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FTX Issue - Strange Phenomenon with P3dv4

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My pc specs as under :

i7-6700k overclocked to 4.5 Ghz
KF2/Galax 1080Ti (Brand new)
800W Corsair PSU
16Gigs DDR4 @ 3200
Win 10 Pro on SSD
P3d v4.3 on another SSD

43" single monitor @ 4K displaying P3D visuals (No cockpit view)

Settings :
TF - 16x
Texture Resolution - Tried both 1024 and 2048
Vsync - ON
Target Frame Rate - 31 (Monitor refresh rate set to 30)
LOD Radius - Max
Tesselation High
Mesh Resolution - 5m
Terrain Resolution - 7cm
High Resolution Terrain Textures - ON
Scenery Complexity - Dense
All Autogens - Normal
Dynamic 3D Autogen Vegetation - OFF
Water Detail - High
Dynamic Lighting - OFF
Shadows - OFF

No tweaks in P3D.cfg

Rex Skyforce 3D - Not Installed
Activesky for P3d4 - Not installed


Started out with a clean install of Win 10 Pro and P3d v4.3
Installed FTXGlobal Base Pack and checked visuals from stock LOWS - All ok
Installed FTXGlobal OpenLC Europe and checked visuals from stock LOWS - All ok
Installed FTXGlobal Germany South and checked visuals from stock LOWS - All ok
Installed FTXInnsbruck and checked visuals - Mountains blurred
Uninstalled FTXInnsbruck and checked visuals - Back to as it was before installing Salzburg


Did a short flight after every install (with Innsbruck too) and the flight experience was absolutely smooth with rock steady 30fps.

Conclusion - There is something that does not allow rendering of the Innsbruck texture . I am assuming that this will be the case for all the other sceneries that I would install. However, it is strange that this is not the case with FTXGlobal Base Pack, FTX Open LC Europe & Germany South as the rendering is perfect and I could make out the difference between one layer and the next. What I dont understand is why is the GPU displaying crisp textures of FTXGlobal Base and FTX Open LC Europe and FTX Germany South while displaying blurred textures from FTX Innsbruck.

I tried a clcean install of the drivers for the GPU (latest version installed : 416.34) using DDU. Tried a clean install of the older driver that came with the GPU but no improvement.

One thing maybe worth noticing is that the CPU usage is around 40-60% whereas the GPU does not move beyond 30% at any point of time (monitored using MSI Afterburner).


All help is welcome







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Thanks for the quick assistance


Texture Filtering is set to Anisotropic 16X

Antialiasing set to 4xSSAA


...as mentioned above


How is it that others with lower pc specifications do not have an issue? 

What do you think I should do to arrest this problem?






Note : I am not using nVidia Inspector 

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16 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


the one is landclass scenery and the other a photo scenery insert.

You will need high filtering and antaliasing settings to see the best of photo scenery.

Also set the textures to 4096x4096.  No luck yet?


Could the nVidia driver be the culprit?


If so, I need a suggestion on which driver version to try.  My card is new and have tried the version that came with the GPU and the recent one.  I have no other history of nVidia drivers for this particular card.


Or any other solution that you could think of





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Did a driver check and all seems ok.


Did everything I possibly could by reinstalling Windows 10 Pro, P3Dv4, ORBX but all this isnt making any difference.  Am I the only one with this issue?  I searched the internet for hours but found one that comes close to what I am facing.  Seems that they have not found any solution as well.


Request the ORBX team to investigate and suggest solutions for this issue.







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