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HD Trees (transparency on edge of trees) P3Dv4.3

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I have noticed this phenomena too and decided to look a little more closely. I see it only on more distant trees, and as you approach the textures clear up. Attached is a shot of an affected tree in the distance but with the camera zoomed in times 48. Notice that the effect occurs when one transparency is in front of another and involves only the very edge of the opaque part of the transparency. Both FSX and P3D have various issues when one transparency is in front of another but in general P3D is much better.


In this case I suspect what we are seeing is a current limitation of P3D v4. It's remotely possible that the problem could be lessened by manipulating the texture properties, but texture properties are stored with the tree models, not the texture, and Trees HD only substitutes the textures. So the ball would be in LM's court from what I can see.  



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On 7/22/2018 at 6:08 AM, Doug Sawatzky said:



Have you untick "Dynamic 3D autogen vegetation" in P3D settings and restart the simulator?


They are 2D trees only.



thx, it isnt a big problem but Im happy to see not only me noticed this. ;)

Ok, I’ll write on LM forum about this.

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On ‎7‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 11:45 PM, YoYo said:

Ok, I’ll write on LM forum about this

If you do post about this issue on the LM forum, see if you can duplicate it using the default 'cruciform'  or legacy trees. That will be the first thing the LM guys will think of: can you duplicate it with default scenery?  If you have Trees HD installed and you kept a backup of the default textures (as confirmed by the file date), you could temporarily disable the Trees HD confers dds texture file and paste in the default one, then check an area with a dense conifer forest.  




I've now checked the default conifer texture and find the following:  on first glance the problem is not that obvious, but if I zoom in to the same level as in the screen I posted above, I see the same issue. See the clip below.  Here's my guess about what's going on. The Trees HD texture is twice the size of the default but has exactly the same format where the alpha channel is pure black or white, meaning a pixel should either be fully opaque or fully transparent. However with the upscaled texture, more tracery is possible and that makes more edges between opaque and transparent, so the problem is more evident. Again notice that the problem occurs only when a texture has another behind it. 114895799_trees2.thumb.JPG.df182da4101579627d5c26c81f4d5be1.JPG

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Hi all,


I have the same problems (wonder why no more users elsewhere...). This what I found out and wrote over there at LM some minutes ago:


It has nothing to do with the textures but with the models itselves.
This seems to be a framebuffer blend issue inside the trees model and I am almost sure there are wrong settings inside. If any staff member may have a look at, I am sure all models have wrong settings.
Correct settings should be

Destination blend=zero
Source blend=one

All other settings will cause these translucency edges.

Each response is very welcome.



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