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Time to start flying again.......

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I guess there comes a time when you have to say that all good things must someday come to an end. And so it is with me and the newer ORBX scenery offerings. I've come to realize that my ageing system,like my ageing body, just can't cut it anymore. After spending countless hours with the TE and CityScape sceneries and v4.5 I've come to realize that there is nothing I can do to make them run reasonably well. So, I've gone back to v4.4 and put all the "new stuff" in the maybe-in-the-future folder. If I can ever afford a new system I'll try them again but, until then, I'm just going back to flying and not worrying about the newest-and-greatest "stuff"..........Doug 

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I'm doing about the same.

It's pretty much routine......the software always creeps ahead of the hardware.

That reality will stay as is as long as it sells.

Like with cars....do we really need 850 hp engines, computerized braking systems, heated seats.....etc.?

You're probably just like me.....having lived in the 1930s.....you look around each day and get the feeling you've been transported to some kind of fantasy world.

And to me....it ain't a pretty world.:-[



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I have a brother that hoards everything 90's technology and still lives in the DOS world. To be honest he is the happiest dude in the world. He is a drummer so he is convinced music on an 80486DX4 processor is better then the latest junk because the cycle times on that processor is far more stable. Anything Windows95 and on isn't stable and junk to him


It is not always necessary to keep up with the Jonses when you find something that works for you. 

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We ain't seen nuthin yet..!

Wait until the 46 terabyte rendering of the traffic light at the corner of 4th and main in Jacksonville, Florida is released.

It will download in .0004 seconds because it is compatible with Quantum Mechanics theory which postulates that at the Quantum level

time does not really exist.



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This is true. In the world of quantum physics time has no meaning. Only in the realm of spacetime does time become relevant. That said, since time has no meaning and, therefore, no direction...why is it that we can remember the past but we can't remember the future?

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I was salivating over the latest flight sim thing but bemoaning its cost. My wife asked two questions: do you enjoy flying what you currently have? Does what you currently have run well?  I'm 76 years old--why not accept good enough and let the youngsters chase the rabbit?

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