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Update of Australian Airport?

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Hello there,

excuse me please, if this has already been addressed elsewhere. I was wondering if the stand-alone Australian Airports like Melbouren, Brisbane or Cairns will also be update. Frankly, they really need it and with Australia v2 out, that would be a real step ahead. Unfortunately, they cannot be found on the current roadmap.


Best regards


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Hello Adrian,

this is where they are at present:



We are currently updating all our AU airports to be compatible with Australia v2's higher definition mesh. Please keep an eye out on the release announcement post or our Facebook page for further information on these updates.



there are no intended updates to the airport content.

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Yes, $0  believe.


However, these are not updates to the content of the airports, they are updates to their

compatibility with Australia version 2.


Just to be absolutely clear, no amount of wishful thinking or "creative reading" can make this statement:



We are currently updating all our AU airports to be compatible with Australia v2's higher definition mesh.


mean that matters like this:



Brisbane is currently in the middle of having a new runway built, opening next year I believe. That may affect the timings of any re-modeling or updates.


will be addressed.




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2 minutes ago, Ian St said:

Brisbane is currently in the middle of having a new runway built, opening next year I believe. That may affect the timings of any re-modeling or updates.


Last week news report, they are trying for late this year or maybe early next year, ATC training is slowing things down. They didn't mention construction progress.

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3 minutes ago, Aussieflyer38 said:


Last week news report, they are trying for late this year or maybe early next year, ATC training is slowing things down. They didn't mention construction progress.


Yes I think the runway is virtually complete, its all the background stuff that needs putting in place. When I lived in Manchester it was about 12 months from when the construction finished to when the first commercial landing took place on the new runway at MAN. 

I think at BNE ther'll need to be a fair bit of taxiway infrastructure to link the existing terminals.

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ok, but coming back to the original question, it is not planned to make new versions of the Australian Airports other then making it compatible to AU v2 (like SODE-Jetways etc.). I hope this gets added to the roadmap sometime. Would be too bad, if this fine airports wouldn't be adapted to today's standards.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I flew through Brisbane Airport yesterday and the day before. While the new runway looks like it's mostly complete in terms of pavement, the taxiways linking the new runway to the existing airfield are not. There are also still works going on with the new runway itself, including lighting, etc. I believe the first movements are expected in March 2020.

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