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CTD near 2WA1 Diamond Point

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If it's a CTD with no error message etc, just disappears on you, it's almost certainly an FS9 model in a traffic package of some sort, air traffic, boat and ferries packages etc.  Could be associated with other airports in the area as well that might have FS9 models incorporated.


Check to see if there are any conflicting sceneries in the PNW area...

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Thank you John for taking time helping. I have zero traffic on sliders inside P3D. I have disabled default traffic by renaming traffic.bgl inside scenery folder within P3D. I have ultimate traffic sliders all set to zero. The CTD occurs no matter which aircraft I use. Same place as soon as takeoff. I don't have any other airport in PNW area except Taxi2gate KSEA and the freeware airports OrbX gives. I tried flying at KSEA no issues all fine. Only near 2WA1 I get this issue.

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Well let's see if we can get this sorted. Open FTX central and NA click on Diamond Point 2WA1 to get to the

control panel. Scroll down to the the sixth option ( bushes ) untick. Scroll down three more to ( extreme vegetation )

and untick. Try that my friend and let us know how you get on.



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Is it a bug? Well call it what you like but if it fixes your problem have a beer and carry on :)

Some time ago I and a couple of others had this problem and this was the fix after a lot

of trial and error. I don't think you are missing very much by not having these selected.

At the same time that I was having problems with 2WA1 I was also having a big freeze

Flying out of NZMF for about 5 seconds, tried everything but nothing fixed it. On the day

that I came up with the 2WA1 fix and tried NZMF and what do you know, fixed.

Now how could this be I had done nothing else to my sim. Then the penny dropped

Mr Gates had blessed me with a rather large update that morning. Soooo I went into the

2WA1 control panel and re-ticked ( bushes ) and it worked just fine and has done for the many

times I have flown out of it since, err, until this morning when I read your post and went and tried 

for myself and bingo CTD just after take off. Milford still working just fine.

I'm going to check again after the next MS update which should be the next couple of weeks and

see if I can enable ( bushes ) again. No problem if I can't but I am curious.

Just as an aside I have more FTX AI air traffic at 2WA1 than you can shake a stick at no problem.

Hope you are still awake Adit, but you did ask for my reasons :rolleyes:





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Hello Kevin,


as the problem of the pause at NZMF has been vexing customers and staff for years

and is ascribed to the simulator(s) loading more scenery, I was intrigued to learn of

this proposed solution.

Unfortunately, after disabling all the grass and dandelions, I was disappointed to find

that the pause was still there at precisely



What else should I do please?

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Thank you Kevin for providing a good insight into the issue. As you mentioned, as of now things are working having unchecked those. Hopefully we will get a fix in the future. P3D 4.3 is relatively new so we can expect some updates from OrbX in the near future.




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18 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Kevin,


as the problem of the pause at NZMF has been vexing customers and staff for years

and is ascribed to the simulator(s) loading more scenery, I was intrigued to learn of

this proposed solution.

Unfortunately, after disabling all the grass and dandelions, I was disappointed to find

that the pause was still there at precisely



What else should I do please?

Ok Nick, Milford has been running fine with all options selected ever since I first played around with

2WA1 and it fixed by unselecting ( bushes ) in 2WA1 only. That same day I checked Milford to see if

it still had the freeze just after take-off ( not CTD ) and it was fine for the first time since I installed it'

Couldn't figure out how this could be by playing with 2WA1 and discovered that Mr. Gates had given me

a system update. I went back into 2WA1 and re-enabled ( bushes ) and it still worked fine.

I have since flown out of there  many times and it has been fine. After reading Adit's post I went and check

and dang me if I wasn't getting the crash CTD just after take off from runway 11. Disabled ( bushes ) and 

is as good as gold. Enabled bushes, CTD. I have some 70 plus ORBX products and have had very few funnies

so to speak. Sorry if my explanation does not meet with your approval but it is what it is.



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It is not a question of approval but a simple question asked after testing your proposed method of 

removing the so far universal pause at NZMF and finding that it does not appear to work here.



I am delighted that it does work for you.


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Hello Nick,

I might have given the impression that I disabled options in Milfords control panel. that is

not the case. I simply tried Milford to see if it still had the freeze the same as it had before

I disabled ( bushes ) in Diamond Point control panel. I was going to have a fiddle with settings

for Milford just in case I could fluke it. But when I tried it everything was fine and smooth as.

I had tried a lot of things previously but to no avail. I thought there could be no way changing

anything in the Diamond point panel could effect Milford. The only thing that was different on

my rig from the day before was an update from Microsoft. The usual monthly stuff.

I went and enabled ( bushes ) in Diamond point and it worked just fine.

I have never had a problem with either airport since then, until I went to check Diamond point

after the post by Adit and found it was CTD as it did for the fix so I have disabled bushes again

and Diamond point is back to okay. I don't think I have flown out of Diamond Point since I upgraded

P3D4.2  to 4.3 so that might be why I have had to disable it again.

If I knew the answer I would bottle it. When I went from FSX to P3D4 I installed all my ORBX stuff by

FTX Central one by one and trying each before the next and out of 70 odd downloads only Milford

and Diamond Point had problems. As things are now they work just fine, I don't know why and I don't

want to lose any sleep over it. It may be the way I have my sim set up. I have been at this hobby for

over twenty years and nothing much surprises me any more.

If I stumble across any relevant information Nick I will let you know.    

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I can confirm that there is a CTD near Diamond Point which is fixed by disabling the bushes in the CP as suggested.


I can also report that I may have found a cure for the long pause at NZMF Milford Sound.  My fix is working in FSX and P3D4.3 for me, I've posted at the dev area for the team to try it, if it does in fact work we'll put something up in these forums.


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For those following this thread, try the following to remove the pause at NZMF.


Before you start FSX or P3D, remove this file from your NZMF\Scenery folder either by deleting it or cutting and pasting it to somewhere outside the NZMF\Scenery folder.  (The NZMF root folder is fine).




If you still get the pause you can also delete the following:





But at the moment I have mine working with just the first file deleted, however whenIi was chasing the pause the other files seemed to maybe be part of the problem.


Anyway if you can try this solution out and report on your results here I'd appreciate it.


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