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Just purchased Darrington and Anacortes


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I just picked up Darrignton and Anacortes and I'm having issues with both.  Anoacortes has installed just fine with the scenery being present, but no buildings, hangars, runway markings, etc.  Darrington has nothing present at all.  I've looked at some of the other topics here on the X-Plane forums but I'm not really sure where to begin.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.



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47 minutes ago, iflygary said:

I just picked up Darrignton and Anacortes and I'm having issues with both.  Anoacortes has installed just fine with the scenery being present, but no buildings, hangars, runway markings, etc.  Darrington has nothing present at all.  I've looked at some of the other topics here on the X-Plane forums but I'm not really sure where to begin.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.



I assume you have the Orbx libraries installed? Attach your scenery_packs.ini for review as it may be a layering problem.

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12 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


please log in to Orbx Direct and then go to the freeware page and add the libraries to your account.

Then install them with FTX Central.


It's saying my libraries for X-Plane are installed and up to date.  I will attach my scenery packs ini for review as jjaycee suggested.


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3 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Thanks, the answer was not for you but for kerrygipe whose libraries are not installed.

I am sure that Jon will advise you on your scenery_packs.ini file.

 Thanks !!!

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12 hours ago, iflygary said:


It's saying my libraries for X-Plane are installed and up to date.  I will attach my scenery packs ini for review as jjaycee suggested.

scenery_packs.ini 2.31 kB · 2 downloads

Looking at your scenery_packs.ini I have a couple of initial observations requiring your immediate action:

1. Remove your ClassicJetSimUtis folder from Custom Scenery. It goes into the XP directory, not Custom Scenery. See pic 1.

2. Remove the folder _MACOSX from Custom Scenery or delete it. It is not required.

3. What is in your file/folder that is labeled as " Part 2 (Scenery library) "  ? I don't recognise it as being part of any addon that I see in your .ini. Please advise.

 Now to the rest of the .ini.

You have placed many 3rd party addon airports below Global Airports. These should be ABOVE Global Airports. For example you have KBUR,KDAL,KHOU,KLAX,KPHX all below Global Airports.

I will rearrange your .ini for you. When you get it, place it in your Custom Scenery folder and let it overwrite your existing one which you have attached in your post.

Please report back.







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6 hours ago, jjaycee1 said:

Looking at your scenery_packs.ini I have a couple of initial observations requiring your immediate action:

1. Remove your ClassicJetSimUtis folder from Custom Scenery. It goes into the XP directory, not Custom Scenery. See pic 1.

2. Remove the folder _MACOSX from Custom Scenery or delete it. It is not required.

3. What is in your file/folder that is labeled as " Part 2 (Scenery library) "  ? I don't recognise it as being part of any addon that I see in your .ini. Please advise.

 Now to the rest of the .ini.

You have placed many 3rd party addon airports below Global Airports. These should be ABOVE Global Airports. For example you have KBUR,KDAL,KHOU,KLAX,KPHX all below Global Airports.

I will rearrange your .ini for you. When you get it, place it in your Custom Scenery folder and let it overwrite your existing one which you have attached in your post.

Please report back.


scenery_packs.ini 2.23 kB · 1 download







Success!!  Everything is working just as it should now.  In addition to the scenery packs ini that you sent to me I did all of the additional things that you asked me to do.  I'm not really sure as to the folders being misplaced. The only possibly answer to some of the misdirected folders is that my 17 year old son mainly flies X-Plane and he has done pretty much all of the tinkering with it.  Now that you guys, ORBX, have jumped on board with X-Plane,  I've started to become more involved with it.  Thanks again for all of your help!! :)



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  • 1 month later...
On 7/28/2019 at 1:47 PM, Jon Clarke said:

Good news and your'e welcome.

 Jon you will not believe this.  The issue has returned.  I'm not sure exactly why.  With no apparent rhyme or reason Anacortes has disappeared again.  I have attached my scenery.ini for your review.




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@iflygary Oh Gary what are you doing? :lol:

 For start you have still got your ClassicJetSimsUtils folder in Custom Scenery. It goes into the XP Directory like I showed you in the pics I attached previously. Move that folder. If you don't it will keep appearing in your .ini as an entry.

I will rearrange your .ini again as it appears you have added some more addons since last time. Remember to open your .ini after each and every time you install a new addon because XP will just plonk the addon onto the top layer of your .ini. You need to check the .ini after every new install and make the necessary adjustments if relevant. Orbx installs normally do a decent job in placement but still check.

If the revised .ini doesn't solve the issue then you need to photo pic a copy of your Custom Scenery so we can check. Have you installed everything directly into your XP directory or have you also installed with the new Orbx Central, into a newly created Library? Let me know. Anacortes is showing up in the .ini as installed but if you have moved it and not either added a new shortcut or symbolic link to the new location, it will still show as installed under the old location but not not appear in your sim.



