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Black airport textures

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I've installed ftx central after I made an account a while ago. Soon I will purchase orbx products. However, ftx central asked me to install orbx libraries so I did so. Then I enter p3d v4.3 and it asks me to enable 'orbx object flow 2'. I clicked yes and then I see that all the airports in the game have black ground textures, as if they were burnt. I disabled the addon and restarted and still the same problem... Can you help please. 

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Sure, but FTX global base pack replaces the default textures, it is not an addon that you can turn off....so you can check for yourself by installing FTX Global base, go to Bahrain international airport and see how it looks, then install your photo real scenery over top and see how it looks....if you like it better with just the FTX global base pack, then all you need to do is uncheck/deactivate the photo real scenery in your scenery library.


I have a PTA preset installed and a REX TD theme installed, so it would not give you an accurate showing.

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Ok, first you need to set the insertion points in FTXC3 as per the below instructions.


Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.

Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".



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Ok, but please do not move any Vector entries around, they must be left where the installer puts them.


What are your system specs?  There is something else wrong that probably has nothing to do with Orbx....


But also please reinstall the Orbx Libs by going to your P3D\Orbx\User Documents\Versions folder and delete the "FTX_AA_ORBXLIBS .txt" file, and then reinstall the Libraries from FTXC3.


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