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Monterey Elevation

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7 hours ago, Fsxsimmer453 said:



I bought Monterey for P3D V4 but the elevation is off  ?


I don't have ftx global so I can't use the elevation tool ?


Any suggestions please



The "elevation tool" is not part of FTX Global, it's a part of FTX Vector.

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KMRY is one of the airports that needs its region to work properly, so please make

sure that it is installed and active in your scenery library.


If you are sure that this is the case, please post a screen shot of what you are seeing.



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  • 2 months later...


 I bought Monterey for P3D V4 too and  also Northern California.
I am not sure but I may have an elevation problem too. Therefore I put my question here.
When I taxi from the main terminal  to Rwy 28L or the other way around I see taxi way side lights floating above the surface on the hillside. 
When I reach turns to the terminal or runway the lights are on the surface as they should. 
I checked if there were other files interfering but all seems normal.


Pls. help.


Enclosure 1 screen shot.


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