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Installing EGHR

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Hi support,
It's been a while and much has changed since I was last here.
I'm using FTX Central v3.3.6 and have FSX installed on my C: drive and X-Plane 11 installed on my F: drive.

Recently I bought EGHR Chichester/Goodwood Airport for X-Plane 11 (transaction ID/receipt number: 5cdfec0b59e6f).
My problem is that FTX Central does not show it in my Product Range or offer me a choice of which simulator to install to.
I looked through the forums and found help by means of making symbolic links to the drives concerned but had no success with my attempts.
So I'm wondering, will the release of FTX Central v4 make installing scenery into X-plane 11 any easier for me ?

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Hi Tom


Have you run X-Plane at least once before running FTXC3?

Your issue has nothing to do with needing symbolic links.

There will be no such thing as FTX Central v4, the next version will be called "Orbx Central" and the changes do not apply to your issue here.

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For FTX Central to see X Plane 11, there must be

C:\Users\your name\AppData\Local\x-plane_install_11.txt

and that text file must contain the path to a folder that

itself contains X-Plane.exe.


Please ensure that these requirements are in place, then

FTX Central will offer you a choice between FSX and X Plane 11.

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Hi Nick,

In my C:\Users\my name\AppData\Local\x-plane_install_11.txt I have  

F:\X-Plane 11/

I have also updated X-Plane 11 to the latest release and it's running fine,

yet FTX Central still only offers me the choice of FSX and not X-Plane 11


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This is the text of the file that FTX Central uses to find X Plane 11.



  "Name": "X-Plane 11",
  "Abbreviation": "xp11",
  "AbbreviationDownload": "xp11",
  "SimulatorBase": "xp",
  "ExecutableLocation": "%SIMROOT%\\X-Plane.exe",
  "Encoding": null,
  "Location": {
    "Type": "EnumeratedFile",
    "RootModifier": null,
    "RegistryKey": null,
    "RegistryValue": null,
    "Registry64": false,
    "Path": "%LOCALAPPDATA%\\x-plane_install_11.txt"
  "Configuration": {
    "Type": null,
    "ConfigFileLocation": null,
    "DllXmlLocation": null,
    "ExeXmlLocation": null,
    "TerrainConfigLocation": null,
    "SceneryConfigLocation": null


I have highlighted the text that shows what it is looking for.

You could try this:



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Hi Nick,
I had a look at the xp11.3cjson file and it is correct
Have tried suggestion and options 1 and 2 in the above link without success.
Would moving X-Plane temporarily to my C: drive be worth a try, and if so - after FTX Central

finds X-Plane could I move it back to my F: drive and it still be discoverable ?
Just a wild thought..

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So decided to give this a try:

Copied X-Plane 11 to C: drive, (I do not have Steam edition) and changed path in C:\Users\my name\AppData\Local\xplane_install_11.txt to C:\X-Plane 11/

Opened X-Plane 11 and works fine from the C: drive
Rebooted..Logged into FTX Central, went to EGHR for X-Plane 11 - confirmed 'Product Owned', chose to open and download Version 1.15 in FTX Central
still no change, not showing a choice of simulator or availability


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  • 4 weeks later...

I still have had no luck with FTX Cenral discovering my X-Plane install so tried reinstalling X-Plane to it's desired location on to my desktop - with no improvement in the situation.

Tried moving files, playing around with paths, and in the process things became worse, tried verifying my installed Orbx scenery in FSX and now it seems I have bigger issues...

any help would be appreciated




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  • 2 weeks later...

just noticed this was tagged as resolved..not quite..    

EGHR Chichester/Goodwood Airport for X-Plane 11 is still an issue

I have had no luck with FTX Cenral discovering my X-Plane 11 installation no matter which drive or wherever I choose to install X-Plane to

followed all previous suggestions without any success and spent many hours trying to resolve

any help would be greatly appreciated




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Hi Nick,

The exact location of my current installation of X Plane 11 is:  

F:\X-Plane 11
The contents of my C:\Users\my name\AppData\Local\x-plane_install_11.txt  is: 

F:\X-Plane 11/
nothing else in there...



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the only other requirement for FTX Central is that the folder contains X-Plane.exe.

The only other instances where this has failed is when the customer's

Windows User account has not been an administrator.

In that case, the txt file needs to be copied into the Administrator appdata folder.

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okay, just checked to make sure..


Right click on my Desktop shortcut for X-Plane Properties shows:
X-Plane exe - Shortcut:

Target:   "F:\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe"


My Windows User account is as administrator with full permissions.




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me too,


 I deleted C:\Users\My name\AppData\Local\Orbx and

C:\Users\My name\AppData\Local\Temp\Orbx.

Then re-installed FTX Central v3 from the link

on the Orbx Direct home page.


Then rebooted before trying again


FTX Central still only offers me the choice of FSX and not X-Plane 11





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  • 2 weeks later...

Still here and still trying...   :)

Logged into FTX Central, went to EGHR for X-Plane11 - confirmed 'Product Owned',

chose to open and download Version 1.15 in FTX Central and now receive this message:


"We were unable to start the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (Bits)."
After clicking 'Okay' my Browser opens with instructions on how to enable this service,

so after enabling and retrying I still get the same error message appear even thought the 'Bits' is now enabled.


FTX Central still not showing a choice of simulators - only FSX.
I have 230Gb of free space on my C: drive where FSX is installed

and 2.29TB free space on my F: drive where X-Plane 11 is installed.

Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated





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Hi Doug


Just tried the option 2 in part 2 (Clean wipe .cmd) and reinstall FTX Central

and no longer receive the 'Bits" error window but other than that

no change in my situation


thank you for suggestion




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That looks OK. So now i need to see a pic of your XP installation document. You get it from:

Local Disk C/Users/your name/AppData/Local. At the very near bottom of this file will be a text file called :


Attach it for review (not a pic). If the location of the install is not in this text document then something is wrong but can be easily rectified. If the location is in this document, then I cannot understand why FTX Central cannot locate it and show it. It would be a unique problem.

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@tom2rific Well you certainly got everyone bewildered here mate!!!!!!!

The entry in the text doc looks fine, your XP Directory looks good. The only thing eft is FTX Central and it appears you have done all the necessary installs/reinstalls etc.

So: lets look in the FTX Central file structure.. Go into Users/AppData/local/Orbx. Do you have a shortcut of FTX Central on your desktop and which version of Central are you using, v3.3.9.1 I assume? Open that v3.3.9.1 folder and open FTX Central via the .exe as shown in the pic I attach. and see if it shows XP as an installed sim.


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 Hi jjaycee1...never meant to bewilder :D
yes I am using the latest version of FTX Central...

So, opened the v3.3.9.1 folder and then opened FTX Central via the FTX Central.exe within.
Unfortunately.. 'the song remains the same'...

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37 minutes ago, tom2rific said:

 Hi jjaycee1...never meant to bewilder :D
yes I am using the latest version of FTX Central...

So, opened the v3.3.9.1 folder and then opened FTX Central via the FTX Central.exe within.
Unfortunately.. 'the song remains the same'...

Well sir I am going to put your name forward for a knighthood for furthering the cause of total bewilderment in the Orbx flightsim world.

 I am really sorry but I don't think I can assist further in any way. I admit defeat :banghead:

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hmm...Sir Headbanger of Bewilderment..I'm a little lost for words..

I very much appreciate your efforts jjaycee1 and would prefer to not accept your notion

of defeat but would accept that you may be a little flummoxed just as I am.

Thank you for your very
gallant rescue attempt

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