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Library update causes untextured objects


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I am a new customer, using FSX Steam Edition. I have just bought FTX Global Base, great product.

Before buying some airport products, I had a look at a freeware one (EDBH) that I installed through FTX Central 3. BTW, I was invited to update the FTX Libraries, so I did it.

Starting FSX, I saw this problem of untextured objects shown on the "EBDH App" attached image.

I thought it may come from your libraries, so I went to a very standard FSX airport (LFBO) that has no scenery add-on, and I saw the same problem again (see the "LFBO" image). I am not very happy to see that your libraries update caused a major problem in the most basic scenery of my standard FSX.


I saw this discussion in the FAQ:


The problem is that I don't want to pay for an additional product that *may* solve the problem and I don't want to stop using DirectX 10.


Is there a way I can rollback to the previous version of the library?

Or should I just get rid of it? If so, how can I do this? (FTX Central won't let me uninstall it)

I suppose that if I remove the libraries, I will not be able to get any of your scenery product, is that right?

If so, I should think about it with a 22.90€ price addition :)


Thanks for your help,



EDBH App.png


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welcome to the forums.

The black boxes come with FTX Global base.

You don't have to pay for the freeware fix at the Avsim forum or for unticking the Preview Direct X 10 box in FSX.

You can remove the libraries but as you say, none of the products will work and nor will FTX Central.




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Thank you for your quick answer.

I know that I don't need to pay to uncheck the DirectX 10 box, but I like it for the 3D cockpit view it provides. But I also like your products so much... that I would like to buy them all :)

What a dilemna...


I will try the free solution with AVSIM, and maybe later I will buy this DX10 Scenery Fixer. I read some forums where everybody says it is great, it even improves the frame rate. But I would just be sure it will solve my problem before spending that money.





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OK Guys, I got your point, I understand I should buy it. I thought the price was a bit high for just a shader fix, but it appears it does more than that. As everyone says it is a good piece of software, I will probably buy it soon.

Anyway, the free shader found on AVSIM did the trick and I am happy again :)

I thank you for your help and I will go for more Orbx products soon.





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