i reinstall fully P3Dv4 but the problem alway come back, an i have also checked each program.


What do you mean by : my insertion points ?


Cheers ! 



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Hi Tristan


Orbx Central requires that you set your insertion point of Orbx products. FTX entries and Land class textures but if you also have 3rd pty add-ons like the T2G one these go first


This said, go to your Orbx Central, down to settings then to insertion points

For the first field please locate the very first 3rd pty add-on you installed (in my case is Antarctica) and for the second field set it as I have it in the screen shot below.




Close it


Then start your P3D it should rearrange the scenery as it must go.


Please confirm problem was solved





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inventing new names for the installers will only cause even more confusion.

There is no V4, or indeed FTX 3.


The installer is named FTX Central and the new installer is named Orbx Central.

Because Orbx Central is a new installer, it is the first version of itself and not

the fourth version of the previous installer.


Try to think of it as a new model of car, it does the same job but is not the same thing.

Here is a topic with more detail:



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