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TEGB Peformance issues


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I am finding TE GB unusable currently. The loading times have gone from 3 minutes to about 12 minutes compared with FTX England textures. However I have ORBX scenery on a 3TB HDD, and I accept I could bring this down with an SSD. Basically I ran out of space on my 500GB SSD so my ORBX has a temporary home on a platter drive until I can buy a 2TB SDD.


The main issue is that the sim cannot load textures properly above 100kts without the whole landscape blurring out completely. Last night I flew across Devon for about 2 minutes and let the aircraft leave the textures behind. Then I paused the sim and had to wait 5-6 minutes for the view below to come in focus.


I have dialed the settings right back to give the sim some head space, but it hasn't helped.


Frame rate is locked at 24fps,

New scenery.cfg file created,

Un-ticked enhanced ground textures, dialed back autogen and draw radius,

I've also unticked FTX ENG and WLS for good measure.


Even on default settings (or below!) the sim can't load textures fast enough to fly across a detailed landscape.


I'd like to know if the in flight texture loading problem will be fixed if I invest in an SSD? Or if there's anything else I can do first that won't cost me £250...


Any help really appreciated.


i7 i4790k @ 4.4

GTX 680 4GB

16GB DDR 1600Mhz RAM



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Set yopur Nvidia settings to High Performance that should help.


Your graphics card is probably your problem.  A GTX 970 would be minimum, a GTX 1080 is giving me great results.


I also have my texture resolution in P3D down to 256 x 256 which doesn't seem to hurt the visuals of the landscape.

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Okay so the update: I managed to get the installation onto an SSD. I have dropped the sliders down to practically minimum including texture resolution to 256 x 256, anti aliasing to 2x, FXAA off, and antigen draw distance to medium. I can now just about maintain 250kts without a blurred landscape, which is an improvement. Netherlands TE doesn’t do this to my system though. 

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2 hours ago, Pod said:

Okay so the update: I managed to get the installation onto an SSD. I have dropped the sliders down to practically minimum including texture resolution to 256 x 256, anti aliasing to 2x, FXAA off, and antigen draw distance to medium. I can now just about maintain 250kts without a blurred landscape, which is an improvement. Netherlands TE doesn’t do this to my system though. 

Plus all UT2 traffic and AS16 weather all switched off of course. 

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On 2/10/2019 at 1:26 PM, Pod said:

Netherlands TE doesn’t do this to my system though. 

Same here and I have a GTX 980ti.  TEGBS runs like a dog for me compared to the Netherlands.  I hope they can do something about this problem.


I got the load times down by unticking all FTX scenery except TEGBS.  That brought my 12 minute load times down to two minutes.  But I don't need to do that with the Netherlands.

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Yes. I was hoping for a little more support from this support forum, but I have been disappointed. 


The software is still unusable for me, and I’ve now uninstalled it. I’ve concluded that until I buy an M.2 SSD and at least a GTX 1080ti TE GBS will be off limits for me and won’t work. 


I think a bit of a warning about what would be required to make the scenery work would have been better, and should have been more explicitly stated. Those with twin SLI graphics and endless cash to test things forget we can’t all afford to drop £1000 every three years on the latest graphics card. I’m going abandon the TE series for the foreseeable future unless someone can actually get back to me with some help. 


No one from Orbx has really engaged with my problem, they have let other users tell me it’s my hardware that is at fault. 

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there is a topic full of suggestions here


In my experience, the key factor is not an SSD, I don't use one for P3D.

It seems to be your graphics card.

We more or less share the same specs, the difference being 16 GB of RAM,

probably not vital and GTX680 4GB  vs GTX 1070ti, which I think is.



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I think you are probably right. In graphics, there’s no such thing as a free lunch I guess. We all want more and more detail in our scenery, but the demands on the hardware are inevitably going to grow. I really admire the ambition of the True Earth series; it’s clearly the future. I suspect it may have arrived too soon for a few of us. 


I shall watch and wait. And save up.


Thanks for your reply Nick. I appreciate it.  

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Thanks for all your work Nick and the rest of the ORBX team. I am sure it has been frustrating for you hearing all the negative reports over the past few weeks, but thank you for your responses and willingness to work with us!


To this point, I have just been quietly reading and re-reading posts and trying various settings within P3Dv4 but I too just wanted to throw my hat in the ring and report very poor performance with TE Great Britain South and I felt this was the best place to do that because you @Pod and @Nick Cooper have similar systems to my own and I am having a similar problem to Pod. 


Adjusting the sliders, I can get decent frames and smoothness anywhere in the country including London. The main problem for me is ground texture loading. It seems like no matter what settings I use and no matter how low I move the sliders, I cannot get the ground textures to keep up.

Here is a shot I took earlier today.



As you can see, my graphics card isn't too strained, RAM usage is decent, not strained on the HD, I'm getting a locked 30 fps, your "magic" v-number Nick is sitting at 0.2% but the resource monitor says the CPU is absolutely maxed out. And you can see the fuzzy ground textures. 

This flight, I was coming into London, but I get similar performance almost everywhere.

In rural England, I can get locked 30 fps everywhere and 40-70 fps unlocked. But either way (locked or unlocked), the ground textures don't quite keep up only flying a Cessna 177, or 182T, much less a Mooney M20T or an airliner no matter how low I turn the settings. I can get a locked 30 fps, almost 0% v number, not maxed out graphics card, and the textures still lag behind...


Any thoughts on this? 


Also, as others have reported, I can also attest to the "Scenery Complexity" slider not functioning correctly and anything over sparse having a significant performance loss. In Southampton, I lose 10-20 fps moving it from "sparse" to "normal." In London, I lose about 10-15 fps doing the same but also I lose a ton of smoothness. On a short final into EGHH, with "Scenery Complexity" at "Ultra," fps pulled down to 24 with long frames but the same scenario with "Scenery Complexity" at "sparse," I had 55-60 fps and buttery smooth...


Overall, visually, when the scenery is loaded, it is FANTASTIC!!! A BEAUTIFUL PRODUCT!!! 

But there are some performance issues that need to be worked out. I have tried JV's settings, your settings Nick, various others, and have just been playing around with my own. So far, no solutions for me. Any insights you can offer would be great but I also wanted to share some of my findings for ORBX's information on a future update for this product. 


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I'm getting similar results too with my broadly similar system (i7 5820K, 16 GB RAM, GTX 980) though the difference between 'Sparse' and 'Normal' is less pronounced. This may be down to the additional video memory in the 980 (4GB as opposed to 2GB), however as soon as I get anywhere near London my graphics card max's out (unless scenery complexity is set to Sparse) and the CPU usage drops below 10% while it waits for the GPU. As you say when fully loaded TrueEarth is indeed a "FANTASTIC!!! A BEAUTIFUL PRODUCT!!!" and this has prompted me to upgrade my whole system, while seeing the GPU maxed out with TE has made me select a more powerful graphics card than I would otherwise have gone for.


However looking at feedback on the forums I'm still not expecting my new (and far too expensive) system to overcome the 'flying ahead of the scenery' issue, which in the final analysis I think is the most significant problem on the P3D implementation of TE and perhaps  a problem only Lockheed Martin can overcome, unless (hopefully) anyone has found a way reduce this without using 'Sparse'?


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