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TrueEarth Netherlands land over water bodies


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Hi all,


Today, I did a flight to Amsterdam and realised that there is land over water bodies. I paste a top down screenshot to show the problem. I tried to disable PILOT's mesh but this did not solve the problem.

I have FlyTampa EHAM installed as per ORBX compatibility instructions.


Any idea what is wrong or how to fix that?


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Hi there,


it looks like something is excluding the water polygons for those areas. Given that adjacent rivers and lakes display correctly it doesn't appear to be a general issue with the TE Netherlands installation.


Do you have third-party add-ons active above the Orbx block that may contain local water exclude files?


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger and thank you very much for your reply. The only third-party add-on that I have in the area is FlyTampa EHAM which I have installed according to your instructions and compatibility files. I really don't have any other add-on in the Netherlands. I will try to re-install TE Netherlands and report back..

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Hi Holger

Profiting this post I would like to ask about my post made long ago and which is unsolved yet. I don't have missing water bodies, but strange water textures. Any ideas? I also have Fly Tampa and installed it according to your instructions too. All works fine except this issue.



Thank you!






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Hi Pilot,


I'm not seeing anything obvious that would explain the issue. Your terrain.cfg file has the correct custom entries for the water polygons and the scenery library doesn't show any "suspicious" entries either.


I'd still test whether any of the non-Orbx add-ons at higher display priority are involved. You can either manually uncheck them in the menu or, the quicker option, temporarily move the insertion point tool setting back to "at the top of the scenery library". Doing this would allow you to exclude or confirm third-party influence on the problem. 


Cheers, Holger

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Thank you for the reply again Holger. I tried the second solution but the problem remains. However its because my add-on.xml entries are always on top. I will try to disable them one by one to see if it goes away and report back if I find the solution.

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Finally after hours of enabling/disabling and reloading Prepar3D, I found that the problem was created from a 3rd party addon airport which was not P3Dv4 compatible but I had added manually. Now I learned to be more cautious when adding non p3dv4 compatible sceneries. 


Again, thank you very much Holger for pointing me to the right direction and for taking the time to inspect my files. I am very grateful and really appreciate your support.

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