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Studders on Takeoff at KSAN

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I had the same problem, are you testing it with loading and taking of direct from the runway? Try to start at a gate and see if the terrible stutters still are present. (when taxi to active and then take off)



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On ‎5‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 1:09 PM, Nick Cooper said:


you seem not to have specified what your support request is.

Sorry...I'll see if I can make it clearer.  On December 14, 2018 Doug Sawatzky of the Orbx Team posted on a thread titled "Stutters on runway at KSAN" the following... "I have the full Orbx catalog properly installed and fully activated, with settings fairly high and while performing operations in and out of this airport this morning with my PMDG 747, I am not able to replicate any stutters....the performance is smooth as silk and the visuals are amazing."...then marked the thread as "Answered".  I have the same problem as the people who posted in that thread but could not find how it was resolved or how it was "Answered".


Therefore, my support request was how to have my KSAN "...run as smooth as silk..." as Doug posted.  I am specifically asking what I have to do to have performance as smooth as Doug's...to not have the severe stutters I am now experiencing during takeoff.   I have tried several aircraft, lowering traffic and reducing some settings but nothing seems to help.  I had been doing, as McDaniel suggested above, starting from a gate, doing the taxi and then take off but the same results.  I even tried starting from a Cargo area and just loading onto the runway...all this did not change the stutter experience.


Hope this is what you needed to know.



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Since that post you refer to, I have done several uninstalls and reinstalls and I am currently using P3Dv4.4, and I do not have my PMDG747 installed at this time. So today I have carried out some flying from KSAN using my Carenado Falcon 50, I did several take offs, approaches and touch and goes and can report all is still smooth as silk with a 30fps average. No stutters on takeoff.


Below are my normal settings that I use for pretty much everything, I also had AS2016 running, and using PTA 2.65 and the Matt Davies default preset. I do not have any AI traffic programs installed. My PC specs are in my signature and note that I am running this across three 24" ASUS VS248 monitors.



settings 1.PNG

settings 2.PNG

settings 3.PNG

settings 4.PNG

settings 5.PNG

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Thanks Doug for the reply.  Following is what I experienced:

·       My hardware is close to yours with the following exceptions (also using P3Dv4.4):

o   Have 1070 GPU

o   Run sim on single 32”, 2k screen

·       Do not have the PMDG 747 so did my testing with the CS 737-200

o   Also tried a couple of other aircraft, including the default Cub and Milviz PA-30…no noticeable difference found.

·       Use AS for P3Dv4

·       FPS locked at 30

·       I don’t run any PTA mods

·       Turned off UTLive…made no difference

·       Changed all my settings to match yours, with the exception of I only run 1 monitor.

o   No change in performance.

I than began to experiment as follows, after returning settings to my originals (each test was after a complete shutdown of P3Dv4 and my computer, with a restart):

·       Turned off all boats, cars and static aircraft in the KSAN Control Panel

o   No change in performance

·        Found problem occurred only when departing Rwy 9.  Rwy 27 had no stutters.

·       Found problem occurred with Rwy 9 departure at about taxiway B4

·       Found I could just taxi past, no need to do departure, taxiway B4 and got stutters.

o   Determine problem occurs about half way between taxiways B5 & B4

o   Taxied all over the airport and held frames between high 20’s to 30, except in problem area

·       Made no difference if I started at Rwy or from Gate.

·       While testing with a Rwy 27 departure, and found no stutters, I just aborted the takeoff and stayed on the ground to the runway end…then turned around and taxied back on Rwy 9, past the problem area, and stutters were significantly reduced.

Any ideas of what else can be done at this point.  The stutters are bad enough to make a departure from Rwy 9 unusable for me.

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Is it KSAN only that you are experiencing this with?

Are you using an SSD for your sim drive? I am not implying that it is required, just curious?

What CPU are you using?


I did some more testing and I can not replicate anything that even resembles a stutter, from any direction or position at the airport.

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Hi Doug,

CPU is i7 7700K @ 4.2GHz.  Running Sim and all sceneries from a Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB that is about 40% free.


Yes...KSAN is the only airport where I have this experience.  The only other larger/more complex 3rd party airports I have are KPDX & KDEN from Flightbeam.  Most of my 3rd party airports are Orbx GA type.  I do have many of your smaller, regional airports like KCGX, KGPI, EGFF, KJAC, and a few others like that.

I just completed a flight from KPDX to KDTW (default airport for KDTW)  with a DC-8 50 and did not notice any issues out of KPDX.  Also been in and out of KDEN several times and did not notice any stutters.  I should say I occasionally will see a very quick stutter at airports...but never enough to bother nor really take notice.  Most of my flying is GA type so that's why so many small airports.


Hope this helps...I know it's tough when you can't replicate the issue.  Since there were several people who reported the same issue in the previous post, could some of the other folks at Orbx give it a try and see if they can replicate.  Oh...I did do an uninstall and reinstall, of KSAN, yesterday evening but nothing changed.



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Orbx folks have already tested this extensively and have not been able to repilcate.....So,


It might be worth messaging the others that you see are having the same issue and try to find a common denominator, the only one I see so far is the  i7 7700K?

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Despite this might sound silly would you mind trying this?:




My computer is not so powerful and some of my settings are even higher than Doug's ones (like the texture resolution in display option, the scenery option settings and airport density) and I have no issues flying KSAN. Where I most differ to Doug's settings is in the  the frame rate control ones.


I used to have issues like blurry textures and flying like in slow camera in some sceneries, once Nick recommended me to set this value to 30 and the most of my problems were gone.


Though you might like to try this if you don't mind my intervention. Just trying to provide ideas/help





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Thanks Carlos,


I already had my settings as you show...but appreciate the advice.


Think I'll do what Doug suggested and PM the other people who reported the issue to see if they did anything to fix it.



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3 minutes ago, triflyman said:

Thanks Carlos,


I already had my settings as you show...but appreciate the advice.


Think I'll do what Doug suggested and PM the other people who reported the issue to see if they did anything to fix it.



Thank you Gary

I wish you can solve this as KSAN is a great place for flying


Good Sunday

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