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TE GB South Blurries with Update 1.1

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I have waited for the update to TE GB South with some eagerness and I must admit I am very disappointed. I am experiencing problems with blurries at low altitude (2600 feet) and reasonably low speed (210kts), using the default F-22 as a simple, test vehicle. The blurries issue gets worse the further away from the departure airport you become. I have been using Shoreham EGKA, heading North on a heading of about 020 degrees towards London. Note that I have all the boxes unchecked in the Control Panel.


With the TE Netherlands (updated to the latest version), it would appear that at the same flight conditions as stated above in terms of altitude and airspeed, I have no real issues with the scenery which appears very crisp and distinct. In fact I would go as far as saying that Orbx have done a great job with this scenery which appears very realistic.


I am almost led to believe that some other technology has been used in TE GB South compared with TE Netherlands which results in the observed behaviour, although correct me if I am wrong. It makes no sense to me that my system can cope with TE Netherlands but not TE GB South (great disappointment so far), unless of course any changes to the methodologies involved necessitate a much beefier system than mine. I have tried Nick Cooper's suggestion of limiting frame rate to no avail: still the same problem. I have also deleted and reformed the prepar3d.cfg file with no significant change in the blurries.


Any help or advice here are most welcome, and more particularly if you have similar  issues.


My specs are Intel i7 875K turbo boosted to 4GHz, GTX 1070 with 8GB memory, and 16GB RAM.

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The only box I have checked in the Control Panel is for London bridges. I don't believe any further tweaking will improve matters.


I have just switched to a takeoff from Exeter, England (well away from the urban density of London) and the same thing happens again. The frame rates here are very good ranging from 70-100 fps. Cannot understand why these blurries occur so quickly (initially everything is as it should be).

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Maybe this will help you understand more....


TE GB South tech is quite different from NLDS in many ways.   Just the ortho terrain data alone is packed at better than a 2x density when compared to NLDS.   Add to that thousands of more objects and the load on a system is heavy and way beyond NLDS.   I have a significantly newer system than you and I can fly at 200 knots steady and not getting any blurs right through london at 2000 feet with a resolution of 5040 by 1050.   Even with my much more powerful system,  I am using the settings that JV listed at the begnning of this forum.   I assume you have made sure you are too and have matched them to the letter.  If you are still getting blurries you may not be able to fly as fast as 200 knots.   


Hope this helps.



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6 hours ago, stiletto2 said:

Maybe this will help you understand more....


TE GB South tech is quite different from NLDS in many ways.   Just the ortho terrain data alone is packed at better than a 2x density when compared to NLDS.   Add to that thousands of more objects and the load on a system is heavy and way beyond NLDS.   I have a significantly newer system than you and I can fly at 200 knots steady and not getting any blurs right through london at 2000 feet with a resolution of 5040 by 1050.   Even with my much more powerful system,  I am using the settings that JV listed at the begnning of this forum.   I assume you have made sure you are too and have matched them to the letter.  If you are still getting blurries you may not be able to fly as fast as 200 knots.   


Hope this helps.




Thanks Rod for your tech explanation: I had suspected that things were a little different for TE GB South than is the case for TE Netherlands which may affect things in terms of settings etc..


No, I had not used JV's settings listed in the forum but having read through and employed them to a larger extent I am now finding that I am not getting the blurries at all, albeit only from a test out of Exeter where density of objects/scenery complexity does not enter into things much (London to test later).  Even my modest system copes with things. I personally cannot justify/afford the expenditure on a state-of-the-art system specifically for TE-related scenery: moreover the technology is in its infancy and only covers a tiny surface area of our beleaguered planet, let alone considerations of the terrabytes of storage capacity required to cover the planet! I am however encouraged that my ancient apparatus does the job very nicely and hence forestalls the necessity for wasting thousands of pounds on upgraded kit.


So, I was going to pass on any future offerings on the TE GB series for P3D v4 (I have no problem with TE GB in X-Plane 11), but on the basis of the most recent test I am inclined to rethink and agree that careful use of settings as determined by JV does give the best results. In  particular, the use of a profile specifically for the use of such scenery does seem to be advisable. I shall continue to test the scenery with various other parameters/locations to confirm that the recommended approach delivers the best results.



