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KEGE parking issues

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Product Transaction #:592cb8be4a834


I am having trouble parking at KEGE. I also had this same issue when I was using FSX:SE. whenever I’d land, I would get progressive taxi to the assigned parking location. I would get to the assigned spot, but no matter how many times I line up correctly where the arrow is pointing, it never fully registers that I have run over the correct spot, which creates the next phase in the ATC window which is the taxi back out instructions if you want to take back to the skies. I have tried this with several parking spots around the airport (minus the terminal parking spots because I fly corpotrate) but still the same results. Any help would be appreciated! 

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Hi Marshall,


If you could please do away with the sarcastic and impatient responses - that would be enormously appreciated. I would normally ignore such baiting however it should be pointed out that this is the second time you have done this. FYI it is normal to expect a response from us within 24 hours; we do not provide immediate chat-style responses for tech support issues. 


To the matter at hand; a clue can be found in the previous issue you had last year at KPSP - I suspect the two are related. 


Could you please post some screenshots of what you see, specifically the locations (with ATC guide-me arrows) where you are having problems.




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At KEGE it’s every “parking” spot. The picture really isn’t necessary because it’s literally every single one not just a specific one. I don’t know about the gates because I fly corporate like I previously stated. Let’s just say the 10+ times I’ve tried to park at KEGE it doesn’t recognize the actual parking spot so it’s safe to assume at this point it’s every single spot. I can’t imagine the probability of me just being led to the ones that don’t work. If that were the case, I’d have won the powerball by now lol. And about my responses you could imagine how frustrated one can get when they shell out almost $50 for a airport and can’t even park at it.  

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Hi Marshall, 


If you could please post those screenshots when you get a chance, that will be the most helpful thing, otherwise we'll just be guessing. If you haven't done it before, info can be found here. I understand it is frustrating but we'll help you get it solved in a reasonable time frame, we just need you to help us by providing the info we request. 




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I’m still not understanding what a picture would do. A video would help more because you’d see my aircraft clearly taxi into the correct position on the ramp and it still not registering. A picture couldn’t show that. Unless you just wanted a picture of me in the correct parking spot with the ATC window open showing that it still thinks I’m not there? 

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Interesting.  I just landed at KEGE (in P3DV4) and followed the taxi directions to GA parking.  When I got there Ground didn't recognise I had parked, the only option in the ATC window was to turn the taxi arrows on or off.  I had to go into Navigation, select the airport and the parking space and then it was all reset to a normal ATC window.


Same thing in FSX except it sent me over to the other side to park.


Don't know what the behaviour is supposed to be in the sim?  Does it recognise you've parked?  I've never assumed you can park, leave the plane running etc and then just ask for taxi clearance.  Normally that's the end of the sim session etc and you just start another flight.


If you do have to select the airport and parking space again in the Navigation menu I can't see it as a problem, it's a new flight, you can expect to have to contact Ground from a new situation.

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Here is what I found,


At KEGE, If I follow the progressive taxi and park at the general aviation spot, all is well in regards to the location it puts me, but I am only left with one option which is to "Turn Off Progressive Taxi" no other departure options. Note: The below images are just to illustrate that I was using Progressive Taxi, I did advance all the way forward into the parking spot. 





But if I do the same at a non Orbx airport such as CYYZ, I am left with a whole list of departure options without starting a new flight.










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Yup same issue here that I hope will get resolved soon. I had it in FSX:SE, and now in P3Dv4.1. I advance all the way into the spot and nothing. It still thinks I haven’t reached the parking spot yet. Combing through the forums, I saw that a few people had elevation issues with this airport... I wonder if that is playing a part in all of this. Like maybe the parking locations are above, or below the actual terrain that we see. Just a thought. 

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Just did a test at YSSY and the parking resets to various options such as taxi to takeoff, taxi to parking, taxi to fuel.


So perhaps the scenery design program used to create airports has a flaw?


Anyway I don't think it's a biggie, easy enough to go to the Navigation menu, select the airport and the required parking, and in a few seconds you're where you want to be.

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1 hour ago, John Dow said:

Just did a test at YSSY and the parking resets to various options such as taxi to takeoff, taxi to parking, taxi to fuel.


So perhaps the scenery design program used to create airports has a flaw?


Anyway I don't think it's a biggie, easy enough to go to the Navigation menu, select the airport and the required parking, and in a few seconds you're where you want to be.

Yeah that’s all find and dandy but if you want to have a fluent continuous flight then that’s not really an option. Besides, as much as we all shell out for ORBX products, the least we can do is have one that works correctly. Yeah we can all work around it your way but we all pay a lot of money and I’d just like everything to work lol

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  • 5 months later...

Hello, I inquired about issues parking at KEGE where the aircrafts position is not being recognized at the assigned parking location. I was informed orbx would work out the kink that was noted by me and a few other users that had the same issue. Does anyone know the status of the issue? I haven’t heard about it since maybe four or five months ago. Thanks! 

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/10/2018 at 9:29 PM, Doug Sawatzky said:



I will merge this with the previous topic.

Hello. Still waiting on a reply on this topic. Jarrad Marshall mentioned a fix coming down the pipes but still no word. I just flew into KEGE this evening and tried to park and it didn’t recognize my aircraft. Thanks

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