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Installing AU Australia v2 over AU Australia version 1

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I just installed AU Australia v2. I  own pretty much every ORBX product except few airports. I assumed AU Australia v2 would remove v1, but it did not. I got some errors when exiting P3D that I never saw before ever. Assuming these were caused by having both AU Australia v2 and v1 installed I removed AU Australia v1. Before doing anything else I re-loaded the scenery library in Little Navmap and it threw up a ton of errors regarding the missing AU Australia v1. I am now in the process of uninstalling AU Australia v2 and then reinstalling it without v1 installed, hoping it will sort things out.


I know assuming is not usually the best approach, but it failed after I followed the documentation instructions and had issues.  I also noticed that after I installed AU Australia v2 that AU Australia v1 was still in my scenery.cfg ABOVE AU Australia v2. That seemed surely wrong.


I am running P3D v4.5 (not the hotfix yet) on Windows 7 dedicated to P3D.


My question is what is the proper procedure to make the switch from AU Australia v1 to the new AU Australia v2? Do I need to manually remove the AU Australia v1entries from scenery.cfg, or should AU Australia v2  be installed again, only BELOW AU Australia v2?






OK! I did as I mentioned above. Little Navmap is still throwing the following errors,  BTW, P3D was not running during any of this, and ALL my P3D related software is installed outside of protected directories that have no security restrictions. Again, I own damn near every product you have and never had any issue, not even with TE England South installed over EU England.

Found 13 errors in 13 scenery entries when loading the scenery database

Some files or scenery directories could not be read.
You should check if the airports of the affected sceneries display correctly and show the correct information.

Scenery Title: FTXAU48_CUSTOM
"C:\Games\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU48_CUSTOM" does not exist.

Scenery Title: FTXAU46_SHORES
"C:\Games\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU46_SHORES" does not exist.

Scenery Title: FTXAU45_SCENERY
"C:\Games\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU45_SCENERY" does not exist.

Scenery Title: FTXAU38_CUSTOM
"C:\Games\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU38_CUSTOM" does not exist.

Scenery Title: FTXAU36_SHORES
"C:\Games\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU36_SHORES" does not exist.

Scenery Title: FTXAU35_SCENERY
"C:\Games\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU35_SCENERY" does not exist.

Scenery Title: FTXAU28_CUSTOM
"C:\Games\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU28_CUSTOM" does not exist.

Scenery Title: FTXAU26_SHORES
"C:\Games\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU26_SHORES" does not exist.

Scenery Title: FTXAU25_SCENERY
"C:\Games\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU25_SCENERY" does not exist.

Scenery Title: FTXAU18_CUSTOM
"C:\Games\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU18_CUSTOM" does not exist.

Scenery Title: FTXAU16_SHORES
"C:\Games\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU16_SHORES" does not exist.

Scenery Title: FTXAU15_SCENERY
"C:\Games\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU15_SCENERY" does not exist.

Scenery Title: FTXAU05_ROADS
"C:\Games\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU05_ROADS" does not exist.

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3 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Yes, it should.

Who is Dave?


Brain fart . . . Doug!     It's late and I have a massive headache. I've spent a couple hours trying to install AUv2 and I have yet to fly. Now I'm too tired.  isn't that par for the flight sim course?



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I have done everything I can think of. I have started P3d and it started and rebuilt the scenery indexes after I deleted the index folder, but Little Navmap is till throwing the same errors for "missing" FTXAU version 1 entries. I checked ALL relevant scenery files and version 1 stuff is gone. I had P3D rebuild the scenery indexes, so I am baffled as to where Little Navmap is reading these entries for the old files as I listed in the OP.  I restarted LNM a few times and NONE of the P3D files I am aware of contain these entries. I also deleted all Lorby add-on Organizer backups from ProgramData/Lockheed martin/Prepar3d v4. Something is not quite right.


