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Orlando City scene


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I have down loaded via FTX3  and installed as suggested including un-checking Orlando and KORL but it was taking ages to load and  after it did there were gates ( i think GSX 2) but no Terminal buildings so i used FTX3 to uninstall. Checking default again there are now no  default terminal buildings either with Orlando and KORL checked or unchecked. i reinstalled City Scene via FTX3 but still no Terminal buildings but there are  buildings surrounding KMCO at Orbx city scene and default Terminal buildings at every other default airport. I have checked that Orbx FTX AA Orlando is checked and it is. I am wondering if something has accidentally been corrupted or deleted  - this is a first for me; any ideas please.

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15 hours ago, Russjm said:

I have down loaded via FTX3  and installed as suggested including un-checking Orlando and KORL but it was taking ages to load and  after it did there were gates ( i think GSX 2) but no Terminal buildings so i used FTX3 to uninstall. Checking default again there are now no  default terminal buildings either with Orlando and KORL checked or unchecked. i reinstalled City Scene via FTX3 but still no Terminal buildings but there are  buildings surrounding KMCO at Orbx city scene and default Terminal buildings at every other default airport. I have checked that Orbx FTX AA Orlando is checked and it is. I am wondering if something has accidentally been corrupted or deleted. in addition to the above, it stalls for a long time at loading terrain data 6% and i have re-downloaoed from Prepar3d fresh scenery files and installer and fresh content files and installer all installed and still no termional buildings


Annotation 2019-01-17 132214.jpg

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I agree 100% there is a problem  with this scenery. I'm have the same problems as those indicated above. 

The scenery take forever to load and the jetways are missing. I've uninstalled this scenery and we are back to normal.

I have all Global, North American, Europe and Oceania scenery with many airports installed and this is the only

scenery with issues.

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firstly thank you for your responses;


my scenery sliders are set to very dense, is set to, mesh resolution 2m, texture resolution 15cm. yes the default terminals are now missing but they were not prior to orbx being installed, they were there along with traditional spurious trees on taxiways etc; hence my query re a possible corruption of the download or uninstall.

also tried forced migration no change 

aec re-run  but weirdly i cant disable or enable as KMCO is not showing in either list 


ive tried scenery and content but that didn't work but and i wondered if the kmco file was still around but moved/ hidden but the scenery is now missing should i uninstall, download fresh client, uninstal download reinstall fresh content and unistall down load and reinstall fresh scenery files as if doing a p3d upgrade.

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RESOLVED i think this is an Orlando City scene problem but this what worked for a non genius like me 10 minutes max.


1) making sure P3d was closed I deleted the   C:\Users\(me)\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 .CFG and .CFG tmp files and immediately restarted P3D which rebuilds the original Config files, sure enough KMCO default terminal buildings appeared including gates;  all was looking good.


2) Using FTX3 I downloaded and reinstalled Orlando City Scene and i am back to the same problem of no terminal buildings; checked sliders still no change - all was not good.


3) I then closed P3D down leaving Orlando city scene installed and then repeated deletion of the .CFg and .CFG tmp files using the same process as in 1) above. 


4) restarted P3D again and waited for the rebuild of the .cfg files, checked the sliders position loaded the default JF22 and voila he buildings and  gates are there and orlando city scene



positives are i can recognise enough from when i took my ppl in the area to vfr navigate but what does need correcting still is load time i have a fairly good OC'd chillblast with a 1080 Ti and even with the recommended deactivating recommended in the documentation still it takes an age to load it is only Orlando City scene load that is the problem it is poor.

but the main problem is solved


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I have the same issues and tried all of the same solutions above.  No joy.  I own every Orbx product and Orlando Scenery does not load.  P3Dv4.3    Normal load time is 5min and Orlando didn't load even after leaving the sim to load for 2hrs.  Any suggestions?

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I should read the forums before purchasing these new products as they can cause massive headaches!  First of all, I don't have a Orlando scenery to disable.  I disabled KORL, but that's the only one I have in P3Dv4.3 after scrolling several times.  When I flew into the Orlando area, the ground textures were blurry and all of the airport markings were black.  Several buildings, and I think all of the signs, were also black.  If I try to load an aircraft at KMCO, the scenery stops at 33% and just sits there loading. 


I'm using P3Dv4.3, Windows 10 Pro current as of 1-25-19, and current Nvidia 1080 drivers.  Please help!



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Update, after several minutes KMCO loaded.  KMCO scenery looks much better than the default scenery.  With that said, I still have some questions.


1.  Why is it taking so long to load the scenery?  Will the Orlando scenery take this long to load when you get close to it inflight?  I'm going to try this evening if I have a chance to fly from KMIA to KMCO.  I'll report on my experience afterwards.  UPDATE: Well, I completed the flight and the results are not good.  The ground textures are very blurry and the airport markings along with many KMCO buildings are black.  Also, I'm unable to close P3Dv4.3 normally.  It displays "not responding" when trying to exit P3D normally.  Any ideas?

2. Why is the P3Dv4.3 Orlando scenery not available in my Scenery Library?  Do I need to do something to get it to display in order to deselect it?





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I deleted the P3D CFG and TMP files.  I did a flight from KMIA to KMCO again after a reboot and P3Dv4.3 rebuilding the CFG file.  Upon entering the Orlando area, the ground textures are still blurry and many of the buildings on the airport are west side are black.  As I approach runway 36L or R, the runway and taxiway markings are black versus white and amber.  I sat on the ground on the runway for several minutes after landing and noticed at some point the textures changed to normal colors and the runway texture looked normal.  I will assume that it took forever to load the textures and eventually it worked.  In either case, for my system,  this scenery is useless and I uninstalled it.  I’d prefer a KMCO airport scenery than the Orlando area if this is going to be the norm with this type of product.  


I wasted several hours trying to make it work and it’s gone now.  I think the product page needs to warn potential buyers of the the load times and issues associated with this type of product.  If I knew of these issues, I would of passed on it.  Live and learn. 


Running P3Dv4.3, windows 10 Pro (current on updates), 24GB RAM, GTX 1080 (current on updates), SSD drives only, Active Sky for P3Dv4, Ultimate traffic live (current and also turned off traffic approaching area and it didn’t help)

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Many of us have this same problem. All I can suggest is "just hang in there". The developers are aware of the issue(s) and are actively looking for a solution. These massive load times apparently didn't show up in the beta testing and there is no ready answer as to why some of have the problem and others don't. Time will tell but let's give it a little more time. Like you, I was really upset at first but after learning a bit more I realize that whatever happened was as big a surprise to the ORBX team as it was to you and I. Let's give it a bit more time and see what happens..................Doug

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I have the same problem with the missing buildings.  I followed the Performance FAQ and that has significantly improved load times to an acceptable level.   Hope this gets fixed soon as purchased this a couple of weeks ago and not been able to use to date!



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Yes, this issue at the airport will be addressed in a patch.      Usually we release the patch after about 2 weeks, so that we can gather info on any issues.    Believe it or not, this is the only reported issue right now (other than better load times, which I have not heard back from LM yet.  But, they have all the information from me and are looking into it)


There is another enhancement we are working on that will replace all residential custom objects with autogen buildings.  This is going to be an option, not the norm.   Switching to autogen buildings will help load times a bit and possibly performance.   Of course, autogen buildings are not going to look as accurate.   That is why that option will only replace residential buildings and not commercial buildings.



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Also, have you guy read the document posted at the top of the forum ?   It clearly explains the load time issues, gives alternative work arounds and also performance tweaking.   I would read this document before browsing the forum as there are a lot of suggestions in it.     It is a 12 page document so it contains a lot of useful info.




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