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7 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

@iflygary Oh Gary what are you doing? :lol:


Haha sometimes Jon I have to ask myself that question as well!! :lol::lol::lol:

So here is where we are. I downloaded your revised ini and still nothing.  I did however FINALLY move that folder like you asked:rolleyes: I have attached a pic of what Anacortes looks like from the air as well as my custom scenery folder.  I know this may be a stretch but should I resort back to the old FTX Central???  It seems as though that is when my issues began.  Let me know what you advise next please.




Custom Scenery.JPG

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Confirm a couple o fthings cos I am getting a bit baffled here!

Is the pic showing TE Washington with  Orbx Anacortes airport?

The problem is i cannot tell from the pic if it is showing TE WA, but I do see that you have no autogen except trees. There doesn't appear to be any buildings at all in the pic.

Have you "verified files" Anacortes? if not do so cos Anacortes comes with it's own Ortho and Objects and none are evident. 

 I don't think Orbx Central is the problem as many users would be experiencing issues like disappearing installed addons. So far there is only one such issue reported. i will let you guess who that is:lol:


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Jon yes it is TE Washington with Orbx Anacortes. I just verified the files....again.  Haha and hmmmm are you saying your truly is the only one have this problem????:unsure:  Hey at least my problems are sure doozies!!!  :D  I have attached a screenshot showing the files have been verified.  I have also attached yet another pic of Anacortes showing what is actually visible.  Unfortunately there isn't much.

Verified Files.JPG

Anacortes 2.JPG

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I just had a look at what I see at Anacortes and it sure isn't what you see !

I think I have run out of ideas.  

Final idea: Uninstall Anacortes, uninstall Orbx Library via Orbx Central, not FTX Central if you still  have it.

Reinstall both Anacortes and OrbxLibrary direct through Orbx central. New downloads of each and not from any backup copy. Install directly into the XP Directory and not into any Library you may have created.

Start XP up to the opening screen. Shut XP down. Check your Scenery_packs.ini that it has got both the new installs. They would probably be on top of the list in the .ini.

Start XP and choose Anacortes and see if the airport is functioning as it should.

If all is good it should look like my pic. You can see from my pic that you have nothing of  the  Orbx Anacortes showing although everything says it is installed and in fact at the top of your current .ini, if you installed that .ini I sent you.


Here is what I see. Doesn't help you but it does clarify exactly what you should be seeing. Installed airports do not just disappear without the user having done some kind of change or adding a new addon that is masking the airport. We have been through those aspects based on the info and docs you have provided.

The redownloading and reinstalling a fresh copy of Anacortes and the Orbx library will remove any masking.




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1 hour ago, iflygary said:


Bad news.  I've tried it all and still no luck.  I'm beginning to wonder if I should do a complete uninstall and reinstall of X-Plane??????

Maybe you could try that. Keep your current  Custom Scenery folder safe because if , as you say, all of the TEGB South is good then it will save time rather than reinstalling TEGB again.

Before you do a XP reinstall lets just compare our TEGB install sizes in GBytes.

My install, including Needles reads as per the attached pic. Check that yours reads exactly the same:



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I do not have TE GB South, I have GB Central.  My location isn't set up like yours.  Here is what I do have though.  Let me ask you this question.  Should they all be in an actual "Orbx" folder just as it is for me in FSX and P3D???  Here is what I do have.

TE GB Central 1.JPG

TE GB Central 2.JPG

TE GB Central 3.JPG

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My error I meant to post that TEGB South in another OP's query, not yours. Was a long day !!! !Anyway, if it's of any use I have exactly the same readings as you for each of the 3 files.

We are dealing with your disappearing Anacortes so i need to get back on topic.

 I need you to do the suggestion of using Orbx Central to uninstall Anacortes and the Orbx Library. The use Orbx central to reinstall fresh copies of both and not from any backup copy.

 When they are installed Anacortes should appear at the very top of the scenery.ini and the OrbxLibrary somewhere else in the .ini

Start XP and then shut down XP and check that both Anacortes and the Orbx library are in the .ini. Don't make any .ini adjustments. Restart XP and choose Anacortes as your departure airport. Lets see what happens.

 To answer you additional question, no there is no Orbx general file like FSX/P3D. The way your Orbx addons are installed in your Custom Scenery pics is as they should be.

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I will take my computer in to the local store here and have them take a look at it.  I have tried everything that you have said so there must be something else happening internally. I will report back to you. Sorry about your long day yesterday.  I don't want you to have another long way today!!  Thanks again for your attempts to help me sort it out.B)

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1 hour ago, iflygary said:


I will take my computer in to the local store here and have them take a look at it.  I have tried everything that you have said so there must be something else happening internally. I will report back to you. Sorry about your long day yesterday.  I don't want you to have another long way today!!  Thanks again for your attempts to help me sort it out.B)

Stay safe in the forthcoming hurricane.

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