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PNW Retail Release Information

Jay Kae

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After countless hours of testing over the last 68 hours, 5.5 hours sleep, more than 14 hours on the actual phone to the USA, the last phase of the retail release has come. Lockdown of everything, some sleep and away we go, not 100% sure on delivery time because I seriously need to go to bed and catch up on some zzzzz's so does Adrian so that we can be fresh, ready to go and quick on our feet when we release. We will talk to you all tomorrow.

Once again I apologise for the prepay debacle, as said I take full responsibility and for the retail release I have tested and tested and tested the links with the CDN company and everything we could think of and use what was at our disposal to get this all up and running.

[uPDATE] The tech from the CDN has let me know he has gone to bed for a couple of hours, when he gets up we will release because he is going to monitor and babysit the delivery... at no extra cost or anything how good is that ? Won't be too long anymore

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I hope you bear in mind that you most likely only hear from the few that had problems, and that all those of us who did get the download in reasonable time are more busy flying than writing to say thank you.

So - Thank you! :)

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I don't know about anyone else Jay, but I can't let you take responsibility for any problems I personally had. That my friend was down to my ISP. I always get throttled back at certain times of the day, and that slowed my download right down.

Personally I think you all have done an amazing job with this scenery package, and I can't wait for the next releases. I say:


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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You guy's are way to hard on yourselves!!! Things happen that you just cannot control,no matter how hard you try or how much you test!

You have an AMAZING product!!! PNW is the Crown Jewel for the FS community!! The facts speak for themselves.

Thank You for all your tireless efforts to bring this great gift to the market!!! It is way beyond my great expectations!!!!

Cheers!!! [get some well deserved shuteye!! :)]

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I already said this in the German forum,

I don´t think it i s your fault at all and you have done everything possible, the servers must have a hard time right now regarding the size of the download and the many download requests

and to give you some positive feedback, I was able to download from Germany without any disconnections and with a reasonable download speed I could live with :)

Thank you guys for your hard work

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Every day we live should be a learning experience.  Sometimes things go exactly as they should, sometimes they don't.  I think you guys have done an incredible job with such a large project.  I can't wait to see what comes from your hard work and dedication in the future. 

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I have been all to happy with the manner in which Orbx operates, and this definately includes those monumental efforts from Adrian and Jay these last couple days. We say in the military that the BEST plan never survives 'first contact' and that is so true. But its how folks react when the plan falls apart that sets the best apart from everyone else, and that IS exactly what Adrian and Jay accomplished. My salute to you both!!!!!

Now, more PNW flying to be had...;)

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JayKae I think you're doing a great job and the pre-pay release went extremely well for the majority of us. Here near Seattle, WA I had download speeds around 650k/s which is excellent for the time of day that I was downloading it on Friday! (Probably something to do with using the same CDN as Steam who is based here in Seattle)

Thanks JayKae, Adrian, John V and the rest of the Orbx team on this great launch. I'm sure you'll see NA Blue break through as your best selling product! I think with the amount of new members I've seen around the forums in the last two weeks it's a good indication that people are catching on. I think most in the 'silent majority' buy the product and only visit the forums for technical support and then maybe catch on with the forum community.

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You guys have done a tremendous job given the challenges.  Even the largest companies like Blizzard, with millions of dollars at their disposal, have trouble when new content releases. 

You should all be proud of yourselves and rest well.

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Once again I apologise for the prepay debacle...

To me the download took about 3 or 4 hours (got it running before I headed to office), installed it in no time, and started enjoying it immediately afterwards. It is regrettable that some folks had problems, but I sure wouldn't say it was a debacle!

Thank you JayKae and Adrian for all that you have done.

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I "think" I was one of the first downloading, since I happened to be on-line when the download button appeared. ;)

I'm happy with the speed I had, and hope everyone else will be able to download their copy asap.

