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KSAN v2 Jetways


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Hi Bill & Pete


I went to my sim to check this too. And my jetways also mess with the planes and are not adjusted properly, and I do have SCA ticked so this issue is not related to the one I read this morning.


I join your post about this discrepancy



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Thank you Matteo

Don’t worry, an insignificant issue in such an amazing scenery. I think we all seek for perfection. The scenery is a jewel and the performance outstanding. Thank you for the update and sorry to keep you busy





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If we can not get SODE jetways I would rather have static ones.  I find the jetway situation totally distracting when on the ground, even in user AC it is terrible.  In some cases it moves almost to the AC centerline, and well above "normal".  This is with several popular payware AC from different developers that work fine with SODE and default jetways elsewhere.

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3 hours ago, JPL19 said:

If we can not get SODE jetways I would rather have static ones.  I find the jetway situation totally distracting when on the ground, even in user AC it is terrible.  In some cases it moves almost to the AC centerline, and well above "normal".  This is with several popular payware AC from different developers that work fine with SODE and default jetways elsewhere.

Once FSDT GSX Level 2 is released it will have the ability to replace 3rd party scenery jetways with SODE jetways.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have also a problem with the Jetway position at KSAN. Reinstallation of the airport was no solution. Please have a look at the photo.

The scenery is correct. I have FS Global 2010, FTX Vector, FTX BASE, FTX OpenLC, FTX Southern California, KSAN. From bottom to top.


Traffic Programm is Traffic Global


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this is AFCAD problem,


to make sure all will works follow these steps:


1) Completely remove KSAN again, and make sure to don't have any folder related KSAN of ORBX version

2) Completely uninstal SCA and make sure to don't have any folder related to SCA

3) Do a deep search for other KSAN scenery in your sim, and make sure to 100% to don't have any other KSAN

4) Re-download SCA and install it

5) Re-download KSAN and install it

6) Set KSAN cp to SCA compatibility mode.


If you follow these step i'm sure 100% you will resolve your issue.


Regards, Matteo

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Greetings, I use KSAN quite often, I live here, and have replaced the Jetways using GSX2. All gates with jetways work correctly after that treatment.  I turn off the jetway BGL for KSAN , BUT, If you start FTX central often it overwrites the jetway off and messes up the GSX2 entries each time.

ksan jetway.jpg

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It looks like a number of the .bgl files are already set to .bgl.off so I guess GSXv2 turned them off when I set them to be excluded. 

Which files do I need set to .bgl.off?

Are they located in C:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_KSAN\Scenery?


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