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Barcelona Cityscape should not be sold for FSX

Malcolm Wright

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I bought Barcelona yesterda because, mostly because the publicity gave the impression that this scenery would run under FSX and in fact FSX was specified as a valid Sim.

Sadly, today I have had to remove it from my machine because it was absolutely imposible to run the software, even using the default LEBL airport, without the system crashing because it had run out of Memory.

I have followed all the guide lines for the setup and eventually removed all the options that were specified in the documentation that should improve memory use. I have also downloaded the latest version that came out over night. I have used the simplest aircraft - the trike - but to no avail, so in the end I had no choice but to delete Barcelona, which is a pity because it is a city that I love.

My hardware is not the top but is pretty good, normally allowing me 50fps under most situations. The specs are:

Computer: ACPI x64-based PC

Intel(R) Core(T) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.2GHz

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070

Samsung SSD SCSI Disk Device 500gb Drive C: Only used for OS and FSX and related items.

ST1000DM 010-2EP102 SCSI Disk Device Drive D: Everything else!

Memory 16MB

So it is obvious that the problem is the old VAS problem. Which means that any FSX system is going to have to struggle to survive this scenery. What a pity!

Malcolm Wright


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Nick...can you share your settings with us? I'm inclined to agree with the OP. In FSX with all the sliders set at the middle (medium) the dreaded FSUIPC "bell" starts immediately at LEBL. When the flight loads (default Cessna) remaining VAS is 250MB. But.....there is always one of those.....with P3Dv3 the remaining VAS is 700MB. I can fly around for 20-30 minutes with P3Dv3 but FSX is a very fast OOM..........Doug

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Hello Doug,

you will notice that I have not disagreed with anyone.

I can't show you the FSX settings at the moment, P3D is running but they are pretty much at the right.

That shot was taken after about five minutes of flight.

I don't use AI at all though, maybe that's why you have so little at the start?

As we already know, anything except default FSX is a compromise.

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8 hours ago, Malcolm Wright said:

So it is obvious that the problem is the old VAS problem. Which means that any FSX system is going to have to struggle to survive this scenery. What a pity!


CityScene Barcelona has just had an updated to v1.10 released.  It might help your performance a bit.


Unfortunately, FSX is going to struggle with some of the more detailed scenery products. 

Even with P3Dv4, smooth PC performance is still in conflict with the level of detail that customers want in their scenery.  Developers are walking a tightrope of detail vs performance as they strive to make better and better scenery.

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Hi Malcolm


I tested this scenery during beta testing and I wasn't getting out of memory issues even with the original version.


Now, with version 1.1, (but without the lower details option selected), I loaded up the DHC6 Twin Otter (a mid range aircraft for complexity) and took off from El Prat, flew east along the coast to the incinerator stacks, then turned inland over the city towards the second airport, did a touch and go there then headed back over the range to the complex part of the city and flew back to El Prat, all worked perfectly.  And scenery sliders were set hard right , except traffic which are about 50%. 


I'm wondering if there might be a couple of things in your FSX setup to look at?


Do you have the highmemfix in your fsx.cfg?  Are you running DX10 preview?  LOD radius set no higher than 4.500000?  Texture max load set to 1024?  Ground shadows off?


All of these settings I think contribute to better FSX handling of scenery.


As you can see my computer is similar to yours, so we should be able to see the same thing.


Attached are my settings for the scenery and FSX, and the relevant section of my fsx.CFG  if you'd like to compare to yours.


This is the fsx.cfg file:   fsx.CFG 









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Hmm - some local setting on your setup must be causing you problems. Barcelona Cityscape is doable in my FSX. I’ve tried it a few times now and although it takes forever to load, once loaded, it flies like every other ORBX scenery: smoothly and clearly. I do restrict my active scenery add-ons to the continent I’m about to fly but I also run in DX10 mode at 2048 texture and 6.5 miles LOD radius with 3rd party weather textures, weather engine, precipitation effects and TrackIR so there’s a lot going on. It’s never gone below 900 memory whilst flying RealAir Legacy or Duke 2.

