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Freeze near SGFI,OpenLC South America


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I use P3Dv4 on Windows 10. When descending toward SGFI, or taking off from there, when I am near 4000ft altitude P3Dv4 freezes for a few seconds, then sends me to my default flight on ground at LFBT. When I remove OpenLC South America, the problem disappears. So I guess there is a bug in OpenLC. I tried several times, always with the same results.

Any idea?




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you have posted a support question and Doug has offered you a suggestion.

It is entirely up to you whether you choose to try his suggestion or not.

I have simply added that your reported problem is typical of an aircraft crash

as depicted by the simulator.

If you don't wish to try Doug's suggestion that's fine and the matter is closed.


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Ok, I summarize what I did:

* When I remove openLC SouthAmerica (from the library), and crash detection is on, no crash.

* When I add openLCSA in the library and I ignore crash detection, no crash.

When I enable crash detection, crash occurs a few miles after take-off from SGFI. I have purchased openLC South America only recently, but i have flown several flights in Peru and Bolivia wthout crash.

I attach a screen copy (LittleNav Map), with the locations of crashes for 4 flights. For each flight I fly straight from SGFI, in different headings, to see if a pattern emerges.

Crashes 1,2,3  occured when using the A2A Comanche 250 (add on), which I use a lot.

Crash 4 occured when using the Caronado Bonanza A36, a stock plane of P3Dv4.


1, 3 and 4 appear to be aligned, but I don't know, maybe just by chance. I should try more flights, but it takes time...

Some crashes happened while i was changing view or moving trim, but others just while watching the display.







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Hello support staff,

No comment ? It seems clear now that with openLC South America installed (and of course crash detection enabled) approaching, or departing from, SGFI leads to a mid-air crash a few miles from the airport. Either with stock or add-on planes.

Needless to say, i want to have crash detection enabled, since it's more realistic.

I'd really like to know if there is a bug in openLC, or in my P3Dv4 configuration.

If anyone has 15mn free, you can try it, just take off from SGFI and wait for crash.





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