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Capt Pugwash

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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

I'm so close to buying XP but it'll have to wait for bigger SSD's and complex jets.  I mean PMDG complex.

Jack, seriously I thought I would really miss my PMDG, NGX/777/747 and QW787 and also my AS Airbus’s (they are all sitting there in my P3D hanger awaiting my return from XP :unsure:)...

Sure, I went and installed XP with True Earth not expecting much really, ...but, and it’s a big but...XP has really stunned me with its realism, detail, features & performance,  I have never enjoyed actually flying vfr in a sim as much as this at low level!...worth it for the smooth detailed flying you get with TrueEarth alone...also am amazed that airliners are proving fun to fly in X-Plane as well. I have been a huge P3D advocate since day one, but this has just blew me away

Am sure I will be back to my faithful P3D at some point...won’t I...???

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1 hour ago, Capt Pugwash said:

Jack, seriously I thought I would really miss my PMDG, NGX/777/747 and QW787 and also my AS Airbus’s (they are all sitting there in my P3D hanger awaiting my return from XP :unsure:)...

Sure, I went and installed XP with True Earth not expecting much really, ...but, and it’s a big but...XP has really stunned me with its realism, detail, features & performance,  I have never enjoyed actually flying vfr in a sim as much as this at low level!...worth it for the smooth detailed flying you get with TrueEarth alone...also am amazed that airliners are proving fun to fly in X-Plane as well. I have been a huge P3D advocate since day one, but this has just blew me away

Am sure I will be back to my faithful P3D at some point...won’t I...???

Thanks Capt.  I’m not really a low and slow kind of guy.  I love very complex airliners, planning a flight in PFPX, choosing a SID & STAR, transition, and approach.  It has to be as complex and detailed as possible.  If I fly a slower plane like I did today, A2A’s 182 from Sedona to Catalina it’s nice, or flying a helicopter to look at an airport, that’s nice too.  I do like the screenshots though and I may buy it next year as I can’t wait to see what Orbx will release for P3D, in fact I wish they’d speed up releases for P3D.

Anyway, I have 1TB, 3TB, & 4TB external drives and four interna SSD’s but the SSD’s are being used for backups.

I’ll probably end up doing it but not till next year.  I wish I could see the specs on any complex XP planes, are they’re any out there that even come close to PMDG or FSLabs or Majestic’s Q400?

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