Stick with it - it’s worth the effort IMO. 

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Firstly I wasn't trying to get support as such I was simply expressing a feeling that this scenery is not suitable for FSX due to the limitations of FSX.

I have downloaded the software again and am currently trying to get it to work for me, because it obviously works for some people. I shall be spending a good part of tomorrow seeing if I can get it to work.

In the meantime can I thank John Dow on his generous donation of his FSX,cfg. I replaced my own with his and tried again, but to no effect.

Also can I thank Nick and ask him a question: I have downloaded the VasoGraph software but on my computer some of the fields on the top are overlaid so it is difficult to see the amount of VAS used and that remaining. Looking at the files in the zip it shows a image of a "compact"' version and also a "full" version. The compact looks more suitable as the display is clearer than the "full". However I don't know how to get hold of the compact version. I would be grateful if Nick could let me know how to do it.


Malcolm Wright

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Hello Malcolm,


John and I are showing you that neither of us experience



When the flight loads (default Cessna) remaining VAS is 250MB 





imposible to run the software, even using the default LEBL airport, without the system crashing because it had run out of Memory.




Crashes instantly for me. I have a the latest hardware and tweaks. I own all ORBX products...... Not Happy


and the screen shots are evidence of this.


It is not in the nature or remit of these forums for staff or fellow customers to see problems and not

try to offer a solution.


All products are rigorously tested before they are released and very rarely, they do not pass those tests.

Netherlands TrueEarth for FSX is the only example that I know of and it has already been announced that is not to be released.

This scenery is testing for FSX but even in this one topic, one can see widely varying experiences of the same software

and if the reason for the cases of very high VAS usage can be established, it will help everyone.


If loaded in Full mode, the Vasograph has a box marked Compact mode, click on that to reduce its size,

the box will then be named Full mode, as in my screen shots.

Click on that to return to the Full mode.

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I've managed to sort out the problem. I had "Preview DirectX10" unset. When I set it it worked fine. I tested it with what I considered the most complex aircraft I have, the Carenado Phenom 100, and it was as smooth as the proverbial baby's. VAS never dropped below 500MB!

Thanks to all those who helped, gave advice and encouraged me to perservere. Anyone who has the same problem I had should check the DirextX10 preview setting and if it's not set try setting it. If it is set and you still have problems then I'm afraid I can't do anything for you.

Nick, I managed to get the VasoGraph 1.0 sorted by downloading the VAS Monitor v1.2 which is clearer and shows the actual figures you need and the VasoGraph gives a graphic picture.

Good luck to all and if you have problems keep at it!


Malcolm Wright

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6 hours ago, Triplane said:

Unless you're running something like Steve's DX10 Fixer checking that box will introduce a raft of new problems. Not a good idea. Something else is going on............Doug


What's your objection to using the Steve's fixer and getting the benefits of DX10?  I doubt anything else is going on.  To me it simply looks like the scenery design program uses DX10 optimised coding.  I've used DX10 since the fixer came out and it has solved many more problems than it has caused.

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I use Steve's fixer John. No problem there. What I was trying to say is that checking the DX10 preview box without the fixer will cause other problems, e.g., black boxes on the street lights. Or, maybe I'm just confused...again...sigh...

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Hello Doug,

as you do use FSX Direct X 10, is this the case?




In FSX with all the sliders set at the middle (medium) the dreaded FSUIPC "bell" starts

immediately at LEBL. When the flight loads (default Cessna) remaining VAS is 250MB.



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I gotta tell you Nick, the more I sim the more I learn and the more confused I get. Yes that was the case but I think I've found the reason. My normal default flight for FSX is the C172 on KMRY 28L with all ORBX scenery installed. Using that default and then loading a saved flight at LEBL gives me about 250MB remaining VAS (I even got one immediate OOM before the flight ever finished loading). But when I use the saved flight at LEBL as the default and load it first the remaining VAS shoots up to 1.32GB. I have no idea why all that memory wasn't being released but at least I now know how to avoid it. Sorry if I muddied the waters..........Doug

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