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With the benefit of further testing, I am sorry to report that, even with JV's settings and good frames over not-so-dense scenery, I do have a significant problem with blurries and TE GB South. If I continue overland at a constant altitude/speed/heading (200kts, 2000 feet), there are occasions when the textures load in correctly and everything is very sharp, but a few minutes later I am back in the realms of serious blurries and a landscape which looks like the aftermath of nuclear attack. It is difficult to identify exactly the root cause of such issues: my frames are high with the default F-22 when testing and performance generally is very smooth. If the rendering engine of Prepar3D v4.4 is deficient as many have suggested in other forums, then perhaps I am wasting my time until Lockheed Martin addresses these issues adequately.


It may well be a problem with my old system from which I am expecting too much, but at the moment it looks as if something is not working correctly in the sim with respect to the loading of textures which deteriorates with time. I seem to be able to enjoy a few minutes of sharp detail then all hell lets loose with the blurries. The sim seems to be too lazy to load everything in. I do not experience this with the older FTX and OLC scenery where things are generally fine on my system. 


Any remedies here (other than scrap my old system and upgrade!) most welcome.



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18 minutes ago, LecLightning56 said:


Gulp! What's your GPU card?


I use a 2x1080TI SLI configuration. 


Just out of curiousity I tried with everything maxed out over London: 10600 MB on the GPU. This is unflyable of course, too many bad stutters and too low frame rate of ~10 fps.

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8 minutes ago, kaha said:


I use a 2x1080TI SLI configuration. 


Just out of curiousity I tried with everything maxed out over London: 10600 MB on the GPU. This is unflyable of course, too many bad stutters and too low frame rate of ~10 fps.


Very interesting indeed. I am just wondering if Orbx was hamstrung to stick to the same philosophy as for TE Netherlands, which I do not have an issue with, where the UK is concerned. But sad, all the same, that those with very powerful systems may still be struggling.

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4 minutes ago, LecLightning56 said:


...that those with very powerful systems may still be struggling.


This leaves room for improvment on the hardware and the coding in P3D. 


I think it's a pity that ORBX still has to work towards avoiding bottlenecks resulting from the ancient code in P3D. But I'm confident that LM will eventually sort this out.

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1 hour ago, John Dow said:

I have found that unticking all non-essential scenery layers does help with the blurries in TE GB South.  A scenery config editor (free) makes the process quick and easy.


John, you are a genius! I have done exactly that and the blurries are as good as gone. To bear testimony to this I took the default F-22 up to 45,000 feet and dived over South Wales. Everything remained sharp in detail and, even when just a few thousand feet above the ground on recovering from the dive, the scenery detail remained sharp and distinct. What is the main reason behind such a dramatic change? I presume that I am overloading memory somewhere with the unnecessary scenery layers?


All is forgiven with Orbx on this count, but I feel that advice may have been lacking here.

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1 minute ago, kaha said:


You mean like unticking scenery in other Europe, US and so on?


I previously had a few FTX airports, FTX England, Scotland, Wales, South Alaska as well as LC Europe and LC North America active as scenery layers and deactivating these has made a massive difference in the quality of immersitivity in TE GB South, i.e. blurries as good as removed. 

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Been having a read of this thread, and I’m interested to see how this looks, do you mind uploading a screenshot of how your scenery looks when you have deactivated said scenery layers.


kind regards.



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8 hours ago, Nicky Bird said:

Been having a read of this thread, and I’m interested to see how this looks, do you mind uploading a screenshot of how your scenery looks when you have deactivated said scenery layers.


kind regards.




If you're flying in TE GB South, unticking all scenery layers in the rest of the world won't affect your scenery as you fly in the GB South area.  If you are planning to fly to another destination such as an airport in Europe or USA you need to have the region and the airports you will fly into ticked as well.  Just keep the minimum number of scenery layers ticked.  From the Bathymetry layer layer down (the default layers) there's no effect on the scenery that I am aware of so they can remain ticked.


The problem relates to something in the original FSX coding I believe, where cross checking sceneries for library objects etc seemed to be required, no-one knows why but LM are said to be looking at removing this part of the coding for P3DV4.  But I can' tell you any more because I don't know any more.

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I followed Nick Coopers suggestion to limit frame rates to 30/40 , it has a dramatic effect on CPU usage on my machine ( avg was 98% on an i7-8700) which is now averaging 50%. With CPU and GPU averaging around 50% there are still blurries particularly around 3000ft but significantly better than before. Will try some of the other suggestions on settings to see if that improves things again

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On ‎3‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 12:25 AM, LecLightning56 said:

The frame rates here are very good ranging from 70-100 fps. Cannot understand why these blurries occur so quickly (initially everything is as it should be).


If you have 70-100FPS, limit them internally in P3D to 60, select VSYNC "on", untick triple buffering and your blurries are gone...

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