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ENHF aircraft under the apron


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I've already searched on this forum about this issue and I already tried every possible solution mentioned there (renaming the ENHF .bgl to .off, updating libraries, checking the fsx library order)


I'm using FSX-SE with Global+Vector+Open LC Europe + Norway region.


Here's the issue I have using the A2A cherokee






Using the default Trike I don't have any issue




I also tried to load the Cherokee in another airport and then using "Go to airport" function, but the aircraft is still below ground level. 


Any other hints?



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this airport has a sloping runway and is therefore built on a model.

It is therefore possible to "fall off" this model and also to fall through it.

I expect that you have found, as I have, that one can perfectly well taxi

to and from 3 and also load the aircraft perfectly well on the runway.

The only thing one cannot do is to load the airport at Parking 3.

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If you wish to ask for a refund on the basis that you cannot load the aircraft at parking place 3

but that it is otherwise without fault, please submit a support ticket



I don't understand what do you mean with this.

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it is an answer to your comment.



I would't have bought it if I had known about this bug


I do not think that it is possible to fix parking place 3.

If you are dissatisfied with a product, you have the option to apply for a refund.

This does not guarantee that there will be one, the decision is not mine.


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  • 2 months later...
On 9/22/2018 at 10:39 PM, Nick Cooper said:

this airport has a sloping runway and is therefore built on a model.

It is therefore possible to "fall off" this model and also to fall through it.

I expect that you have found, as I have, that one can perfectly well taxi

to and from 3 and also load the aircraft perfectly well on the runway.

The only thing one cannot do is to load the airport at Parking 3.


Pardon me for reviving an old post, but I purchased Hammerfest today and I have exactly the same problem as the OP but with P3D V4.3.

Tried with two different add-on aircraft from different manufacturers with same result : aircraft has part sunk into the tarmac.

I've got Global Base Pack, OpenLC Europe and Global Vector installed.

The only locations at the airport that I can find in the P3D menu, are "Active Runway", "PARKING 3 -- RAMP GA SMALL" and "Tower Controller".

If I select "Active Runway", the aircraft gets placed in exactly the same location as : "PARKING 3 -- RAMP GA SMALL" and in both cases with part of the aircraft hidden under the tarmac.

In Global Vector I have run auto-configuration to try & eliminate airport elevation problems, but to no avail (ENHF is not even listed there so can't be corrected manually).

I already uninstalled and re-installed ENHF (downloaded it again too, did not use saved data) : made no difference.

As installed, the ENHF airport is unusable in my setup : I can't load the aircraft in either of the two locations offered (no point placing it at the Tower Controller !).

Is there any way that this can be fixed ?

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12 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Perhaps we can have a comment from the developer, @Finni Hansen


I will open a support ticket.

Oops - just noticed that support tickets cannot be used for technical support.

OK will just have to wait until (and if) the developer can address the issue.

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Well, I just fired up FSX, selected the A2A Bonanza and Parking Spot 3, and the aircraft was sunken as per the original post.  I then used slew to simply raise the aircraft and drop it back on the ground as per Nick's suggestion.  I then saved the flight as ENHF.  Closed down FSX.  Restarted FSX and loaded the flight ENHF.  The aircraft was sitting exactly where it had been saved, on top of the ground.


I would suggest that this is a very small compromise to have to make to get the aircraft where you want it while still enjoying the other features of this very unique airport.


Here's my saved flight untouched except to move the view to the side.



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