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Floating Factory/Warehouse Buildings

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All over my Orbx scenery in North America I have these recurring factory type buildings with chimneys that seem to float in mid-air - the chimney stacks go both upwards and downwards from the building.  I have Open LC North America installed, as well as Global and Vector, but I do not seem to have the same issue in Europe or elsewhere in the world.  I have tried reinstalling the products, disabling/enabling vector etc. and doesn't seem to make any difference.  Any help much appreciated from anyone that may have encountered the same problem previously.  Running P3D v4.3. Thanks 



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I don't recall the exact coordinates of the particular instance, but it is not specific to any one location, it happens in every urban area in North America - particularly anywhere in the North East where I do most of my flying. I get the same issue flying over most towns/cities.  

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the idea of a request for coordinates is to compare a specific view.

This might enable the identification of the exact building models that are not working for you.

If you can, please make a screen shot that shows the buildings, as close as possible and with

the coordinates of the shot either in the image or added to the post.


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Sure, please see attached.  Both taken from ~10,000ft.  Orbx Global + Open LC North America Vector. 


First image is Providence, RI - N41 49.10; W71 24.28

Second is from Hartford, CT - N41 45.04; W72 39.32


In both you can see the issue with the chimneys from the generic warehouse buildings, seems to be the same building that causes it each time. It's the same issue for any urban area in that region.  It doesn't seem to happen in North American areas where I have a region scenery overlaid - e.g. Rockies, NORCAL, Alaska etc. and also doesn't seem to happen in other areas of the world where I just have Global or in Europe with the LC there....which makes me think the issue must be isolated to Open LC North America somehow. 





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Thanks Daniel


I notice that in all your above examples, there are also missing bridges at the location of the stacks, I am not able to replicate the issue or remove the bridges by deactivating OpenLC and/or Vector, which leads me to believe it may be a default scenery issue...


Could you please attach a copy of your scenery.cfg file found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\scenery.

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Hi Daniel,


that looks like the odd issue with generic extrusion objects (most bridges, antennae, chimneys, etc.) that is somehow linked to the camera specifications of certain aircraft. 


See https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/136448-pikes-on-ground/

and https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/88783-ywol-issue-bridges/?tab=comments#comment-853853

and https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/82009-vector-115-bridge-pylon-issue/?do=findComment&comment=754048



Cheers, Holger

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