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Huge stuttering issues in orbx scenery areas

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so im on the latest p3d v4.5 version and i have the following addons:

Global base

OpenLC Europe

Trees HD


Lights configurator


TrueEarth GBS

all products are up to date and i have verified files. i have noticed that i press verify files and it downloads then when i press verify again it downloads files again? not sure if thats normal.


on top of these addons i use pmdg 777 and active sky for p3d v4. if i spawn in the default airport  which is KVPS with pmdg 777 and active sky my fps is absolutely fine and stable. if i spawn in say for example EGBB, which is within the GBS region on the runway i can get up to 80 fps no problem, limit it to 60 to make it more smooth so clearly my pc is fine with it if i can hit 80 fps on unlimited but limit it to 60 and its a much better pc to my old one that ran it fine, but as soon as i start to give the plane power and roll down the runway every few second i get a such obvious stutter that is way too impossible to play with really, dont know if its related to at EGBB a part of the taxi way has just grass entirely covering it too. like i'll fly with around 40 fps then all of a sudden a drop to like 15 with an obvious stutter then back to 40 and it happens over and over again. i reinstalled p3d v4.5 as this is a new pc.


the pc isnt the problem as my older pc didnt have this issue before, so obviosuly the sim is a fresh install and the addons are too. ive tried as i said verify files and reinstalling but to no avail, not sure what is going on. i have checked event viewer and have noticed one error i get with prepar3d.exe that says RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 but not sure what that means and cant find anything about it, will include a screenshot of this. interestingly enough that RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 error  is also linked to ftx_central.exe

error 1.PNG

error 2.PNG

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i should add after a bit of googling about radar_pre_leak_64 some users get lots of sim crashes to desktop. on my old pc i did get crashes but that was due to out of memory, i have since upgraded to 32gb of ram on this new pc and i no longer crash. i suspect the radar leak is the issue? but again i have no idea what that is since the radar_pre_leak_64 is related to prepar3d v4 and ftx central

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since no staff can decide to help il make a brand new post linked back to the issue here. im trying to get this issue sorted soon not next year. not the first time ive had issues with orbx either. not had a good experience with ORBX considering the money iv'e spent.



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Asrock z390 taichi

i9 9900k

gtx 1080

2x16gb 3000mhz ram

nvme for windows and p3d.

i plan on changing out my gpu as it appears to be on its last legs at this current moment in time. Ive had fps issues in even basic games like minecraft so starting to believe its the gpu especially since the smallest overclock caused artifacs, bearing in mine i use to have an old 1080 of the exact same model that could oc well higher. So for now i may blame the gou until i get a new one then otherwise il see what i can do next.

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If im not going to get any support, especially since i asked orbx on facebook 2/3 times and each time they said they will get staff to come help and noone does. If noones gonna bother to even help then i want to get rid of all the addons and have a refund for all of them






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On 8/15/2019 at 11:47 PM, JoshS99 said:

Asrock z390 taichi

i9 9900k

gtx 1080

2x16gb 3000mhz ram

nvme for windows and p3d.

i plan on changing out my gpu as it appears to be on its last legs at this current moment in time. Ive had fps issues in even basic games like minecraft so starting to believe its the gpu especially since the smallest overclock caused artifacs, bearing in mine i use to have an old 1080 of the exact same model that could oc well higher. So for now i may blame the gou until i get a new one then otherwise il see what i can do next.



whoever posts as "Orbx" on facebook does not seem to visit these forums and we do not provide customer support except here.

Your posts so far have alleged a problem with frame rates and then attributed that first to something named RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64

and now your own GPU.


Perhaps the one thing that we can address might be the report of



dont know if its related to at EGBB a part of the taxi way has just grass entirely covering it too.


Perhaps you can take and post a screen shot.


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On 8/15/2019 at 4:47 PM, JoshS99 said:

i plan on changing out my gpu as it appears to be on its last legs at this current moment in time. Ive had fps issues in even basic games like minecraft so starting to believe its the gpu especially since the smallest overclock caused artifacs, bearing in mine i use to have an old 1080 of the exact same model that could oc well higher. So for now i may blame the gou until i get a new one then otherwise il see what i can do next.




So, would you like Orbx to try and compensate for your GPU being on it's last legs?

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9 hours ago, JoshS99 said:

Theres no point attempting to fix the taxiway though if i get serious stutter issues making the sim basically impossible to play


You have already attributed that problem to two causes outside our control.

Do you want support for your Orbx products?

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