I have no idea where LNM is picking up these entries. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


BTW, the scenery around Melbourne looks amazing. Great work!



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1 hour ago, ArJunaZ said:


Brain fart . . . Doug!     It's late and I have a massive headache. I've spent a couple hours trying to install AUv2 and I have yet to fly. Now I'm too tired.  isn't that par for the flight sim course?



Installing with the help of Central makes it quite clear - "will not be installed unless V1 is removed" - and then removes it for you

Using Central does make life easy

I learned this a few days ago letting it install all the I own of Orbx - when I installed a new P3d - after dumping FSX


PS I also followed all the instructions in the supplied Guide in Central - which gives the new World settings for P3D 4.5H1

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46 minutes ago, John Heaton said:

Installing with the help of Central makes it quite clear - "will not be installed unless V1 is removed" - and then removes it for you

Using Central does make life easy

I learned this a few days ago letting it install all the I own of Orbx - when I installed a new P3d - after dumping FSX


PS I also followed all the instructions in the supplied Guide in Central - which gives the new World settings for P3D 4.5H1


I installed it using only FTX Central v3.3.9.0.  It said nothing. I bough it. FTX Central said it was "not installed". I told it to save a copy of the download in my ORBX download directory before it installed it and in a few minutes it told me it was finished. What other way is there to install it? There was no message indicating anything else. I have most ORBX products and am quite familiar with Central. When it was finished it clearly showed both AU Australia and AU Australia V2 simultaneously installed. Neither the user manual nor FTX Central makes any mention that the old needs to be removed first, nor does it mention anywhere that AU Holgermesh and Tasmania Demo must be removed. Besides, isn't the point of FTX Central to manage all these products? IMO FTX Central should have uninstalled the superseded products automatically or at least mentioned it and offered to do it.


Anyhow! I still don't understand where LNM is getting the information to look for the old Australia V1 scenario files.  If ORBX folks here don't have a suggestion I'll have to ask Alex if he has any ideas. It's all working now in any case.



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Thank you for your suggestions.


This is what FTX Central does.




This is very effective and prevents the installation of version 2 if version 1 is present.


Unfortunately, FTX Central is unable to take account of the customer modified installation, whether deliberate or not,

that removes the elements that it needs to detect the AU Australia installation.


As to Little Nav Map, it takes its database form the installed and active scenery on your PC.

If it is still reading AU V1, then either you have not created a new database or it is still installed.


Otherwise, clear the Little Nav map database and then create a new one.



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I can assure you that the message you show did not pop up. I do not have a custom installation and I  used FTX central for all installations. The only slightly different thing, which should be undetectable by and have no effect on ORBX is that I moved the Prepar3D v4/ORBX folder to another SSD drive and created a junction point in the "Prepar3D v4" directory called "ORBX" which points to the ORBX folder on the other drive. In the Prepar3D v4 folder at a command prompt I typed [  MKLINK /J "ORBX" "E:/ORBX"  ]. This should be of no consequence. I've never had any issues with any other ORBX install or update. All ORBX products were installed through this junction. Other than that I have allowed FTX Central do handle everything. I've made no changes or tweaks outside of FTX Central.


There is a possibility this might be a bug.


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There is not a bug.


If AU Australia is installed and then an attempt is made to install Australia version 2,

the result is the message that you see in my screen shot.


I do not post information that is not verified, unless I deliberately make it clear that it is not.


Before I created that screen shot, I uninstalled Australia version2, installed AU Australia and

then asked FTX Central to install version 2.

This is the result.




I fully accept that you did not see the same message and you have provided the reason why.


There is therefore no need to respond futher to your suggestions for improvements to FTX Central,

as they are already implemented.


Before you question my advice on this matter again, you are free to try the same test yourself.


Unless you feel that I may have created the evidential screen shot using Photoshop and that

John Heaton has posted something in this topic that is not true, please just accept that the system

is in place but apparently did not work for you.





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