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ORBX products & P3D4

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I just bought ORBX FTX Global Range but don't know where to install it.

i downloaded it through FTX Central.

1) Do I need to run an installer?

2) Where should I send ORBX sceneries?

There is a mention about Library Insertion Point. 


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Hi, welcome to the forums


Hopefully the below topic will be helpful. :)




Then after you get everything installed, apply the below procedure.


Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date. (is there a blue notification above the settings button in FTXC3?)

Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.

Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".




Then run the "Force Migration" option.


Then, if you have Vector installed, there is a Vector control panel access button at the bottom of the FTXC3 settings page. When you open it you can select the amount of road coverage etc, be sure to uncheck the "Frozen Surface (in winter only)"option, and check the Australia Add-Ons under the “Settings” tab, then go to the Airport Elevation Correction (AEC tool) tab and run the auto configuration process and be sure to click on "Appy" when it is done scanning.





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I am sure the question has been asked before, but I can't find it.

I plan to migrate to P3D4 from FSX-SE. I have over 170 Gb of ORBX scenery installed in FSX (almost all ORBX scenery and a few planes).

This scenery is installed on a separate D-drive with a symbolic link from FSX. Can I link this D-Drive installation also from P3D4 using a symbolic link in P3D4?

If this linking is not possible, then how to install this scenery for P3D4 without losing the ability to also run FSX with ORBX?

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yes, this has been asked a few times already.


You should not use the same ORBX folder because it does not contain all the same files.


You should install P3D and run it once.

If you want to use a symbolic link, create another ORBX folder and link it back into the P3D folder.


Open FTX Central, select P3Dv4 and install all your products.

Most of the files will be copied from your FSX installation, only the P3D specific files will be downloaded again.

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Excuse my ignorance. I have P3D on my D drive. When installing Orbx I should choose the P3D file location. Henceforth all new Orbx purchases are installed in this manner via FTX Central?


Should I uninstall the first Orbx purchase (I think it did this by default?) and then reinstall it- to make sure?



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Just to clarify:

I bought sceneries from Aerosoft and discovered that some of them are placed in P3D4 Addon Scenery folder and some go to a C:\Aerosoft default folder (linked to P3D4 anyway, so no problem at all).

Using FTX Central 3 the only thing that seen is the Addon folder, nothing of its content.

1) is imperative to place FTX Global Base below this Addon folder? 

2) FTX Vector & OpenC should be placed below FTX Global Base? In this order?

Many tks and hopefully this will be my last (maybe dumb, so sorry) question

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Thank you.  I appreciate you all getting back to me.

  • I reinstalled all my recent purchases via  FTX Central. Seems to be OK.


  • I cannot tell if Trees is loaded into P3D... as I can't seem to identify it. Would it appear in the P3D program scenery listing? ( i.e. where you can move scenery files up or down in priority, etc...). FTX Central advises it has successfully been installed. I do not see anything with a reference to Trees per se.
  • Vectors loaded OK. I did notice that the scenery priority of certain Vectors segments appears in different locations on the P3D scenery listing,  In particular ORBXIVECTOR_AEC is listed second to the last in the scenery files listing in P3DV4. Should I move all the Vector files up in the scenery ranking list or just keep my hands off?

Appreciate your comments and I will go back to the bench after this...



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