Meanwhile I'm having a ball, exploring the scenery and hopping from airstrip to airstrip. Plan-G http://www.tasoftware.co.uk/ is the ultimate freeware direction finder here.

It must have been a great strain to get this working, and I hope you all have it figured out for the main release.

Indeed, I didn't thank you yet, but here goes: THANKS.

Good luck in the coming days, and congrats with the success.

Cheers, Rob

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Also wanted to add my comments as one of the silent (majority I suspect) who had no problems and haven't been vocal on the forum since release because I've been spending my time enjoying this awesome product.

I downloaded shortly after release here in the Seattle area ... I initially got a couple of 404 errors the first two times I tried (as the server was likely getting pounded), then on the 3rd try it connected and took off at 1.5Mb/s  ~40mins total time for the download.

As a fellow IT worker who has worked on a few large scale (10M+ customers) eCommerce web sites with some similar big release experiences, I'd say this release went off fine under the circumstances, this large amount of traffic coming from all over the world with varying ISP latency is something that's hard to simulate and test, and it seems that you guys really did put in place some bandwidth arrangements try to avoid the issues and then worked tirelessly to support the customers once the problems cropped up, so overall, while I'm sure you've learned some things that you will do differently in the future to try to prevent similar problems (splitting files into smaller chunks), I think you guys should be proud of the job you did and don't beat yourself up about it too bad, there's a lot of us silent folks who had minimal problems and actually expected a worse release knowing the popularity of the product, the pent up demand, and the reality of how the Internet works (or doesn't at times) and the variable quality of local ISPs. At least wait to get some rest before you try to reflect too much on what you could have done better.

Thanks for your hard work, you guys should be proud, this product is more than well worth the cost each of us paid for it and no-one lost any money by having to wait an extra day or two... I'm prepaid for Darrington and Starks but am fine to wait a few days if needed to make sure all the pre-paid users download successfully.

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I did not have any problems whatsoever. Downloaded in one swoop in about 4 hours or so. Expanded and installed beautifully. The purchase email with reg numbers came in on time and with clear information. For me personally this could not have been smoother. I know you will always hear the complainants a lot louder. That will always be so, but I firmly believe that myself, and countless others who have not had any ISP-related problems owe a big thanks to Jay and Adrian for a job well done, and of course the rest of the team for the product itself!. Hear hear!

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Excuse my stupidity but...

This means that those of us who were not sensible to pre-pay should be able to order and download this sometime today, right?  Maybe it is my boy's fever leading to a lack of sleep on my part and therefore a fuzzy head today but I am kind of confused.

Well done on the professional manner in which you guys rectified the majority of the problems for the pre-payers.  Brilliant dedication to your product and the FS community!

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Hi Wedge. (BTW, how is Biggs these days?  Sorry, bad Star Wars joke  ;D )

We will be opening the FSS store for the retail release shortly. Jay is working with the CDN network people and we're waiting for their tech to come back on duty so he can physically monitor the downloads from the server end. Won't be long now ...

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Congratulations on the Herculean effort of all concerned. While occasional mishaps are inevitable - it is always the quality of the response that counts. And I really cannot think that any better response was possible. In any case, the success of PNW was never going to be about the delivery mechanism ... just read the unsolicited posts from users blown away by your achievement. I reckon that you have produced what will be hailed as a another 'classic' in the world of flight sim. It's slightly eery to think that you will probably eclipse even this result - for this seems to be the Orbx way. I have marvelled at your skills, commitment, decency and generosity since the earliest days of VOz. Best wishes.


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I just wanted to say that I got my download in 5hours 21 minutes.  I was expecting about 4 and 1/2 hours.  I clicked the link and it downloaded straight thru and it unzipped and installed without any problem.

It was not a debacle.  There were people with problems but I cant help but wonder if the massive power failures that were casued by the blizzard on the northeast had anything to do with some people's troubles.  I really dont know.

But it could not have helped.

I think ya'll did fine.

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